scientific notation day 1

Northeast College Preparatory School Lesson Plan
Teacher(s): _Mr. Launhardt
Grade: ___8th grade_________________
Subject(s): __8th grade math____scientific day 1
Date of delivery: Fri 9/28/12
Common Core Learning Standards Addressed:
8.EE.4. Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems where
both decimal and scientific notation are used. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate
size for measurements of very large or very small quantities (e.g., use millimeters per year for seafloor
spreading). Interpret scientific notation that has been generated by technology.
Students will have a better understanding of what scientific notation is how to differentiate between
standard form and scientific form.
Essential Question(s)/Guiding Question(s)
How do you convert from standard form to scientific notation (both large and small numbers)?
Higher Level Thinking Questions to be used during the lesson:
In the work period they will use higher level thinking when applying scientific notation to real world
What is the value of 10⋅10⋅ 10 ⋅10 ⋅10⋅ 10?
What might be a more efficient way of representing 10⋅10⋅ 10 ⋅10 ⋅10⋅ 10 ? In other words,
how can you write an equivalent value with the fewest possible digits?
What is 7.14 ∙ 10 ⋅10⋅ 10 ⋅10 ⋅10⋅ 10?
How could you rewrite this as one multiplication problem that includes an exponent?
Materials/Resources/Technology Integration:
Work book handouts lesson #6 scientific notation
Mini Lesson/Process/Procedure:
Example 1
An ordinary quarter contains about 97,700,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms. The average size of
an atom is about 0.00000003 centimeter across.
The length of these numbers in standard notation makes them awkward to work with.
Scientific Notation is a shorthand way of writing very _______large_______ or very
______small__________ numbers using __________exponents________________.
Scientific notation is written as the product of a factor (1≤ factor <10) and a
power of 10.
97,700,000,000,000,000,000,000 =
9.77 x 1022
Important Notes for writing in scientific notation:
 The ______factor________ must be greater than or equal to ___1_____ and less than
Example 2
There are over 300,000,000,000 stars in the Andromeda
Galaxy. Write the number of stars in scientific notation.
Standard Form
Product Form
_____ × 100,000,000,000
Scientific Notation
Answer: There are _____________________ stars in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Example 3
The thickness of a soap bubble is about 0.000004 meter. What is the thickness of a
soap bubble written in scientific notation?
Standard Form
Product Form
_____ × 0.000001
Scientific Notation
Answer: Soap bubbles are _____________________ meters thick.
Work Time/Activities/Task:
See handout in workbook lesson 6
See additional practice handout I workbook
Additional practice worksheet
Writing numbers in scientific notation
Numbers to scientific notation interactive activity
Convert to scientific notation video tutorial
Exponents and scientific notation video
Summary/Closure: Have students answer the essential question.
Journal Entry – When you change a number from standard form to
scientific notation, explain how you know which way to move the decimal
point and how many places to move it.
Access for All: Questions on homework will be addressed the next day in class to encourage them
how to answer the questions.
Homework: worksheet from RC
Formative Assessment: Making sure that the students grasp the concept of powers of ten by
answering the closure.
Adjustments that will be made for student success: Go over the homework the next day and
make sure the students understand how to explain the higher level questions by leading them with
guided questions to answer them.
How does this lesson reflect
academic rigor?
How does this lesson cognitively
engage students?
We will discuss in vertical team
We will discuss in vertical team
How does this lesson engage
students in collaborative learning and
enhance their collaborative learning
We will discuss in vertical team