What is the Color Run?

Color Run Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Color Run? How does it work?
Start out sparkling clean and throughout the run you will be dusted with bursts of
different colors every kilometer and cross the finish line a living breathing rainbow.
For the less colorful, there will be “safe pass” zones where one can bypass the color
What is the “Color” made of?
The color is made of non-toxic, colored cornstarch. The powder is gluten-free, dairyfree, and nut-free. If you suffer from asthma or have other lung-related restrictions,
please take necessary precaution as the cornstarch may cause discomfort to those
with certain conditions. Ingredients: Corn Starch and FD&C colorants: Blue #1 Lake,
Blue #2 Lake, Red #40 Lake, Yellow #5 Lake, and Yellow #6 Lake.
For more information visit: http://celebrationpowder.com/products/gulalholi-powder-2
How to I protect sensitive areas from color?
Glasses, goggles, clothing, shoes, hats and other desired protection will help to keep
color out of eyes, hair and other sensitive areas.
How do I get clean?
Dust off as much dry powder as possible from hair, clothing, teeth, etc. and use soap
and cold water to remove any remaining color. For light colored hair using leave-in
conditioner, olive oil, or coconut oil beforehand will help to keep color from staining
hair. It may take a few washes to remove color from hair.
Does the color stain?
The color can stain clothes and the skin. Typical machine-washing, with stain
remover, removes the stains. Removal of excess powder is recommended before
applying any water. Normal liquid dish detergent and/or de-greaser will remove the
color from paved areas. Power washers also assist in the removal of powder from
paved areas.
Is the color environmentally friendly?
The color is made from cornstarch and FD&C colorants. It can be easily washed or
blown from event areas.
How do I keep the color in my shirt?
Use spray adhesive post-race and let it dry before washing or spray your shirt with
vinegar, then iron it before washing.
How do I volunteer?
Help man color and water stations! E-mail: Fitness_Sigonella@eu.navy.mil or call
624-4301 to volunteer.
Is there an age limit?
This event is for all ages!
Can I bring a pet?
Please leave animal companions at home.
What is the best way to photograph this run?
Photographers will be present to take pictures throughout the race. To take your
own snap shots we recommend a zip lock bag to protect your camera and slow
shutter speeds.
What happens at the finish line?
Color coated runners will enjoy music and dancing, post-run snacks, and the grand
finale Color Bomb where participants can douse themselves and their friends with
even more color!
What should I wear?
Wear white so all the colors will be their brightest!
Is the run timed?
The run is not timed, more time to enjoy the bursts of color and photo ops!
Can I walk if I don’t want to run?
Of course! Just come and have fun!
For more info please visit http://celebrationpowder.com/faq/gulalholi-faq and http://celebrationpowder.com/wpcontent/uploads/Greeting-Color-Events5.pdf