World History - Lewiston Independent School District #1

World History
Ancient Chinese
Number: VC1347 Grade Level: I Length: 24 min.
This video begins with the bronze age and ends with Marco Polo's visit. It explains how feudal
warring spawned Confucianism, Taoism, and Yin & Yang; how these philosophies evolved into
the Chinese language and pictographic writing; how Buddhism entered China from India and its
lasting influence on philosophy and art. It covers Chinese inventions of paper, silk weaving and
early silk trade with the Roman Empire. The video features elaborate maps, artifacts, recreations,
animations, and ancient art.
Ancient Egypt
Number: VC1579 Grade Level: P/I/J Length: 23 min
Travel back in time to ancient Egypt, a civilization that began along the Nile River more than
five thousand years ago. Students learn about the importance of the Nile in daily life, the lives of
kings, craftsmen and farmers, and the legacy of Egyptian art and architecture that still inspires
people today.
Ancient Greece
Number: VC1580 Grade Level: P/I/J Length: 23 min
This program presents students with interesting facts about the ancient Greeks and their customs,
taking them to the Acropolis and the Parthenon, and teaching them about Greek mythology, great
Greek leaders and orators, the Olympic Games, and the beginnings of democracy. From
philosophy and mathematics to new ways of thinking about politics, history, art, and science, the
Greeks left a lasting legacy that has had a great influence on other cultures.
Ancient Greeks: Women and Children
Number: VC1351 Grade Level: I Length: 20 min.
A fascinating look at domestic life, living standards, and the role of women in ancient Greek
society. The program also begins the story of The Golden Fleece.
Ancient Mesopotamia
Number: VC1581 Grade Level: P/I/J Length: 23 min
Where did civilization begin? Many believe it began in ancient Mesopotamia, the land between
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Asia, in what is now part of Turkey and Iraq. This program
examines the Sumerian civilization in detail and takes students to the ancient lands of the
Babylonians and the Assyrians to learn of their lives and customs, many of which are referenced
in ancient writings.
Ancient Rome & Pompeii
Number: VC1348 Grade Level: I Length: 60 min.
Through computer technology existing ruins are reconstructed as they were 2,000 years ago.
these sites then come alive through special effects and reenactments to relive life when the
Roman Empire was at its zenith. Gaze at the temples, places, baths, theaters, and shopping
markets. go through the labyrinth under the coliseum to appear before 50,000 screaming
spectators! Watch Nero's Rome ablaze and Vesuvius' devastation of Pompeii. This video tells the
true story of Nero and other Emperors as well as what daily life was like for all the denizens of
Rome--slaves as well as free persons. It covers all aspects of ancient Roman life--government,
religion, commerce, arts, and transportation.
Arab World, The
Number: VC19 Grade Level: J/H Length: 18 min.
This is the story of the Arab world and of the conflicts that make the Middle East one of the most
dangerous and violent regions on Earth.
Number: VC628 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 26 min.
The video shows students how Australia's history has been conditioned by its remote location.
Situated on the rim of Asia, Australia was far from the mainstream of the rapidly changing
world; its Aboriginal people lived in isolation for thousands of years.
Black Death
Number: VC636 Grade Level: P/I/J Length: 50 min
In this program students learn about the culture of the Dark Ages by exploring medieval Europe.
Symptoms of Black Death are identified, and students see how its victims were treated by friends
and family. The causes of Black Death are investigated.
Number: VC1349 Grade Level: I Length: 20 min.
This architectural tour through English history explores what life was like in a castle and
analyzes the changing role of the castle in military.
Number: VC1497 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 55 min.
Castle combines colorful animation with live-action documentary sequences to tell the story of a
13th century Welsh castle. Author David Macaulay, who wrote and illustrated the best-selling
book of the same title, leads viewers on a tour of an ancient Welsh castle, explaining the castle’s
cultural and sociological significance as well as its architectural design. Colorful and detailed
animation dramatizes the building of the castle and portrays the lifestyle of the early inhabitants.
Macaulay’s distinctive artistic style is captured in his enthusiastic narrative about castles and the
Medieval Period. this critically acclaimed program was the 1983 Red Ribbon Winner--American
Film and Video Festival and received the 1983 Cine Golden Eagle Award.
Central America
Number: VC637 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 25 min.
This video illustrates the incredible diversity that exists in this isthmus between North and South
America, important because of its geographic location.
Central Americans: The Multicultural Peoples of North America Video Series
Number: VC826 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 30 min.
This video allows students to understand the great cultural diversity of North America through:
meeting a variety of families; earning about their traditions; exploring their unique cultural
customs; understanding their history.
Chaucer and the Medieval Period: English Literature
Number: VC731 Grade Level: J/H Length: 13 min.
The purpose of This video is to provide a visual background that will enliven and make more
meaningful the study of medieval English literature.
China: Land of My Father
Number: VC298 Grade Level: J/H Length: 28 min.
The personal narrative of Chinese-American media journalist Felicia Lowe, who visits China to
discover her heritage, gives this video a unique perspective of life in Mainland China. Lowe's
account is filled with observations on the gracious people she meets and the culture that is her
heritage. Her interview with a female journalist (like herself, a working mother) - her Chinese
"soul mate" - provides a rare view of the professional women's role in Chinese society. In the
touching ending, she is allowed to meet her grandmother and other members of her father's
family for the first time.
Crusades: Saints and Sinners
Number: VC310 Grade Level: J/H Length: 26 min.
This full-scale dramatization, much of it filmed in actual locations where the action took place,
realistically recreates the events surrounding the First Crusade in the 11th Century. Exploring the
motivations of the people and their leaders, it climaxes in the taking of Jerusalem, and the eternal
irony of "holy" war is revealed.
Number: VC966 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 20 min.
Egypt is unique. It is the bridge between the African continent and the Asian continent, as well
as the bridge between two very different cultures. This program explores Egypt, from its wellknown historic roots found in the remnants of the pharaohs, to modern Egypt's challenge of
actively participating in the global marketplace. The strong Arab influence on Egyptian culture is
examined, as well as Egypt's progress since its independence from England in 1992.
Egypt: Gift of the Nile
Number: VC1583 Grade Level: I Length: 22 min
Students learn about the enormous impact that the Nile River has had in developing and shaping
the country of Egypt. It introduces students to the history of ancient Egypt and shows how
civilization has changed along the Nile. Students see how much the people of Egypt relied upon
the Nile and see how it affected civilization there in terms of trade, agriculture, and technology.
Egypt: Quest for Eternity
Number: VC 73 & VC1644 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 60 min.
The River Nile gave birth to one of history’s great civilizations. Through the centuries, the
ancient Egyptians created and constructed the most glorious monuments the world has ever seen.
Explore the great temples of Luxor and Karnak. Cross the Nile to the Land of the Dead and
enter the elaborately decorated tombs where the kings and queens are buried. Join Egyptologists
as they unravel and interpret the riddles of Egypt’s intriguing past.
Egypt: Secrets of the Pharaohs
Number: VC1647 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 60 min.
Who built the pyramids? What were the secrets of mummification? Which treasure were
selected for the afterlife and why? For centuries, Egypt’s pharaohs have kept these secrets to
themselves…until now. Travel to a land of mystery and marvel as archaeologists investigate
how the pyramids were actually built. Follow scientists as they re-create the ancient ritual of
mummification and discover how the bodies of the pharaohs were preserved. And be there as
cameras reveal the ancient underground vault that houses the mysterious ship of the Pharaoh
Khufu: his magnificent vessel for eternity.
Forget Me Not: The Anne Frank Story
Number: VC1266 Grade Level: J/H Length: 60 min.
Though she never lived to see her 16th birthday, Anne's innermost thoughts scribbled on scraps
of paper challenge us, and shame us, a full fifty years after her death. Anne Frank's life serves as
eulogy to the millions of children who perished in World War II. But she did not leave her
legacy as an ode to the past, rather as a beacon of hope to the future.
Great War - 1918, The
Number: VC584 Grade Level: J/H Length: 60 min.
This video chronicles the story of United States soldiers in the closing battle of World War I as it
was told through the letters and diaries of fighting men including General John J. (Blackjack)
Pershing, Sergeant York and Sergeant Harry S. Truman. It also features French and American
veterans and nurses who remember this great and terrible battle and recount their experiences in
the Meuse Valley, where heavy rains, rutted roads and a tenacious German foe led to the loss of
120,00 Americans.
Greece, A Moment of Excellence
Number: VC1350 Grade Level: I Length: 48 min.
This video traces the rise and fall of the Greek Culture: Pericles ushering it into a Golden Age of
unparalleled achievement in democracy, architecture such as the Parthenon and the intellectual
brilliance of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Discover the role of the gods in classical Greek society
and how and why the Greeks invented theater. See how their pursuit of intellectual superiority
was matched by their admiration for physical grace and beauty, from the fine arts to the
development of the Olympic Games. And witness how Spartan armies, a deadly plague and a
radical shift from open philosophical inquiry to conservative dogma cut short its moment of
excellence. This video shows lavish reenactments, on-site recreations, artifacts, ruins and maps
tell the story.
Horn of Africa - Somalia & Djibouti
Number: VC967 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 20 min.
The countries of Somalia, Djibouti, and parts of Ethiopia make up the desolate land of the Horn
of Africa. the Horn of Africa has always been a critical region of Africa due to its strategic
location for commerce conducted through shipping. This program explores these countries that
make up the Horn of Africa, and compares and contrasts them in terms of their economy, culture,
politics, and geography. Neighboring Arab countries also greatly influence all aspects of life in
this region to the point where Islam is the predominant religion. Viewers will see how this
influence, as well as the lingering influence of former European Colonization, affects life in the
Horn of Africa.
Incas Remembered, The
Number: VC614 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 60 min.
Centuries ago, the Incas performed miraculously technical brain surgery, built modern irrigation
canals, made agricultural discoveries still used by modern man, and were master builders...the
village of Machu Picchu at 9,000 feet above sea level standing as the awe-inspiring monument of
their genius. This video documents the who they were.
Indians in the Americans
Number: VC951 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 22 min.
It is believed that the first Americans migrated to these continents from Asia over twenty
thousand years ago. The first arrivals were probably hunters; but as centuries passed, the Indians
developed agriculture and advanced civilizations such as those of the Mayans and the Incas. The
video examines many of the contributions of the Indian. This revision will add information and
footage on Latin American and contemporary Indians, as well as add new maps and clarify
concepts on the diversity and unity of Indian culture.
Introducing Central America
Number: VC983 Grade Level: I/J Length: 14 min.
The nations of Central America are alike in many ways, but also claim distinct heritages. This
quick, in-depth tour will give students the background they need.
Introducing South America
Number: VC982 Grade Level: I/J Length: 22 min.
From the Caribbean to Tierra del Fuego, from the mouth of the Amazon to the Andes, the
history, cities, geographical features, and people of South America are investigated.
Introduction to the Arab World
Number: VC233 Grade Level: J/H Length: 48 min.
This video introduces the people and places of the region and addresses the most important
concerns confronting the Arab world today - in a format designed for those with little or no prior
knowledge of this region. This production is divided into three 15 min. sections: Overview,
Islam, and Arab Society Today.
Israel! This Land is Yours
Number: VC234 Grade Level: J/H Length: 30 min.
Come with us on a tour of this land of contrasting religions and lifestyles, a land whose
fascinating and turbulent history dates back to the beginnings of man. This is a land which has
been fourth for, destroyed and rebuilt time and time again. This is a land of mystery, a land of
cultures and civilizations.
Joan of Arc
Number: VC1328 Grade Level: P/I/J Length: 30 min.
The year is 1429. France clings desperately to independence as English invaders advanced ever
more deeply into French territory. Just as the city of Orleans seems certain to fall, a 16-year-old
maiden from Lorraine rises out of nowhere and through sheer, bold faith rallies her countrymen
to a surprise victory. Yet the celebration is short-lived; through treachery the English kidnap the
girl, brand her a witch, and burn her at the stake. And so is born the astonishing-but-true tale of
Joan of Arc, retold here with bruising, captivating and real-life drama that illustrates the power
of faith.
Journey Shared: The United States and China--200 Years of History
Number: VC1713 Grade Level: H
Format: DVD and a CD-ROM for Curriculum
The DVD, The Journey Shared has five chapters: 1) Beginnings, 2) The Open Door to the End
of a Dynasty, 3) The Republic of China through World War II, 4) The Cold War in Asia, and 5)
The Opening to China and Tiananmen Square. There is a CD-ROM that contains Curriculum
Materials. It was created by the U.S. Dept. of State in answer to requests for more information
about diplomacy.
Korean War: The Untold Story
Number: VC533 Grade Level: J/H Length: 46 min.
Loretta Swit takes you to Inchon, Panmunjom, Seoul, and the tension-filled DMZ at the 38th
parallel. You'll learn the dramatic history of American involvement with South Korea through
revealing interviews with Korean War veterans. And you'll see authentic battle footage from a
war in which 54,000 Americans died in just three years.
Number: VC1338 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 30 min.
Journey in this action-packed video to Palestine of the second century B.C., where Antiochus, a
Syrian-Greek king, rules over the people of Israel, confronting them with a trying test of their
faith. Greek sports and culture have won over many Jews, leading them to abandon their old
ways. Now they must bow down and accept the Greek gods...or die! Some submit, but not the
Maccabees, a small group true to the faith of their fathers. These heroes for God did more than
defeat a Greek army long ago. In defending their right to worship as they believed, despite
political opposition, they gained a lasting victory for people around the world. the spirit and
determination of the Maccabees lives today in the celebration of Hanukkah. This joyful Feast of
Lights, in which a candle of the Menorah is lit each day for eight days, commemorates the power
of faith and the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem.
Marco Polo
Number: VC1342 Grade Level: P/I/J Length: 30 min.
Marco Polo intrigued audiences with his tales of magnificent palaces filled with precious stones,
rivers filled with gold and "men with tails" who threw nuts as big as a man's head. He described
things no European before him had ever witnessed; yet no one believed him. While they were
sure this remarkable visionary could tell amazing stories, they were equally certain he had never
visited these wondrous places he described. Yet he had, almost 200 years before Christopher
Columbus ever set sail for the New World. This action-packed story captures the greatest
highlights of Marco's astonishing adventures throughout India, China and many other exotic
lands far from his native home in Italy. His spirit of adventure opened up new worlds to his
European contemporaries.
Number: VC630 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 26 min.
The video introduces Mexico, a land of extraordinary geography and remarkable diversity, a land
of fascinating history and alarming problems.
Mexico City (2 tape set)
Number: VC1277 & VC1278 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 60 min. each tape
Modern-day Mexico City is a product of its tumultuous past; the legacy of the Aztecs, the
influence of the Spanish, American and French invasions, civil war and revolution have all left
their mark, Ancient ruins, and towering skyscrapers, bustling markets and quiet parks, and a
variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds merge to create the vibrant energy of Mexico City.
From ancient ruins to modern resorts, scuba diving to sunbathing, Mexico is a place that has
earned its reputation as the vacation destination of millions! The ruins of Chichen Itza are home
to ancient pyramids and ceremonial sites dating back to the Mayan Indians. Cancun combines
crystal-clear water, pure whit4e beaches and a never-ending nightlife. Swim amongst the
breathtaking coral of Cozumel that is home to a rainbow of tropical fish. The Sea of Cortez
connects mainland Mexico with the rugged deserts of the Baja peninsula. Living is easy on the
beautiful beaches of Acapulco.
Mysteries of Egypt
Number: VC1646 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 60 min.
Legendary actor and native Egyptian Omar Sharif and Kate Maberly join National Geographic’s
award-winning filmmakers to weave a fascinating story of a grandfather who enchants his
granddaughter with tales of tombs and treasures. Travel back more than 4,000 years to a time
when the Great Pyramids of Giza were built. Through the magic of breathtaking large-format
cinematography, you’ll sour over the Nile, the longest rive on Earth…cross the deadly quiet
Valley of the King…and peer inside the shadowy chambers of King Tut's tomb. Then go behind
the scenes in a special 30-minute bonus program, The Making of the Mysteries of Egypt, to get a
rare insider’s look at what it takes to create a film that’s shown on a movie screen eight stories
tall. Explorers of all ages will enjoy the never-before-seen perspective on an ancient civilization
brought to life in Mysteries of Egypt.
Roads to Canterbury
Number: VC717 Grade Level: J/H Length: 20 min.
The objectives of this video are to: teach students the historical background of The Canterbury
Tales, explain the significance of the many cathedrals in medieval England, explain the impact of
saints on people during medieval times, teach students how Christianity was taught and spread
throughout England, explain the importance of pilgrimages in medieval times.
Roman City
Number: VC1496 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 50 min.
The Kit contains three instructional modules. Module I--People and Society examines the Roman
system of government, commerce, and cultural assimilation throughout the Empire. Module II-The Built Environment examines the genius of Roman engineering and technology in the
planning and construction of cities. Module III Daily Life examines the daily routine and quality
of life of the diverse population that lived and worked in a Roman city. Each instructional
module consists of a 15-20 minute video, a teacher’s guide and four student resources.
South Africa: A Land Apart
Number: VC968 Grade Level: I /J/H Length: 20 min.
A nation in transition, South Africa has gone through many turbulent times. From Dutch
colonization to apartheid, to its first democratic elections, there is more to this country than just
the headlines. This program explores the diverse geography, rich natural resources and
remarkable game reserves, as well as the unique political changes of South Africa's past. Viewers
travel to Cape Town and Johannesburg, the two largest cities in South Africa.
Soviet Union
Number: VC636 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 25 min.
This video introduces students to Soviet Central Asia, a little-known region of the Soviet Union.
Important historically as a crossroads between China and Europe, today its significance lies in
the Asian identity of its distinctive ethno-linguistic groups, their Muslim heritage, and their
rapidly multiplying numbers. A wealth of natural resources and a long, hot growing season make
the area economically important to the Soviet Union.
Spain and the Costa Del Sol
Number: VC605 Grade Level: I/J/h Length: 60 min.
You'll see the exquisite cathedrals, museums and historical landmarks of Madrid, Segovia,
Toledo, Granada and El Escorial.
Spanish Civil War, The: Volumes I & II
Number: VC603 & VC604 Grade Level: J/H Length: 3 hours each volume
To some who fought it was a struggle between democracy and fascism, to others a crusade
against communism. The Spanish Civil War claimed over 3 million dead and served for many as
a dress rehearsal for the Second World War. Until the death of Franco in 1975, no access to the
filmed record of this bloody war was available. Only now can the full story be told, mixing that
rare archival film with eyewitness accounts.
Vikings and Their Explorations, The
Number: VC767 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 11 min.
To provide an overview of the Viking civilization of the ninth and tenth centuries A.D., showing
particularly Viking ways of living, the extent of their conquests and their contributions to later
Wiley's World: Christopher Columbus
Number: VC890 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 22 min.
Wiley Beaton-Smith and his professor recreate with humor and accuracy moments from the
voyage of discovery, providing a valuable understanding of the man, Columbus, and his
World Population
Number: VC1068 Grade Level: I/J/H Length: 7 min.
This video provides a dramatic overview of the history of global population growth. As a
discussion tool, it can serve as a starting point for a closer examination of human population
dynamics and their environmental and social impact.
World War II
Number: VC1585 Grade Level: I Length: 35 min
Upheaval in Europe and Asia brought the first signs of a second World War. Students witness
important events leading to war, such as Lend Lease, the arsenal for democracy, the attack on
Pearl Harbor, industrial mobilization, and rationing. This program covers the European and
Pacific theaters, the beginnings of the Atomic Age as well as life on the homefront, American on
the move, the second Great Migration, Rosie the Riveter, and the internment of Japanese