Curriculum Vitae - Department of Teaching & Learning

David B. Vallett
Department of Teaching and Learning
College of Education and Human Development
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Curriculum Vitae
Educational History
Doctor of Philosophy (2013)
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
Major: Science Education Research
Specialization: Cognitive and Neuro Psychology
Dissertation: Factors influencing learner conceptions of force: Exploring the interaction among
visuospatial ability, motivation, and Newtonian reasoning in university undergraduates.
PhD Program in Science Education (transferred 2011)
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC
Major: Science Education
Minor: Cognitive Science (completed, May 2011)
Master of Arts in Teaching (2007)
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC
Major: Secondary Science
Bachelor of Arts (2000)
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC
Major: Biology
Concentration: Marine Biology and Ecology
Peer Reviewed Publications
Vallett, D. (2016). Soft failure in educational and learning games. In R. Lamb and D. McMahon
(Eds), Educational and Learning Games: New Research. Nova Science: New York. (In
Lamb, R., Vallett, D.B., Schmitter-Edgecombe, M., & Akmal, T. (accepted 08-15-2015) A
computational model of student cognitive process while solving critical thinking
problems in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching (In Press).
Lamb, R., Vallett, D.B., & Annetta, L. (accepted 03/07/15). Psychosocial factors affecting STEM
discipline participation. Journal of Engineering Education. (In Press)
Lamb, R., Vallett, D.B., & Annetta, L. (2015). The interface of creativity, fluency, lateral thinking
and technology while designing Serious Educational Games in a science classroom.
Electronic Journal of Educational Psychology 13(2), 219-242.
McCreery, M., Vallett, D.B., & Clark, C. (2015). Social Interaction in a virtual environment:
examining socio-spatial interactivity and social presence using behavioral analytics.
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 203-206.
Lamb, R.L., Vallett, D.B., Akmal, T., & Baldwin, K. (2014). A computational modeling of student
cognitive processes in science education. Computers & Education 79, 116-125. doi:
Lamb, R. L., Vallett, D.B., & Annetta, L. (2014). Development of a short form measure or science
and technology self-efficacy using Rasch analysis. Journal of Science Education and
Technology 23(5), 641-657. doi:10.1007/s10956-014-9491-y
Vallett, D., Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R. & Bowling, B. (2014). Diffusing innovations: adoption of SEGs
by K-12 science teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher EducationScience 14(3). Retrieved from
Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R., Minogue, J., Folta, E., Holmes, S.Y., Vallett, D.B., & Cheng, R. (2014).
Safe science classrooms: Teacher training through serious educational games.
Information Sciences 264(20), 61-74. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2013.10.028
Annetta, L.A., Vallett, D., Fusarelli, B., Lamb, R., Cheng, M.T., Holmes, S.Y., Folta, E., &
Thurmond, B. (2014). Investigating science interest in a game-based learning project.
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 33 (4). Retrieved from
Lamb, R., Annetta, L., Vallett, D., & Sadler, T. (2014). Cognitive diagnostic approaches using
neural network analysis of serious educational videogames. Computers & Education 70,
92-104. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.08.008
Vallett, D.B. & Annetta, L. (2014). Re-visioning K-12 education: Learning through failure, not
social promotion. Psychology of Popular Media Culture 3(3), 174-188.
Vallett, D.B., Lamb, R., & Annetta, L A. (2013). The gorilla in the room: Inattention blindness,
video gaming, and education. Computers in Human Behavior 29(6), 2183-2187.
Annetta, L.A., Holmes, S.Y., Vallett, D., Fee, M., Cheng, R., & Lamb, R. (2013). Cognitive aspects
of creativity: Science learning through serious educational games. In M. Gregerson, J.
Kaufman, and H. T. Snyder (Eds), Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity (pp. 5362). Springer: New York. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5185-3_4
Lamb, R., Vallett, D.B., Takacs-Pence, S., Harrison Coleman, J., & Annetta, L. (accepted 2012).
Ethical dilemmas of social promotion. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. (in
Cheng, R., Annetta, L. A., & Vallett, D. B. (2012). Research framework for serious
educational games: Understanding computational thinking in Pasteur's quadrant.
Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education 1(4): 143-151.
Lamb, R., Annetta, L.A., Meldrum, J., & Vallett, D. (2012). Constructing and validating the
science interest survey. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
10(3), 643-688.
Publications Under Review
Vallett, D.B., Lamb, R., & Annetta, L. (submitted 05-08-2015). Equity in after-school and
informal STEM projects: The effect of participant self-selection. Journal of Science
Education and Technology (In Review)
Lamb, R., Vallett, D.B., & Annetta, L.A. (submitted 01-14-2015). Identification of cognitive
correlates of 21st century skills using a cognitive computation model: an examination of
science learning with Serious Educational Games. Cognition and Instruction (In Review)
National and International Presentations
Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., & Vallett (2016). Interconnected relationships: Academic skills,
school behaviors, and motivation to learn. Paper accepted to be presented at 2016
National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Lau, J., Vallett, D.B., Ng, K. (2016). The ABCs of IRT: Introduction to Item Response Theory and
Rasch Analysis. Paper accepted to be presented at the American Counseling Association
Convention and Expo, Montreal, QC, Canada, March 31-April 3 2016.
Lau, J., Vallett, D.B., Ng, K. (2016). Advanced Methods in Instrument Development for
Counseling Professionals. Learning Institute accepted to be presented at the American
Counseling Association Convention and Expo, Montreal, QC, Canada, March 31-April 3
Lamb, R., Annetta, L., Vallett, D., Firestone, J., Petrie K., Shapiro, M., Matthews, B., Lamb, R. E.,
Cunningham, K.R., Hiliker, H. (2015). Factors Influencing STEM Major and Career
Selection, Poster Presented at Washington State University Academic Showcase.
Pullman, WA.
Clark, C., McCreery, M., & Vallett, D.B. (2015, April). Exploring the role of social presence in
socio-spatial interactivity. Paper accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the
Western Psychological Association (WPA), Las Vegas, NV.
Vallett, DB, Lamb, RL, Annetta, LA, Cheng R. (2015, April). The Influence of Serious Educational
Game Design on Student Interest in STEM. Paper accepted to be presented at the
international meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching
(NARST), Chicago, IL.
Lamb, R.L., Vallett, D.B., Petrie, K.B., Annetta, L.A., &Cheng, R., (2015, April). Examination of
individual differences and moderators of science content and 21st century skill
acquisition. Paper accepted to be presented at the international meeting of the National
Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Chicago, IL.
Lamb, R.L., Cheng, R., Vallett, D., Annetta, L.A., & Petrie, K.B. (2015, April). Latent class profile
translation analysis of student STEM career selection using Serious Educational Games.
Paper accepted to be presented at the international meeting of the National Association
for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Chicago, IL.
Vallett, DB, Lamb, RL, Annetta, LA, & Cheng R. (2015, January). Effects of serious educational
game design process on student content knowledge and interest. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Portland, OR.
Lamb, R.L., Petrie, K.B., Cheng, R., Annetta, L.A., & Vallett, D.B. (2015, January). Examination of
individual differences and moderators of science content and 21st century skill
acquisition. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science
Teacher Education (ASTE), Portland, OR.
Lamb, R.L., Cheng, R., Vallett, D., Annetta, L.A., & Petrie, K.B. (2015, January). Latent class
profile translation analysis of student STEM career selection using Serious Educational
Games. Paper be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science
Teacher Education (ASTE), Portland, OR.
Lamb, R., Annetta, L., Vallett, D., Firestone, J., Petrie, K., Shapiro, M., Matthews, B., Lamb, R. E.,
Cunningham, K.R., Hiliker, H. (2015, January). Factors Influencing STEM Major and
Career Selection, Poster Presented at Washington State University Academic Showcase.
Pullman, WA.
Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R.L., Vallett, D.B., & Cheng, R. (2014, March). Changes in high school
science student affect through Serious Educational Game design and development.
Paper presented at the international meeting of the National Association for Research in
Science Teaching (NARST), Pittsburgh, PA.
Lamb, R., Vallett, D., & Annetta, L. (2014, March). Assessment of student 21st Century Skills
using science based Serious Educational Games. Paper presented at the international
meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST),
Pittsburgh, PA.
Vallett, D.B., Lamb, R.L., Annetta, L.A., Cheng, R., & Peterman, K. (2014, March). After school
and informal STEM projects: Self-selecting of self-defeating? Paper presented at the
international meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching
(NARST), Pittsburgh, PA
Vallett, D.B., Lamb, R.L., & Annetta, L.A. (2014, January). After school and informal STEM
projects: Self-selecting or self-defeating? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Association for Science Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Lamb, R.L., Vallett, D.B., & Annetta, L.A. (2014, January). Assessment of student 21st century
skills using Serious Educational Games in the science classroom. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Annetta, L.A., Lamb. R.L., Vallett, D.B., Cheng, R., & Peterman, K. (2014 January). Improving
science affect through serious educational game design and development. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, San
Antonio, TX.
Vallett, D., Annetta, L., Lamb, R., & Cheng, R (2013, April). Interactions of visuospatial ability
with 21st century skills and selection of STEM careers. Poster presented at the
International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching,
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Annetta, L., Lamb, R., Vallett, D., & Cheng, R. (2013, April). Impacting the STEM career pipeline:
How science interest, self-efficacy, and 21st century skills indicate STEM career
awareness. Paper presented at the International Conference of the National
Association for Research in Science Teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Annetta, L., Lamb, R., Vallett, D., Cheng, R., & Peterman, K. (2013, April). Addressing the STEM
Pipeline through serious educational game design and development. Poster presented
at the International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science
Teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Lamb, R.L., Annetta, L., Vallett, D., & Cheng, R. (2013, April). The interface of creativity, fluency,
lateral thinking, and technology using the design of serious educational games in the
science classroom. Paper presented at the International Conference of the National
Association for Research in Science Teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Cheng, R. , Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R., & Vallett, D.B. (2013, April). Flow experience and science
learning in serious educational games. Poster presented at the International Conference
of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Annetta, L., Lamb, R., Vallett, D., Cheng, R., & Peterman, K. (2013, March). Addressing the
STEM Pipeline through serious educational game design and development. Poster
accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).
Vallett, D. B., Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R.L., & Cheng, R. (2013, January). Interactions of visuospatial
ability with 21st century skills and selection of STEM careers. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.
Annetta, L., Lamb, R., Vallett, D., & Cheng, R. (2013, January). Impacting the STEM career
pipeline: How science interest, self-efficacy, and 21st century skills indicate STEM career
awareness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science
Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.
Lamb, R.L., Annetta, L., Vallett, D., & Cheng, R. (2013, January). The interface of creativity,
fluency, lateral thinking, and technology using the design of serious educational games
in the science classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for
Science Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.
Cheng, R., Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R., & Vallett, D.B. (2013, January). Flow experience and science
learning in serious educational games. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Association for Science Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.
Annetta, L.A., Vallett, D., Cheng, R., Lamb, R. & Fee, M. (2012, May). Using video games in the K12 classroom. Paper presented at the Web Connected Minds: How Technology
Transforms Brains, Teaching, and Attention Conference of Learning & the Brain.
Arlington, VA.
Annetta, L.A., Vallett, D., Cheng, R., Lamb, R. & Peterman, K. (2012, April). Enhancing spatial
visualization and mental rotation abilities through developing serious educational
games. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Vancouver, BC, CA.
Lamb, R., Vallett, D.B., Annetta, L, & Cheng, R., (2012, March). Development of a short form
measure of science and technology self-efficacy using Rasch analysis, Paper presented at
the International Conference of National Association for Research in Science Teaching,
Indianapolis, IN.
Annetta, L.A., Lamb, R., Minogue, J., Cheng, R., Vallett, D.B., Holmes, S.Y. & Folta, E. (2012,
March). Immersing preservice science teachers in Serious Educational Games. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Research in Science
Teaching, Indianapolis, IN
Annetta, L.A., Cheng, R., Vallett, D., & Lamb, R. (2012, March). Learning science through serious
educational game design: Results from NSF ITEST funding. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the National Association for the Research in Science Teaching,
Indianapolis, IN.
Annetta, L.A., Stone, M., Vallett, D. Cheng, R. Lamb, R. & Peterman, K. (2012, March).
GRADUATE: Experiences from six years of bridging in school to out of school through
game creation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education Conference, Austin, TX.
Lamb, R., Vallett, D., Annetta, L., & Cheng, R., (2012, January). Evaluation of technology
interventions within a science classroom. Poster presented at the International
Conference of Association of Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL.
Annetta, L., Lamb, R., Cheng, R., & Vallett, D. (2012, January). Infusing serious educational
games to train science teachers. Paper presented at the International Conference of
Association of Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL.
Lamb, R., Vallett, D., Annetta, L., & Cheng, R. (2012, January). Development of a diagnostic selfefficacy measure and its implication for teachers. Paper presented at the International
conference of Association of Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL.
Lamb, R., Annetta, L., Cheng, R., & Vallett, D. (2011, April). Development of self-efficacy in
science and technology: A measurement tool for training interventions. Paper presented
at the annual conference of the Washington Consortium of International and
Comparative Education, Washington, D.C.
Annetta, L.A., Deluca, W., Annetta, J.L., Deluca, C., Peterman, K., & Vallett, D. (2011, January).
Investigating high school students' spatial visualization and mental rotation ability in a
technology focused project based learning science program. Paper presented at the
annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Local/ Regional Presentations and Professional Development
Annetta, L.A., Elmayan, M.M., Haischer, N.C., Lee, T., Thurmond, B., Vallett, D.B., & Wheeler, S.
(2010, April). Graduate student attitudes toward the current and future direction of
online learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Distance
Learning Association, New Bern, NC
Volk, L. & Vallett, D. (2007, October). Teacher's bag of tricks. North Carolina Science Teachers
Association 2007 Professional Development Institute, Greensboro, NC.
Vallett, D. & Volk, L. (2007, April). Integrating probeware into science classrooms. PASCO
sponsored workshop, Wrightsville Beach, NC.
Dickerson, J., Kubasko, D.S., & Vallett, D (2007, March). Using digital technology to enhance,
transform, and teach microscopy. Proceedings at UNC Teaching and Learning with
Technology Conference, Hilton North Raleigh, Raleigh, NC.
Kubasko, D.S., Dickerson, J., & Vallett, D. (2007, February). From microscopes to Proscopes:
Using digital microscopes in high school biology classrooms. Poster presented at
University of North Carolina Wilmington INTERACT Technology Showcase, Wilmington,
External Grant Projects
Clark County School District, Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Center,
University of Nevada Las Vegas (2015-2016). Principal Investigator. Project NEVADA-S
(Networking Educators’ Visions Across Distances to Advance Science) Nevada
Department of Education Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. $453,904.37.
University of Nevada Las Vegas (2012-2016). Principal Investigator. Mobilizing National
Educator Talent (mNET). United States Department of Education CFDA #84.350C.
Clark County School District, Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Center,
University of Nevada Las Vegas (2014-2015). Co-Principal Investigator. Project FOCCUS
(Focusing on Crosscutting Concepts to Understand Science.) Nevada Department of
Education Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. $359,507.52
Nevada System of Higher Education. Senior Researcher. The Solar Energy-Water-Environment
Nexus in Nevada. National Science Foundation 12-563: OIA- Research Infrastructure
Improvement. $20,000,000.
Not Funded
University of Nevada Las Vegas, George Mason University, Washington State University (20152018). Principal Investigator. Collaborative Research: GRADUATE SpREAD: Games
Requiring Advanced Developmental Understanding and Achievement in Technological
Endeavors. National Science Foundation ITEST 14-512. $274,074.00. (submitted
University of Nevada Las Vegas (2015-2018). Co-Principal Investigator. Exploring Instructional
Techniques to Increase Cognitive Complexity Used by Students with Disabilities in
Secondary Science Classrooms. Institute of Education Sciences: Special Education
Research CFDA 84.324A. $1,175,458 (submitted 08/15/14)
University of Nevada Las Vegas, George Mason University, Washington State University (20152018). Principal Investigator. GRADUATE SpREAD: Games Requiring Advanced
Developmental Understanding and Achievement in Technological Endeavors. National
Science Foundation ITEST 14-512. $1,999,950. (submitted 02/11/14)
University of Nevada Las Vegas, George Mason University, Washington State University (20142017). Co-Principal Investigator. Computational Learning in Public Schools (CLIPS).
National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12. $2,381,594.00 (submitted
University of Nevada Las Vegas, George Mason University. Principal Investigator. STEM
Teacher Enhancement and Preparation for Under-served Populations (STEP-UP).
National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12. $449,068.00. (submitted
Professional Positions
Assistant Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas
* Taught CIS 632/634- Advanced Science Methods
* Taught CIG 639- Curriculum
* Taught CIE/CIS 637/638 Technology Integration in the Science Classroom
* Taught EDSC 463/563 Secondary Science Methods
Instructor, George Mason University (2013)
*Taught EDUC 672- Developmental Education Psychology.
*Taught EDUC 673/483, Advanced Secondary Science Methods
- Instructor of record Len Annetta
Internship, George Mason University (Fall 2012)
* Co-taught EDUC 673/483, Advanced Secondary Science Methods
- Instructor of record Len Annetta
- planning and delivery of lessons, grading
*Supervised on-the-job student teacher (Fall 2012)
Research Assistant, George Mason University (2011-2013)
- Analysis of fMRI data using SPM-5
- Revision of SPM-5 analysis protocol for lab
- Coordination of NOVA Regional Brain Bee, 2013.
* GRADUATE Project
- NSF-funded project in development of Serious Educational Games using science content
for and by K-12 students
- Organized data collection at K-12 study site
- Collection and analysis of survey, assessment, and interview data
- Liaison for teacher-participants
- Delivered 8 week after-school workshop in game design to student-participants
- Dissemination of results
Research Assistant, North Carolina State University (2010-2011)
- Collection and analysis of focus group and survey data
- Dissemination of results
Graduate Assistant, University of North Carolina Wilmington (2006-2007)
*Oversight of departmental computer labs
*Assisted with faculty research, quantitative data analysis, and writing for publication
*Assisted in instruction of undergraduate student-teaching seminar (SEC 431).
- Instructor of record Dennis Kubasko
- Facilitation of class discussion/reflection
K-12 Teaching Experience
Science Teacher, Millbrook High School Raleigh, NC (2007-2010)
Science Teacher, Leland Middle School and Shallotte, Middle School, NC (2002-2006)
Professional Organization Memberships
* American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
* Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
* The National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
* The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
* Popular Culture Association (PCA)
* School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA)
* Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE)
* American Psychological Association (APA)
* NARST Strand Coordinator, Educational Technology (2015-2017)
* University Faculty Senate Committee on General Education (2014-2016)
* Department of Teaching and Learning, Secondary Committee (2014-2016)
* College of Education Task Force Alignment Committee (2014)
* Department of Teaching and Learning, Master’s Committee (2013-2016)
* Department of Teaching and Learning, Elementary Committee (2013-2014)
* Department of Teaching and Learning, Search Committee for Learning Analytics Position
* Department of Teaching and Learning, Search Committee Chair for Department Chair
(2013- 2014)
* College of Education, Retention, Promotion, and Completion Committee (2013)
* UNLV University Forum on Retention, Promotion, and Completion (2013)
* NARST International Committee (2012-present)
* Editorial Board Member, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education- Science
* Reviewer for the Association for Science Teacher Education International Conference: Strand
6 (2013-present)
*Reviewer for The National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting:
Strands 1, 2, 4, and 12 (2012- present)
* Reviewer for American Education Research Journal: Teaching, Learning and Human
Development (2010-present)
* Reviewer for the Computers and Human Behavior (2013-present)
* Reviewer for International Journal of Mathematics and Science Education (2014-present)
* Reviewer for the Journal of Case Studies in Educational Leadership (2013-present)
* Reviewer for Computers & Education (2013-present)
* Reviewer for Journal of Science Education and Technology (2014- present)
*Reviewer for Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (2015-present)
* Co-developed Environmental Education Program, Airlie Gardens, Wrightsville Beach, NC.
(2004). Editorial duties and verification of instructional content.