
Publiction list
Peer reviewed papers
Stern R., Amorim A.-L. and Bresnan E. (in press) Diversity and plastid types in Dinophysis
acuminata complex (Dinophyceae) in Scottish waters. Harmful Algae
Bresnan E., Davidson K., Edwards M., Fernand L., Gowen R., Hall A., Kennington K., McKinney
A., Milligan S., Raine R. and Silke J. (2013). Impacts of climate change on harmful algal blooms
(HABs). MCCIP Science Review 2013, 236-243, doi:10.14465/2013.arc24.236-243.
Edwards M., Bresnan E., Cook K., Heath M., Helaouet P., Lynam C., Raine R., Widdicombe C.
(2013). Impacts of climate change on plankton. MCCIP Science Review,98-112,
Emelogu E., Seiler T., Pollard P., Robinson C., Webster L., McKenzie C., Herger S., Hollert H.,
Bresnan E., Best J., Moffat C. (2014). Evaluations of combined zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo
and marine phytoplankton (Diacronema lutheri) toxicity of dissolved organic contaminants in the
Ythan catchment . Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 5537 – 5546.
Brown, L., E. Bresnan, K. Summerbell, and F. G. O'Neill. (2013). The influence of demersal
trawl fishing gears on the resuspension of dinoflagellate cysts. Marine Pollution Bulletin 66 (12):17-24.
Eckford-Soper L., Davidson K and Bresnan E. (2013). Identification and quantification of toxic and
non-toxic strains of the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense using fluorescence in situ
hybridization and flow cytometry, Limnology and Oceanography Methods, 11, 540 – 548.
E. Emelogu, P. Pollard, P. Dymond, C. Robinson, L. Webster, C. McKenzie, J. Dobson, E.
Bresnan, C. F. Moffat (2013). Occurrence and potential combined toxicity of dissolved organic
contaminants in the Forth estuary and Firth of Forth, Scotland assessed using passive samplers
and an algal toxicity test. Journal of Science of the Total Environment, 460, 230 – 239.
Tett, P., Gowen, R., Painting, S., Elliot, M., Forster, R., Mills, D., Bresnan, E., Capuzzo, E.,
Fernandes, T., Foden, J., Geider, R., Gilpin, L., Huxham, M., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Malcolm,
S., Picart, S. S., Platt, T., Racault, M.-F., Sathyendranath, S., van der Molen, J. and Wilkinson,
M. (2013). A framework for understanding marine ecosystem health. Marine Ecology Progress
Series, 494, 1 – 27.
Brand, L. E., Campbell, L. and Bresnan, E. (2012). Karenia: the biology and ecology of a toxic
genus. Harmful Algae, 14, 156-178.
Davidson K., Gowen R. J., Tett P., Bresnan E., Harrison P.J., McKinney A., Milligan S., Mills D.
K., Silke J., Crooks A.-M. (2012). Harmful Algal Blooms: How strong is the evidence that
nutrient ratios and forms control their occurrence. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 115,
399 – 413.
Gowen, R. J., Tett, P., Bresnan, E., Davidson, K., McKinney, A., Harrison, P. J., Milligan, S.,
Mills, D. K., Silke, J. and Crooks, A.-M. (2012). Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and blooms
of harmful phytoplankton. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 50, 65-126.
Shutler, J. D., Davidson, K., Miller, P. I., Swan, S., Grant, M. G. and Bresnan, E. (2011). An
adaptive approach to detect high biomass algal blooms from EO chlorophyll-a data in support of
harmful algal bloom monitoring. Remote Sensing Letters 3(2): 101-110.
Brown, L., Bresnan, E., Graham, J., Lacaze, J.-P., Turrell, E. and Collins, C. (2010).
Distribution, diversity and toxin composition of the genus Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) in Scottish
waters. European Journal of Phycology 45(4): 375-393.
Bresnan, E., Hay, S., Hughes, S. L., Fraser, S., Rasmussen, J., Webster, L., Slesser, G., Dunn,
J. and Heath, M. R. (2009). Seasonal and interannual variations in the phytoplankton
community in the north east of Scotland. Journal of Sea Research, 61(1-2), 17-25.
Collins, C., Graham, J., Brown, L., Bresnan, E., Lacaze, J.-P. and Turrell, E. A. (2009).
Identification and toxicity of Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae) in Scottish waters. Journal
of Phycology, 45(3), 692-703.
Davidson, K. and Bresnan, E. (2009). Shellfish toxicity in UK waters: a threat to human health?
Environmental Health, 8(Supplement 1 (S12)).
Davidson, K., Miller, P., Wilding, T., Shutler, J., Bresnan, E., Kennington, K. and Swan, S.
(2009). A large and prolonged bloom of Karenia mikimotoi in Scottish waters in 2006. Harmful
Algae 8(2): 349-361.
Bresnan E., Turrell E. & Fraser S. (2008). Monitoring PSP and Alexandrium hotspots in
Scottish waters. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Harmful Algae. (Ed. by
Moestrup., G. Doucette., H. Enevoldson., A. Godhe., G. Hallegraeff., B. Luckas., N. Lundholm.,
J. Lewis., K. Rengefors., K. Sellner., K. Steidinger., P. Tester & A. Zingone), pp 76-79,
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, Copenhagen.
Brown, L. & Bresnan, E. (2008). Seasonal occurrence of Pseudo-nitzschia species in the west
coast and Shetland Isles, Scotland. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
Harmful Algae. (Ed. by Moestrup., G. Doucette., H. Enevoldson., A. Godhe., G. Hallegraeff., B.
Luckas., N. Lundholm., J. Lewis., K. Rengefors., K. Sellner., K. Steidinger., P. Tester & A.
Zingone), pp 165-167, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO,
Tett, P., C., C., Mills, D. K., van Leeuwen, S., Foden, J., Bresnan, E. and Gowen, R. J. (2008).
Use of Phytoplankton Community Index (PCI) to assess the health of coastal waters. ICES
Journal of Marine Science, 65(8), 1475-1482.
Turrell, E., Bresnan, E., Collins, C., Brown, L., Graham, J. and Grieve, M. (2008). Detection of
pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) species and amnesic shellfish toxins in Scottish coastal
waters using oligonucleotide probes and the Jellet Rapid Test™. Harmful Algae 7(4): 443-458.
Godhe, A., Cusack, C., Pederson, J., Andersen, P., Anderson, D. M., Bresnan, E. and et al.
(2007). Intercalibration of classical and molecular techniques for identification of Alexandrium
fundyense (Dinophcydeae) and estimation of cell densities. Harmful Algae, 6, 56-72.
Hart, M. C., Green, D. H., Bresnan, E. and Bolch, C. J. (2007). Large subunit ribosomal RNA
gene variation and sequence heterogeneity of Dinophysis species from Scottish coastal waters.
Harmful Algae, 6, 271-287.
Devlin, M., Best, M., Coates, D., Bresnan, E., O'Boyle, S., Park, R., Silke, J. and Skeats, J.
(2007). Establishing boundary classes for the classification of UK marine waters using
phytoplankton communities - linking nutrient enrichment and the marine plant community.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55, 91-103.
Karlson B., Cusack C. and Bresnan E. (Eds.)(2010) Microscopic and molecular methods for
quantitative phytoplankton analysis. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of
UNESCO, 2010 Paris, 110 pp.
External reports:
Devlin, M. J., Best M., Bresnan E., & Baptie, M. (2013). Water Framework Directive: The
development and status of phytoplankton tools for ecological assessment of coastal and
transitional waters. United Kingdom. Update Report to UK Technical Advisory Group for the
Environment Agency.
Richard J Gowen, Paul Tett, Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Rodney Forster, Cordula Scherer, Eileen
Bresnan, Kathryn Cook, Angus Atkinson, Mike Best, Malcolm Baptie, Simon Keeble Gillian
McCullough (2013). Plankton indicators: Development of the Life-form and State-Space Method.
Report to DEFRA.
Kraberg, A., Widdicombe, C., Wiltshire, K., Bresnan, E., Soudant, D., Tarran, G. and Smyth, T.
(2012). Phytoplankton and microbial plankton of the North Sea and English Channel. ICES
Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010, 313, 70-91.
Silke, J., Kennington, K., Bresnan, E. and Cusack, C. (2012). Phytoplankton of the Northeast
Atlantic shelf. ICES Phytoplankton and Mircobial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010,313, 92113.
Gowen R., Tett P., Bresnan E., Davidson K., Gordon A., McKinney A., Milligan S., Mills D.,
Naustvoll L., Silke J., Smayda T. and Coyle A.-M. (2010). Anthropogenic Nutrient Enrichment
Harmful Algal Blooms and Toxin Producing Algae. DEFRA final report.
Bresnan, E; Davidson, K; Gowen, R; Higman, W; Lawton, L; Lewis, J; Percy, L; McKinney, A;
Milligan, S; Shammon, T; Swan, S. (2008). Harmful phytoplankton un U.K. waters: Current and
future organisms of concern. In [eds Davidson K. and Bresnan E] Relating harmful
phytoplankton to shellfish poisoning and human health. Report Oban, Scotland October 2007.
P 11 – 16.
Bresnan E., Fryer R., Hart M. & Percy P. (2005). Correlation between algal presence in water
and toxin presence in shellfish. FRS Contract Report 04/05
Internal Reports:
McCollin, T., Lichtman, D., Bresnan, E. and Berx, B. (2011). A study of phytoplankton
communities along a hydrographic transect on the North East coast of Scotland. Marine
Scotland Science Report. 04/11.
Cook K. B., Bresnan E., Turrell E.A. (2010). The influence of naturally occurring algal biotoxins
on the biology of pelagic copepods: A review of the literature and data currently available for
Scottish waters. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science report, 1/15.
Turrell E., Bresnan E., Collins C., Graham J., Lacaze J. P., Amorim A. – L., Brown L. and
Koryzinska A. (2009) Ecosystem Monitoring: Detection of ‘indicator’ phytoplankton in Scottish
waters (ROAME AE1193) FRS Internal Report.
Smith, K., Webster, L., Bresnan, E., Fraser, S., Hay, S. and Moffat, C. (2007). A review of
analytical methodology used to determine phytoplankton pigments in the marine environment
and the development of an analytical method to determine uncorrected Chlorophyll A, corrected
Chlorophyll A and Phaeophytin a in marine phytoplankton. FRS Internal Report 03/07.
Fraser, S., Brown, L and Bresnan, E. (2005). Monitoring programme for toxin producing
phytoplankton in Scottish coastal waters. 1 April 2004 – 31 March 2005. Fisheries Research
Services Internal Report No 03/06.
Fraser, S., Brown, L., McCollin, T. and Bresnan, E. (2005). Monitoring programme for toxin
producing phytoplankton in Scottish Coastal waters. 1 April 2005-30 June 2005 Fisheries
Research Services Internal Report No 04/06.
Fraser, S., Bresnan, E. and Moffat, C. (2004). Monitoring Programme for Toxin Producing
Phytoplankton in Scottish Waters: 1st April 2003 – 31st March 2004. Fisheries Research
Services Internal Report No 12/04.
Turrell, E., Bresnan, E., Collins, C., Brown, L., Graham, J. and Grieve, M. (2006). Capactiy
building for ecosystem monitoring: the use of molecular probes in the study of phytoplankton in
Scottish waters (ROAME AE1191). FRS Internal Report 26/06.
Bresnan, E. (2003). Monitoring Programme for toxic phytoplankton in Scottish coastal waters 1
April 2002 – 30 March 2003. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report No 14/03.
Bresnan, E. (2002). Monitoring Programme for Toxic Phytoplankton in Scottish Coastal Waters.
April 2001 – 30 March 2002. FRS Internal Report No.01/02.