
Attachment A – PBM TOOL SET
PBM TOOL SET – as at November 2013
Establishing a PBM program
Business case to support implementation of PBM at the hospital level (in development)
What is PBM (written explanation and presentation) (in development)
Vision and Value statement for hospital PBM program (in development)
Suggested PBM team structure and job descriptions (in development)
Terms of reference for committee responsible for PBM (in development)
What PBM Champions do (in development)
How PBM links with Haemovigilance (in development)
Case studies:
- setting up a PBM program in a hospital
- setting up a preoperative anaemia screening clinic, including the use of treatment plans and
algorithms to manage preoperative iron deficiency anaemia (in development)
Audit and evaluation
Blood education audit tool
Appropriate use of red cell audit tool, including single unit policy and consent (in development)
Massive transfusion protocol audit tool (in development)
Recommendation and practice point assessment tool
Protocols and policies
Guidance on staff education for blood administration and handling
Single Unit Guidance (and supporting poster) (published- http://www.blood.gov.au/single-unittransfusion)
Guidance on how to reduce iatrogenic blood loss (including phlebotomy frequency and line draw action
Guidance on implementing an iron replacement therapy protocol
Guidance on the non-transfusion management of medical and post-operative asymptomatic anaemia
Guidance on the Provision of Intraoperative Cell Salvage (in development)
Massive Transfusion Protocol (published http://www.blood.gov.au/pbm-module-1)
Guidance on the development of a gatekeeper policy
Blood transfusion administration policy and procedure (published- http://www.anzsbt.org.au
Identification and management of acute transfusion reactions chart (in development)
Case study: Establishing a point of care testing protocol in cardiac surgery (in development)
Data to support PBM practice improvement
Determine transfusion data set(s) required
Determine PBM data sets required
Develop peer review reports
Determine data access rules specific to report audiences.
Develop electronic audit tools (see above)
National Blood Authority
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Attachment A – PBM TOOL SET
General practice/SPECIALIST private practice
“Fit for surgery”. Preparing patients for surgery where blood loss is anticipated
General practice/private SPECIALIST practice and secondary Care Setting
Obtaining informed consent DVD
PBM Guideline Companion: Transfusion risks, benefits, alternatives and strategies to avoid a
transfusion (in development)
PBM podcasts (on PBM generally and one for each module)
Pre admission anaemia checks and treatment:
- Anaemic patient diagnostic algorithm (published- http://www.blood.gov.au/pbm-module-2)
- IDA Algorithm application (published- https://www.bloodsafelearning.org.au/node/71)
- Recommendation of an iron requirement calculation resource (in development)
- Pre-operative bleeding risk assessment and intervention resource (in development)
SECONDARY Care Setting
Intra-operative blood loss assessment and minimisation guide
Intra-operative blood loss assessment and minimisation video link
Post-operative blood loss assessment (estimation tool) and App
Managing GI Bleeding
Information about transfusions risks, benefits, alternatives and strategies to avoid a transfusion for
patients (publishedhttp://mytransfusion.com.au/sites/default/files/Patient%20BCI%20Factsheets%20V5.pdf)
Ironman Blood: how can I make sure I’m fit for surgery?
Patient Blood Management: Anaemia of all shapes and sizes
Intraoperative Cell Salvage information for patients (in development)
Links to RELEVANT resources
NBA’s website of the full list of all PBM materials
PBM Guidelines (electronic App, soft and hard copies of Modules and Quick Reference Guides)
BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Postgraduate Certificate in Transfusion Medicine Practice
State and Territory-based Blood Management Programs
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
National Blood Authority
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