2016 Hongti Art Center Guidelines for Recruiting Arts in Residence

2016 Hongti Art Center
Guidelines for Recruiting Arts in Residence
Hongti Art Center is a place of culture and creativity located in Sahagu Dadepo
Rainbow Factory Village, Busan. We are recruiting artists in residence who will
unlock immense potential, contributing to Hongti Art Center. Hongti Art Center
provides artists with a wide range of facilities including labs, studios, an exhibition
space and room to study, exhibit and do academic research. Hongti’s goal is to tell
artistry from public character of installation art and help citizens recognize it as a
popular culture. We look forward to working with artists that hold the visions above.
1. Outline
○ Title: 2016 Hongti Art Centre Open Call for Artists in Residence
○ Recruiting Period: Nov. 9, 2015 – Dec. 4(Fri.)
○ Application Period: Nov. 27, 2015 – 14:00 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4, 2015
○ Occupancy Date: During January 2016
2. Applicants
○ Genre: Artists engaged in Installation Art, Short-term Regional Research Artists
○ Number of Recruitment: Around 8 Artists (Domestic /International)
- Domestic Artists: Short Term: 5 months (Jan. – Jun., Jul. – Dec.)
Long Term: 12 months (Jan. – Dec.)
- Domestic/International Artists: Short Term: less than 3 months
○ Recruitment Section
-〔Call For Artists in Residence〕Individual-formed Residency <Long Term (12 months),
Short Term (1-5 months)>
※ Private studio and Artist’s research room are provided to artists in residence.
(Artists in short-term residence may share a studio and a research room)
3. Duration of Residency
○ Domestic/International Artists
- Short Term: 1-3 Months, 5 Months (Jan. – Jun., Jul. - Dec.)
- Long Term: 12 Months (Jan. – Dec.)
4. Eligibility
○ Artists who realize instillation-centered experimental work, Regional research artists
5. Conditions of Occupancy
Artists in residence shall
○ Comply with regulations for safety and close cooperation with Hongti based on the
center’s operations manual ※ Refer to Hongti Art Center’s operations manual
○ Pay a rental space fee (per 3.3㎡ 5000 won / month)
○ Attend all events and residency programmes of Hongti Art Centre
○ Utilize spaces of Hongti not less than 15 days a month
○ Do creative arts activities
○ Artists meeting once a week
○ Prepare a meal once a week
6. Support Unit
○ Support in Space and Materials and Equipment
- Individual art space (studio)
- Collaborative art space (seminar room, collaborative working studio, and community hall)
- Exhibition space during period of occupancy through plans for exhibition and activities
(internal consultation)
- Residency space (artist’s working studio)
- Compressor (tool), Aerial Work Platform (equipment)
○ Support in Programmes
- Opening an expert invitation seminar (planner, reviewer) & Promotion for Artists in
- Providing a round-table discussion & One-to-one mentoring program (artist/reviewer)
- Exhibition space for Artists in residence
- Open studio for Artists in residence
- Domestic/International residency space & human network exchange program
- Support fund in part for arts (depending on the size of work)
- Expense in part for proceeding with regional research project
- Participation in international exchange exhibitions (only for long-term artists : Costs of
stay, airfare, fund for creation are partially supported)
7. Application Method & Required Document
○ Application Method: On-line Application. Visit the website hongti@bscf.or.kt.
○ Application Period: Nov. 27, 2015 – 14:00 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4
○ Required documents
- One Copy of Application form for Residency
- One Copy of Self- introduction letter (prescribed form/ The scanned copy shall be attached)
- One Copy of Statement of describing artists’ work (prescribed form/ The scanned copy
shall be attached)
- One Copy of a letter of career for domestic/international exhibition activities (The scanned
copy of leaflet and catalogue shall be attached)
- One Copy of a budget bill and a plan for creative activities (prescribed form)
- One Copy of a domestic & international award-winning career within 5 years (The scanned
copy shall be attached)
- For domestic artists, One Copy of an abstract of the resident registration (The scanned
copy shall be attached)
- For international artists, One Copy of the passport, a diagnosis of medical check-up and a
traveler’s insurance (The scanned copy shall be attached)
- Portfolio: Summit it as a digital file.
○ Successful applicants shall submit one copy of an abstract of the resident registration.
8. Evaluation Criteria
○ Suitability for Hongti Art Centre’s mission
○ Professionalism in arts & Performance of Activities
○ Fidelity to plans for activities
○ Possibility of communication & Public character
9. Evaluation Process & Schedule
○ Evaluation Process
- 1st Document screening > 2nd Interview and Presentation > Final Results Announcement
○ Announcement Date for Applicants eligible for 2nd Interview and Presentation
- Dec. 9, 2015
○ Evaluation Schedule for 2nd Interview
- 11:00 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 11, 2015
○ Final Results Announcement: Dec. 14, 2015
- Announcement on Busan Cultural Foundation’s website
- Successful applicants will be individually informed.
10. Other Matters
○ Please accurately fill out the application form.
○ As submitted documents are used as evaluation materials, they should be filled out
accurately and in detail. If any information in the documents is insufficient or untruthful,
relevant applicants may be excluded from evaluation or have a disadvantage in the selection
process. ※ Submitted documents and reference materials shall not be returned.