the Abstract Style Template

Title of your abstract (please do not exceed 100
Author’s name, Author’s affiliation (company or university), Author’s country
Author’s name, Author’s affiliation (company or university), Author’s country
Author’s name, Author’s affiliation (company or university), Author’s country
Author’s name, Author’s affiliation (company or university), Author’s country
The Abstract must be between 250 and 500 words. All paragraphs are flush left, without an indent, like this
paragraph. Usually the abstract extends to one or two paragraphs. If there is a second paragraph, it is not
Submission of your Abstract
Please submit your abstracts by April 25, 2016 to
Preparation Guidelines
 Language. English, US spelling. (We use the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as our definitive
spelling guide.)
 Style. We follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
 Format. Please prepare and submit your abstract in Word.doc of Word.docx format.
 Background. Please prepare your abstract on a clear background; do not use your company’s
letterhead or logos.
 Title and authors. Make sure your abstract has a title and lists all authors.
 Authors’ names. When listing authors please use only one first and one last name. Initials are
acceptable. Example: John A. Smith. Compound last names are acceptable, if hyphenated.
Example: John Smith-Jones.
 Corresponding author. Please identify the corresponding author with an asterisk* and provide full
contact information, including telephone and email. The corresponding author will usually be the
only author receiving communications on the status of the abstract or paper. It is the corresponding
author’s responsibility to keep all the other authors informed.
 Text. The abstract must be text only. Do not include bullets, images or tables.
 Content. Focus your abstracts on describing the methodology and obtained or expected results.
Your abstract should showcase your scientific findings, case histories, or practical applications.
Abstracts must not be an advertisement for a product or service. Abstracts with a strong commercial
focus will not be accepted.
 Error-free. Carefully proofread your abstracts. Authors whose native language is not English must
arrange editing of their abstract by a professional translator or a native speaker prior to submission.
Please indicate which of the following themes are relevant to your abstract:
Regional seismicity
Impact of heap leaching in comparison with tailings
State-of-the-art of geotechnical engineering in heap leach design
Reduction in construction and operational costs
Heap leach closure
Water balance and consumption optimization
Trends in 3D stability analysis
Geotechnical monitoring
Metallurgical ore testing
Metal recovery in copper and precious metal heap leach projects
Case studies
Developing and permitting new mines
Environmental considerations for heap leach facilities
Geosynthetics and heap leaching