The subject, I, is singular and the agreeing verb is in past tense.

Dear Parents,
Good evening everybody!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend 
Here are some upcoming events:
Jan. 29 – Unit 6 Math Test
Jan. 30 – Spelling/Grammar Tests
Soc. Studies Chapter 4 Test
Feb 1
– Reading Tests
Daily Oral Language Quiz
SPECIAL NOTE: Please use the attached Study Guide to begin reviewing the Chapter 4 Material for the test
next Wed., January 30. Everything the children are expected to know is listed on this guide.
Below is what we are learning in the classroom this week. 
Reading: We are going to be reading a story in our text book titled, A Tree Is Growing. Our focus skill this
week is identifying text features and their purposes. We are also going to be starting another chapter book
titled, Chocolate Touch and Chocolate Fever. The class is going to be split into two groups, each reading one
of the two choices – then they will switch when they are done.
The vocabulary words the children will be tested on this Friday are:
passages – narrow paths or channels
spines – sharp, pointy growths on some plants and animals
tropical – having to do with the warm areas of the Earth near the equator
store – to put away for later use
throughout – all the way through
absorb – to take in or soak up
dissolve – to seem to disappear when mixed with a liquid
clumps – groups or bunches of things, especially plants and dirt
coverings – the outsides of things, usually serving as protection
pollen – tiny yellow grains made by flowering plants
The children are still working on how to frame their answers by using part of the question in their responses.
This is a very difficult skill to acquire – and a necessary one for the fall and spring OAA reading tests. We will
be continuing to work on this skill in all subject areas throughout the year.
The children will be taking their Reading Tests this Friday.
English: We are identifying helping verbs and the various forms of the special verb be in sentences. For
am, is, are, was, and were are all forms of the verb be. These verbs do not show action. They tell what
someone or something is or was; these verbs are called linking verbs. Sometimes these verbs are used as
helping verbs to show past or present time. Sometimes the words have and has are used to show past
tense too – these verbs are also called helping verbs.
To use the correct form of the verb be ask yourself this thinking question: What is the subject, and do I
want to show present tense or past tense? In the first example sentence below the subject is I, so I use the
verb am in the present or was in the past tense.
Examples of being verbs used as helping verbs include:
I am going to the coffee shop.
The subject, I, is singular and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
I was going to the coffee shop after school.
The subject, I, is singular and the agreeing verb is in past tense.
I have gone to that coffee shop before.
The subject, I, is singular and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
They are going to the football game this Friday.
The subject, they, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
They were going to the football game this Friday.
The subject, they, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
They have gone to every football game this year.
The subject, they, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
Jack is camping in the backyard.
Jack is a singular subject and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
Jack was camping in the backyard.
Jack is a singular subject and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
Jack has camped in the backyard several times.
Jack is a singular subject and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
Charlie and Max are sleeping in the other tent.
The compound subject, Charlie and Max, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
Charlie and Max were sleeping in the other tent.
The compound subject, Charlie and Max, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
Charlie and Max have slept in the other tent before.
The compound subject, Charlie and Max, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
Examples of being verbs used as linking verbs include:
I am happy.
The subject, I, is singular and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
I was tired after running that marathon.
The subject, I, is singular and the agreeing verb is in past tense.
They are excited about the party tonight.
The subject, they, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
They were upset that their team lost the game last Friday.
The subject, they, is plural and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
Jack is funny and smart.
Jack is a singular subject and the agreeing verb is in the present tense.
Dawn was mad when her toy broke.
Jack is a singular subject and the agreeing verb is in the past tense.
We will also be working with irregular verbs.
come, do, go, run, and see, are irregular verbs because they have special spellings in the past tense. These
verbs may also have other spellings when used with has, have, or had.
To use the correct form of the verb be ask yourself this thinking question: Is the verb in the past tense?
Is the verb used with has, have, or had?
We go to that animal shelter once a month.
We went to the animal shelter last week.
We have gone there many times.
I see that a new movie is showing tonight.
Jack and Ryan saw the previews for it and thought it would be good.
Dylan and Jake have seen it already and said that it was great.
with has, have, or had
has, have, had gone
has, have, had seen
has, have, had done
has, have, had run
has, have, had come
has, have, had grown
Spelling: This week our spelling focuses on spelling the /k/ and /kw/ sounds. Next week, our spelling will
focus on vowel sounds in spoon and wood.
This week’s spelling words are: shark, check, queen, circus, flake, crack, second, squeeze, quart, squeak,
quick, coldest, Africa, Mexico, black, thank, correct, question, quotient, quadrangle
The children will be taking their Spelling Test this Wednesday
Next week’s words are:
mood, wooden, drew, smooth, blue, balloon, true, crooked, chew, tooth, hooves,
cool, food, pooch, blew, foot, loose, jewel, school, producer
Social Studies: On Monday, we are going to be reviewing chapter 4 material, Our Human Geography – this is
a short chapter – the Chapter 4 Test is scheduled for Jan. 30th.
We will be completing Daily Geography this week. The vocabulary words they will need to know for Friday’s
quiz are: import, export, raw material, entrepreneur, capital, manufacture, consumer, and producer
Math: We are testing out of our geometry unit on Tuesday.  Please continue to go over each skill learned
daily with your child to ensure that he or she understands them. The children were given a study guide with
various geometry terms and symbols when we started this unit. Please remind your child to pay attention to all
the details in each question – this is where many children are losing points on their quizzes. Paying close
attention to the details listed in the directions is an important skill they need to master.
Please continue to practice all math facts up to 12 to encourage automaticity of them. The children need to be
practicing all four operations.
Science: The children will be learning about the spheres that our planet has to support life. This step will
provide background knowledge as we “dive” in to the inside of our planet and how it is formed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Enjoy your week!
Sincerely, Homer