Period 1 Sentence Lifts: Song Lyric Analysis This device makes the

Period 1 Sentence Lifts: Song Lyric Analysis
1. This device makes the listen think about what could be so bad about someones life to make
then feel this way.
2. The message to todays world would be making the world what you want it to be and not letting
little things control your life.
3. He is desperate and wants her back, he shows this by asking so many questions.
4. The song tried to bring the reality of peoples’ closed-off ways into perspective so that they
might change their ways.
5. Plenty of examples where in almost every line, “Up where the mountains meet the heavens
6. Nothing is worth losing a friendship over, friendship can help change people for the better, no
matter how different two people are.
7. “Don’t Rain on my Parade” is soaked with the characters ambition and excitement.
8. People often want to sow all the profit of hard work but are not willing to do the work to get it,
this unbalanced equation is a life lesson telling young adults to do their part at home, and
someday in there job.
9. Because those things will “turn to dust,” but your kindness will always be there in spirit.
10. She goes on to say each individual themselves is brighter then the moon.
11. She is shown to be the poems speaker.
12. Everyone expresses love in different ways, this man expressed it in a song.
13. This is a great example of what a soldier feels when protecting the place they call home.
14. If its not okay its not the end.
15. Even though the speaker is upset about loosing the girl he knows he is doing the right thing by
moving on.
16. He doesn’t need anyone to get where he wants to go, in fact it’s the opposite they need him.
Period 6 Sentence Lifts: Song Lyric Analysis
1. Using two words that have very gentile and soft meanings; you get a very eerie feeling about the
2. The girls tone toward her relationship is gloomy and is clearly shown when she expresses she
doesn’t feel good enough, “I’m not a princess.”
3. In todays society many people cheat on their spouse; although this is wrong many people are to
weak to leave them.
4. Meaning be yourself, make your own decisions and life goes on.
5. The song is giving hope to those in an abusive relationship, however the same idea that life goes
on can help those suffering with an eating disorder or depression.
6. The speaker talks about being confused and hurt by a woman “Obsessed and depressed at the
same time. I can’t even walk in a straight line.”
7. The speaker of the song is the “Rocket Man”; the man who’s leaving his loved ones behind to be
“high as kite” in space.
8. The speaker also begins to contemplate her actions “did I say something way too honest”.
9. The speakers tone towards life is critical because he is constantly questioning the goodness of
this woman who does not give back.
10. Lupe Fiasco is notorious for making songs with thick meanings, if you like songs about the
government this is the right song for you.
11. During this time of introspection, he rejects the ideas of this group, “this is not what I had
12. He is basically saying that if you ask god for help, god will give it to you.
13. The speakers tone is her being very confused with holding on to a man or letting go.
14. The speakers tone is sad and angered and the song is about a dark and dangerous world.
15. The speakers tone is gloomy because it explains the girls feelings to get away and how sad and
how many troubles she had.
16. The speaker is a sanguineous person talking about somebody that is pessimistic about herself
and tries to convince them they are an amazing person.