Religious Education

The Religious Education Department
Religious Education is an incredibly important subject. We live in an increasingly diverse society that is made up of people
from a variety of cultures. A huge amount of jobs and careers would benefit from a qualification in RE – from the legal
profession to the retail industry.
Year 7
1. Why do we study RE? This short unit of work aims to show students that RE is not about being religious. It is about
the fascinating cultures and societies around the globe. It is also about considering what is right and wrong, and the
fact that sometimes there is no easy answer.
2. The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus – This is quite a large unit and reflects the fact that the largest religion in
the UK is Christianity. Students will revisit information and stories encountered at primary school, but we will go into
more of the history surrounding Jesus’ time and the symbolic meaning found in many stories in the Bible
3. What do Hindus believe about God? Hinduism is a fascinating and colourful religion. It is very different to the
Abrahamic religions of the Middle East and provides a good contrast to the previous unit on Jesus.
Year 8
1. What Does the Gurdwara tell us about Sikh’s? This unit introduces students to the idea that beliefs strongly affect
actions. By studying what Sikhs believe and their history, we can clearly see why they have certain practices today.
2. Why is there Suffering in the World? Everybody suffers, but we often struggle to make sense of it. In this unit, we
study religious explanations for suffering, and allow students to honestly and openly consider the merits of each
religious view.
3. What is Justice? Religious Education is absolutely not about turning students into religious followers. However, it is
about considering what we can learn from religious beliefs. After all, our whole legal system is based upon JudeoChristian beliefs – ‘thou shalt not steal’, ‘thou shalt not murder’.
Year 9
1. Is Islam treated Fairly in the Media? Studying Muslim beliefs and whether these beliefs are reflected fairly on TV
and in newspapers, and what impact this has on the public’s perception of Islam.
2. Rites of Passage – where are we going? All societies have special events and rituals that mark milestones in people’s
lives. This looks at the milestones students will expect to celebrate or take part in as well as some religious
3. Science and Religion – Where are we from? Einstein said ‘Science without Religion is pointless, Religion without
Science is blind’. We look at the importance of both subjects in the modern world
4. Buddhism – How do your beliefs affects your actions? Studying the fascinating religion of Buddhism.
Year 10
1. Religion & Conflict – Students consider their own views on suffering and war. We also look at religious views.
2. Religion & Medicine – Topics like abortion and euthanasia are constantly in the news. Students study religious views
on these topics and consider their own beliefs.
3. Religious Expression – All humans express their beliefs in some way or another – from fashion to protest. We
consider whether religious people are all that different to non - religious people.
4. Religion, Authority & the State – Our legal system is based on religious beliefs. We study religious views on the law,
and how we should deal with offenders.
Year 11
1. Our World – Students study religious views on how we got here and creation. Does science have all the answers?
2. Relationships – Students consider the meaning of sex, and consider why more people get divorced today.
3. Looking For Meaning – Students are asked to consider big questions in life.
4. Is It Fair? – What can we learn from religious attitudes to prejudice, justice and equality?