Possibilities As people who have a thirst for learning, we will

Year Group: 3
Topic: Savage Stone Age
National Curriculum:
As Historians we will learn about the changes in
Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will
explore who late Neolithic hunter gatherers and
early farmers were. We will look at Bronze Age
religion, technology and travel, for example,
Stonehenge, Iron Age hills forts: tribal kingdoms,
farming, art and culture. We will develop an
understanding of chronology by placing key events
on timelines in this period of history. We will explore
what life was like for the people at this time and the
reasons why they built Stonehenge, understanding
its significance and importance. We will become
detectives by exploring Skara Brae and immersing
ourselves in our fascinating finds. Ask and answer
questions through own knowledge and selfconducted research: What resources were used?
Why were they used? Why were their settlements so
different? What tools were available? What was the
purpose of the settlements? To challenge our most
able we will be using our floor books to promote
independent learning.
As people who have a thirst for
learning, we will:
As members of a community, we will:
As people who want to be tolerant
and respectful of others, we will:
Understand the possibilities that
can be found out from the past,
look at archeology and discover
what can be found out by digging
up the past.
Experience the idea of being self
sufficient through growing and
harvesting fruit and vegetables on
the allotment.
Learn what a community is and what its
role is. Look at the ways communities
comparisons between those of the Stone
Find out the ways in which communities
come together.
Explore local communities around the
UK: how they are made up; how local
communities are brought together; who
works in our local community; how we
can help others in our local community.
Find out about the religions and
beliefs of the Stone Age people,
understanding their tribal traditions
and beliefs.
Explore where people within our
community come from and how
they influence our community.
Learn about the religions and
beliefs of the people who live in the
United Kingdom.
As Geographers we will locate key places and
places on interest on a map. We will Study
photographs and maps of 3 different locations in the
UK. Ask geographical questions e.g. How was the
land used in the past? How has it changed? What
made it change? Ask, research and explain the
following questions: Why did the Stone age
civilisation, and the iron age settlers choose to settle
where they did? What were their settlements like?
How did they use the land and how has land use
changed today? Study how land in the local area
was used during the historical periods studied. Look
at land use in the same area today and consider
how and why this has changed.
As Artists we will look at cave art and tribal
paintings, creating our own paintings and markings
in this style. We will construct 3D models of stoneage houses and structures, such as Stonehenge.
We will recreate historical artefacts and link to our
history work.