Name: Period: You Got Sol – What regions, on Earth, receive the

You Got Sol – What regions, on Earth, receive the most
solar radiation?
Introduction: Converting solar radiation to electricity is becoming more prevalent because it is a clean
and renewable energy source. The amount of solar radiation available for conversion to electricity
varies with location and those who are interested in installing solar panels typically undergo a site
assessment in order to determine how much electricity they can expect to produce. During this lesson
you will assess the amount of solar radiation available at 10 locations across the Northern Hemisphere
and deduce the cause of the variations you will observe and how those variations cause differences in
climate from one region to another.
Engage: How do you get the most from your solar array?
1. In the space below, create a labeled diagram which includes the sun and a solar panel. Indicate
what angle (from 0° and 90°) between the sun’s rays and the surface of the solar panel that
would produce the most electricity. Below your diagram create a caption that explains why you
chose the angle you chose.
Explore: How does latitude affect the amount of solar radiation an area receives?
2. Visit the PV Watts site (ver. 1) created by the National Renewable Energy Lab:
---Hit “close” and not “feedback” with initial prompt.
3. To determine the amount of solar radiation available at the locations in Table 1:
-Type the location into the “Get Started” bar in the upper left of the screen and click on “Go”.
- The next screen will verify the location you have selected in name and with a map. Click on
“Go to Systems info” (arrow on the right side of the screen).
- Don’t fill anything in the next screen, just click through on the “Go to PV Watts Results” arrow.
-All the data you are looking for should be on the final page that has kWperyear large at the top.
Scroll down the page to find the latitude.
4. Record the latitude and average annual solar radiation for the locations in the table.
Table 1: Latitude and solar radiation at various locations
Solar Radiation
Abu Dhabi, ARE
Batang, China
Bombay, India
Kangnung, S. Korea
Yakutsk, Russia
Edmonton, Alberta
Ottawa, Ontario
Pierra, South
Munich, Germany
Graph 1: Create a graph that
depicts the relationship between
latitude and solar radiation.
Remember……the dependent
variable goes on the y-axis and the
independent variable goes on the
Graph 2: Create a line graph that
depicts the relationship between
solar radiation and month in
Missoula, MT , Buenos Aires,
Argentine and Kisumu, Kenya.
Remember……the dependent
variable goes on the y-axis and the
independent variable goes on the
Explain: How does latitude affect the amount of solar radiation an area receives?
7. Analyze Graph 1 by describing the depicted relationship.
8. As a class we will discuss the apparent relationship and explain the cause of that relationship.
Record any notes, relating to this concept, here.
9. Analyze Graph 2 by describing the depicted relationship.
10. As a class we will discuss the apparent relationship and explain the cause of that relationship.
Record any notes, relating to this concept, here.
Elaborate: Why does latitude affect the amount of solar radiation an area receives?
11. You will now determine the amount of solar radiation a solar panel can receive in Missoula, MT
at various angles. Change the “Array Tilt” and determine the amount to solar radiation received
at these angles: 0⁰, 15⁰, 30⁰, 45⁰, 60⁰, 75⁰, 90⁰. Record your data on the appropriate line of the
12. If this lab is done outside, using a solar array and the sun, use Stellarium to determine the
current angle of the sun in the sky.
13. Describe the trend you see on your protractor.
14. Explain the cause of this trend.
15. The average angle between the sun’s rays and the surface of the earth determines the intensity
of the solar radiation an area receives, just like how the angle between the sun’s rays and the
solar panel determines how much solar radiation a panel is capable of receiving. In conclusion,
explain how and why changes in latitude and solar radiation influence an areas climate. (Be sure
to reference your data when drawing your conclusion)