May - DMOC

2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX
Committee Minutes
Meeting Information
May 26, 2011
Dallas Medical Operations
Meeting Objective:
Monthly Meeting
Meeting Facilitators:
Chair – Walter Cassidy, Baylor Health Systems
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Dallas County Public Health,
Room 426
Vice chair - Billy Owens, City of Irving Office of Emergency Management
Secretary – Dana Suell, Children’s Medical Center
Old Business
1. Approval of minutes
February minutes approved
2. Radio testing “DMOC”
Chris Noah – DMOC channel is programmed on the Parkland repeater. Long distance testing,
i.e. Parkland (main hospital) to Parkland Garland Clinic has not been conducted yet. Chris and
Dana are going to work together on the long distance testing. Report will be given at June
DMOC meeting.
3. Public Health Preparedness
Group - Medical Sheltering
Dr. Harris –
Working on mass shelters in Dallas County that will meet FEMA’s FNSS requirement
of: all shelters will be ADA compliant and meet the needs of patients with
functional/special needs. The FNSS requirement is set by the Department of Justice
(DOJ). If shelters do not comply, they can be sued by the DOJ, as was a hospital in
Los Angeles
Currently Dallas County is looking at two locations/facilities
City of Irving – Center Park Recreation Center
Convention Center – 2nd floor parking level
BCFS (Baptist Children and Family Services) has conducted an assessment of the
Irving facility and stated that only 167 persons could habitat at one time based on a
100 sq. ft. per person spacing guideline. If more bathrooms and showers were added,
the number of persons may increase. BCFS is in communications with Kenny Shaw,
Emergency Manager – City of Dallas, to assess the Convention Center area.
Dallas County Public Health as a cache of medical supplies (gloves, masks, etc.) in
storage since hurricane Katrina and Gustav/Ike. Due to the storage location not
having temperature controls, the cache was inspected by Dr. Ray Fowler. Dr. Fowler
found most of the items in good condition, only some pharmaceuticals were disposed
of due to expiration dates
Group is also reviewing the “State of Texas Functional Needs Support Services
Toolkit”. The toolkit basically mirrors the FEMA requirements, so all parts are being
reviewed as it is
Now working on staffing issues, standing orders for medical staff and more operational
Workgroup Reports
1. Resources – Chris Noah
No report
2. Activation – Wes Dunham
No report
New Business
Tornado, Joplin, MO – St.
John’s hospital
Nick Sloan – Baylor has an emergency response team (BERT), similar to a cities Citizens ERT
(CERT) team. This team and a Faith and Action group will be going to Joplin to give emotional
and physical assistance where needed as well as gather lessons learned from the St. John’s
staff. Nick will continue to report to the DMOC on lessons learned as they are gathered.
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Meeting Information
Operation Red Cloud –
Over 60 hospitals participated. The NCTTRAC command center did not receive many
communications from hospitals with questions regarding the event or the tools (WebEOC &
Etracs) used to input required information. Therefore, the RAC feels that the event was
successful in that the hospitals felt better educated and more comfortable with the tools.
Hospital vulnerabilities
DMOC Chair
Open comments
Each facilities AAR is due to the RAC by June 15th
The DMOC will choose an event type each month and ask that the hospitals bring
their top needs that the DMOC, City or County could assist in obtaining during that
This month’s event is tornado. So what are your hospitals top needs if your
organization were impacted by a tornado? Bring this information with you to the June
Election time: DMOC members will have the opportunity to submit nominations and vote on
new positions (Chair, Vice chair and Secretary). Dana Suell will be sending out an e-mail
requesting nominations, due by June 15 th. The nominations will be gathered and the election
held during the June meeting. The newly elected persons will begin their term as of July 1,
Dr. Harris introduced Dr. Jennifer Jones, PhD – new employee of Dallas County
Health and Human Services
Add the NCTTRAC/REPC update from Marshall Gardner as a standing agenda item
Educational workgroup – develop an educational workgroup to act as a DMOC liaison
to outside agencies and well as develop training for the DMOC committee, i.e. item #
Top priority after elections in July is to review and update/revise as needed the DMOC
letter that went out to all Dallas County hospitals Administration. The existing letter is
from 2006, and most of the organizations that are part of the DMOC have gone under
some type of organizational/personnel changes that need to be updated on what the
DMOC is and why the DMOC is in place
EMTF – June 7th is next meeting. Developing ambulance strike teams, RN (strike and
relief teams) and Ambuses which will hold 12 to 20 patients.
Open Action Items
Person Responsible
Date Due
Next meeting: June 24, 2011
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