TOEJAM Round 8 - Trash Quizbowl Packet Archive

TOEJAM (Tossups on Eggman, Jumpman and More)
Questions by Erik Nelson
Round 8
1. In Persona 3, the Nyx Avatar will cast Moonless Gown only when in this state, which is
seen after it uses the Hanged Man arcana. Bhunivelze falls down and loses his scythe
upon achieving this state in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Corbenik resembles a
giant eye when in this state in .hack//QUARANTINE. The Dragonlord in Dragon Warrior
doesn’t actually resemble a dragon except when in this state, which also describes the Medusalike phase of the Lady Yunalesca battle, as well as Safer Sephiroth. For 10 points, give this
state that is seen shortly before a multi-tiered boss is defeated.
Answer: final forms (accept equivalents)
2. One of these games begins with a menu whose sixth option is “Let the computer
decide”. Safe zones in these games are designated by small white boxes in the corners
of certain areas. Cutscenes in this series see its title character winning a beauty contest
and carving itself into Mount Rushmore and are titled for “Great Moments in” that character’s
history. Enemies in this series include Bashfuls and Reggies, which are types of Troggles, who
chase the player around a 5 by 5 grid, which appears below phrases like “equals 4”. For 10
points, name this educational series about guys that consume stuff.
Answer: Munchers (accept Number Munchers or Word Munchers)
3. Notable players of this game include Geredi and Dahnis. One variation of this game
allows players to win by ‘filling the table’ without losing. A character named Atton Rand
uses thoughts of this game to prevent intrusion from telepaths. The most powerful cards
in this game can add or subtract to a player’s total, and winning this game requires being as
close as possible to 20 points without going over. This game is popular on Nar Shaddaa and
can be played by Revan and the Jedi Exile. For 10 points, name this card game featured in Star
Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Answer: Pazaak (puh-ZACK)
4. Many of these objects came with letters written by Jan Marsella. Some of these objects
indicate membership in the Short Order Squad and the Bucket Brigade; those are
associated with Pressure Cooker and Kaboom! respectively. A 2013 Game Informer
article about these objects referred to them as the ‘original achievements.’ Another of these
objects could be earned by scoring 15,000 points in River Raid. The Pitfall Explorer’s Club is
another example of, for 10 points, what objects given for high scores in Atari games by a now
massive publisher that resembled rewards given by the Boy Scouts?
Answer: Activision badges (accept Activision patches or other similar answers)
5. One minor character in this game is a “radical rock’n roller” who hopes to star in his
own game someday. This game’s final mission occurs after all of the children’s chewing
gum is stolen by ghosts and then turned into a Gum Monster. Players can knock stuff
down or troll this game’s title character using a slingshot built into the game’s GUI. Its cover
depicts its star on a hang glider with his mouth wide open, and it co-stars his family, including a
wife who wears a red bow. For 10 points, name this 16-bit adventure game, subtitled ‘The New
Advenutres’ and ostensibly a sequel to a game featuring a yellow Namco character.
Answer: Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
6. In Ace Combat 5, a 3-verse poem about Razgriz is frequently quoted in one of these
things. In another game, one of these notes that “20-minute free-form jazz odysseys are
not okay”. Phrases like “you are still a good person” and “do you feel like a hero yet?”
can be seen in these things in Spec Ops: The Line. Namco owns a patent on using minigames as parts of these things, such as a Galaxian one in Ridge Racer. In the Bayonetta
series, players can practice executing combos in one of these things. In Resident Evil, these
things depict a door opening. For 10 points, identify these screens seen between game levels.
Answer: loading screens (accept equivalents)
7. One of this company’s earlier games was based on their ill-advised line of childrens’
paintball guns called Gotcha! The Sport! This company re-colored its Entertech line of
realistic water guns after multiple children were shot by cops. This company published
two games starring Thrilla Gorilla, the mascot of Town & Country Surf Designs. This studio’s
name was mysteriously slapped onto the Dreamcast exclusive piece of shit Spirit of Speed
1937. This company was sold to Acclaim in 1990 and may be best known for movie adaptations
like The Karate Kid and Jaws. For 10 points, name this terrible game studio with a rainbow logo.
Answer: LJN [editor’s note: let it never be said that LJN didn’t kill children]
8. The original version of this scene sees one character extol the virtues of respect and a
loving heart. That version also has dialogue that literally translates to “Foolish drivel”,
which is replaced in its most famous version with an Andre Malraux quote. This scene
occurs after a cutscene which states that it takes place in a “journey back to 1792”. After being
told that he is not wanted as a savior of mankind, one character in this scene knocks a goblet to
the ground. A “miserable pile of secrets” is discussed in, for 10 points, what scene featuring a
notable vampire and Richter Belmont?
Answer: the prologue to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (accept close descriptions and
things like “the What is a man? scene”; prompt on answers that don’t specify which Castlevania
it’s in)
9. The Xbox 360 game based on the film Jumper uses this phrase for an achievement
given for completing the game. An amusing use of this phrase was seen in the
responses to a tweet about a pizza ordered by George Broussard. This phrase is
suggested to sometimes mean “never” in one article discussing the cancellation of an
MMO called Titan. A more famous use of this phrase was made by 3D Realms in 2001 after
repeated delays of Duke Nukem Forever. For 10 points, give this non-committal three-word
phrase often used by id and Blizzard employees when asked when a game will be released.
Answer: “when it’s done” (accept longer phrases that contain those three words)
10. One character in this work states “Plant Your Hot Dog Seeds”. The last input seen in
this video is the phrase “Cya Dopes”, and it was made by ‘heisanevilgenius’. The A’s and
Halls appear in this video, which claims that “Bullshit Boston Lawyer” and “Beaver and
Duck Expert” are valid occupations. This video amusingly demonstrates a certain game’s shitty
word detection algorithm to answer questions like “Name a sign no one seems to obey.” For 10
points, name this video depicting a hilarious and impossibly fast playthrough of a game based
on a TV show currently hosted by Steve Harvey.
Answer: the tool-assisted speed run of Family Feud (accept Family Feud Glitchfest or
Family Feud TAS or other similar, reasonable answers)
11. One of these objects can only be found after killing an enemy jumping between two
buildings in Voi. Equipping one of these objects named for a certain creature’s “birthday
party” causes confetti to appear when one of those creatures is killed. A few of them are
named for part of a phrase that ends with “but a dog beat me over the fence!” That phrase
names one of these objects that appears after jumping through a series of rings and is called “I
Would Have Been Your Daddy”. Another of these is used as the title object in the game type
Oddball. For 10 points, name these sometimes-hidden objects from the Halo series.
Answer: skulls
12. In an asymmetrical mini-game in Mario Party 7, 3 players use these objects on top of
a holed platform that a fourth player rotates. A man in a red vest and a helmet uses one
of these objects in Happy Wheels. In Dead Rising 3, the Glove Gun is made from a
cardboard cutout and one of these. In the NES game Gremlins 2, Gizmo is effectively
invincible while using one of these objects. The title character uses one of these objects in
Invasion of the Vorticons, the first game in the Commander Keen series. For 10 points, name
this device emulated by a cane belonging to Scrooge in DuckTales, who uses it to bounce.
Answer: pogo sticks
13. In one game in this series, an elephant wearing a poor disguise violently whips a man
around with its trunk. Manatees, yetis and giraffes also compete in various games in this
series. Some competitors in this series hide inside a barrel to disguise themselves as a
certain animal. An actual one of those animals in this Cinema Kaiba series pulls a massive
trailer containing a pop singer, while others are inexplicably able to run on their hind legs. For 10
points, name this completely ridiculous series of Japanese horse racing games named for what
they might call a locally hosted major soccer tournament.
Answer: Japan World Cup
14. The first game in this series was based on a 1998 Jordan Weisman board game. This
series takes place in a fractured United States broken into nations like Arixo and the
Nation of Hollywood. This series depicts Nathan Zachary, who lives aboard the Pandora
with his fellow Fortune Hunters. The most recent game in this series replaced MechAssault as
a pack-in with an Xbox Live subscription. Vehicles in this series include the Focke-Wulf
Doppleganger and the Hughes Bulldog. For 10 points, name this excellent dogfighting series
whose most recent game is subtitled High Road to Revenge.
Answer: Crimson Skies
15. The Genesis adaptation of this game is missing four of its eight bosses as well as
Steve and Bob as playable characters. Another character in this game, Cormano, will
steal one boss’s hat and wear it for the rest of the game. Other bosses in this game
include Simon Greedwell, who hides behind two barrels on a balcony, and the horrifying
stereotype Chief Scalpem. One segment in this game’s first level requires maneuvering on top
of a stampede of cattle, and a later level sees players chase covered wagons and trains while
on horseback. For 10 points, name this Konami run-and-gun game set in the old west.
Answer: Sunset Riders
16. In a bad Xbox 360 and PS3 game, Ayumi attempts to lift a darkness curse from Jay
while wielding two of these weapons. By completing every assassination contract, these
weapons can be unlocked in Assassin’s Creed IV. The only item in League of Legends
that grants both life steal and spell camp is one of these weapons and is called a
‘Hextech’ one of them. The Reiterpallasch is basically one of these in Bloodborne. A long sword
and one of these called Nirvana are wielded by Cervantes in Soul Calibur. Seifer Almasy wields,
for 10 points, what type of weapon also used by Squall Leonhart?
Answer: gunblades (accept any answer along the lines of ‘guns that are also swords’ or vice
17. A version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for this handheld device was
ultimately cancelled. The packaging for this console claims it has “awesome playing
power”. This console was the exclusive home of Quiz Wiz: Cyber Trivia and was usually
bundled with Lights Out. This console was released after its developer's previous failure,
the Virtual Boy competitor R-Zone. It’s not the DS, but this device did sport a touchscreen, as
well as first-of-its-kind internet connectivity, which may have inspired its stupid name. For 10
points, name this handheld console by Tiger, whose name makes it sound like a website.
Answer: (pronounced ‘Game Com’, but ‘Game Dot Com’ is fine)
18. In a Wii RPG, a video game-obsessed chameleon owns a comic book starring a
cyborg version of this character. In his first appearance, he battles Imajin, Lina and
others after taking over Muu World. This character makes a cameo in Link’s Awakening
under his Japanese name, where he can be paid 300 rupees to teach Link a certain
creature’s “Song of Soul.” In his most famous appearance, he takes over Subcon and has
subordinates like Tryclyde and Birdo, though he is ultimately defeated by thrown vegetables.
For 10 points, name this frog-like antagonist of the American Super Mario Bros 2.
Answer: Wart (accept Mamu)
19. In one game, these creatures are rescued from a glass habitat with multiple tire
swings. In that game, these creatures pilot a ship with the help of Adam. Some of these
creatures are known as Etecoons, while another one of them known as a Dachora
teaches a game’s protagonist how to perform a Shinespark. During speed runs, viewers
often donate money to determine the fate of these creatures, who are canonically saved by
visiting a room where the player first found bombs held by a Chozo statue. For 10 points, name
these creatures that appear in an SNES game starring Samus Aran.
Answer: the animals from Super Metroid (accept ‘aliens’ or similar in place of animals; accept
‘Metroid Fusion’ in place of Super Metroid while in power; accept ‘Etecoon’ or ‘Dachora’ before
20. This game’s creator, Wes Cherry, has never received any compensation for making it.
In 2015, Melissa Resnick won the first tournament ever dedicated to this game, which
was held for its 25th anniversary. Edward Greenwood IX was fired by Michael Bloomberg
after a scandal involving this game. In some iterations of this game, pressing Shift, Alt
and 2 triggers an instant victory. A robot, a shell, and an island getaway are among the
aesthetic options in another version of it. Game objects cascade and bounce around when
winning, for 10 points, what Microsoft-made one-player card game?
Answer: Microsoft Solitaire (accept Windows Solitaire or klondike solitaire)