Review fill in the blanks Vocabulary Story for 1920s and 1930s test

Name __________________________
Due on ____________________
Review Sheet for 1920’s and 1930’s Test
Unit test on _______________
Period _____________
Words to know:
1920’s Words:
“Return to Normalcy”
Sacco and Vanzetti
Langston Hughes
Ku Klux Klan
Babe Ruth
Jazz(use 2X)
Great Migration
18th Amendment(use 2X)
Harlem Renaissance
Red Scare
Louis Armstrong
21st Amendment
Billy Holiday
installment buying
1930’s Words:
Stock Market
Herbert Hoover
Fireside Chats
Dust Bowl
Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt
New Deal
SSA (Social Security Administration)
Bull Market
Bear Market
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Bonus Army
Using the words above: Fill in the blanks below with information about the 1920’s and 1930’s
1920’s: Goodbye WWI…. Hello Roaring 20’s!!!
After the end of WWI, Americans wanted to return to isolationism and ignore outside world affairs.
After WWI, Americans called for what we call a ___________________________________________. This
means they wanted to focus in on domestic affairs (American interests) and not deal with foreign affairs.
This age of nonsense was a time of great social changes including many ______________, an activity or
fashion that is very popular for a short time.
Movies in the 1920’s went from being silent to “talkies”. The first talking movie was called The
____________ Singer. ___________ Music was a faster paced style of music created in the United States
and created by African Americans in New Orleans. Two of the most famous Jazz Musicians in the world
were __________________________ and Bessie Smith. Many young women, known as
_____________________, rebelled against traditional roles and started wearing short skirts and short hair.
African-Americans say a rebirth of their culture with the __________________________. This
rebirth challenged racism and stereotypes with the intellectual production of new music, art, poetry, and
literature. One of the most famous poets, __________________________, wrote a poem entitled
DREAMS, encouraging others to pursue their dreams and not give up. _______________________ was a
famous jazz musician who sang about some of the problems of the time including the lynching of AfricanAmericans in the south.
The 1920’s was also a golden age of sports. ________________ was a famous baseball player for
the New York Yankees who hit 60 home runs in 1927. For the first time ever radio became the center of
family life broadcasting news, sports, and entertainment.
Many political changes took place as well. The _____________________ was passed banning the
sale, transportation, or manufacture of alcohol. This time period became known as
________________________. This turned out to be very unsuccessful in the 1920’s and will lead to the
_____________________ in the 1930’s repealing the __________________________ in the Constitution.
There was great anti-foreign sentiment in the 1920’s. Many Americans were fearful of
_____________________ and thought they would try and take over the United States. This will lead to the
_________________. This anti-foreign sentiment played a role in the famous murder trial of
__________________________, two Italian immigrants convicted on very little evidence and sentenced to
death. This decade will also see an increase in membership in the _____________________________, a
southern group that discriminated and terrorized African-Americans, Catholics, and Jews.
There were many new products for sale in the 1920’s including Henry Ford’s
____________________, radios, stoves, electric iron, toaster, and washing machines. People wanted to
buy thing right away and many times did not have enough money. This want will lead to buying things on
credit, also known as: _______________________________. When you put down one payment and then
pay the rest monthly until the loan is paid off.
1930’s: The Great Depression
For most of the 1920’s the Stock Market was a _______________________, when the market is
doing well and stock prices are rising. One problem with the stock market was that many people were
buying stocks on margin, or ________________________________.
In October of 1929, the fun-loving 1920’s will come crashing to an end with the great
_________________________ crash. This crash was caused when the market took a steep drop and the
price of stocks plummeted. For most of the 1930’s the market was a _______________________. This is
when the market was NOT doing well and the stock prices kept decreasing. This time period will be known
as The ____________________________________.
The Great Depression was made worse by the _____________________on the Great Plains. A
disastrous cycle of dry soil and bad weather led to the destruction of over 5 million acres of farmland.
Many farmers abandoned their land and headed west to California for jobs. One of these groups from
Oklahoma were nicknamed the _____________________.
In 1929 the president was ________________________________. He did not thing the government
should intervene stock market crash or try and help the unemployed. He became very unpopular with the
American people and many of the poor living in outdoor tent cities nicknamed them
____________________________ as an insult to his lack of caring. Veterans of WWI marched on
Washington asking for their bonuses to be issues early because of the Great Depression. Hoover
nicknamed them the _____________________ and denied their request.
In 1932, ________________________________, was elected president over Herbert Hoover. He
pledged to help Americans and businesses hurt by the Great Depression. He went on the radio in 1933 for
what became known as his weekly _________________________________, and assured the American
people he and Congress would work together to solve the problems of the Great Depression.
FDR’s plan known as the _______________________ was meant to help the United States end the
Great Depression. The program helped to _____________________ some problems by giving people jobs,
food, and shelter. It _______________________ some problems such as the banking system and helped
the elderly and handicapped. However it did not completely ______________________ American’s
economy from the Great Depression.
One program called the _______________________________________________________, created
federally insured bank deposits to prevent the banks from failing again. Another program created to help
the elderly with pensions and the unemployed was known as the
________________________________________________. Both of these programs still exist today.
In the end the United States did not fully recover from the Great Depression because of the New
Deal. It was the start of WWII that will quickly mobilize American industry and provide thousands of jobs
producing goods for the war.