official entry form - The Max Warburg Courage Curriculum

2015-2016 Registration
Please provide us with the following information, which will ensure our ability to share important
information, updates and resources with you in a timely manner. As always, there is no fee to
participate. Please feel free to share these materials with other teachers who may be interested in
Teacher’s name (first and last)
School name
Street address (school)
City, State, Zip code
School phone
School fax
Your email address
Alternate phone/email (if applicable)
How many ELA classes or sections will you be teaching this year? _________
Approximately how many students (total) will you be teaching? __________
Which Courage Curriculum novels will you be using this year?
□Bridge to Terabithia
□Facing the Lion
□Maniac Magee
□Number the Stars
□Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
□Taking Sides
□Others: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Would you like to schedule a classroom visit via Skype? __________
Would you like former editions of The Courage of Boston’s Children for your classroom? ________
How do I implement the Courage Curriculum in my classroom?
We know that no one understands the unique needs and character of your classroom better than
you do. For this reason, our program is designed to be flexible and easily adapted to best fit your
classroom. Each participating teacher will receive six newly-updated curriculum guides (which
correspond with the six novels featured on our curriculum) as well as a guide for sharing Max’s
story and facilitating discussions about courage. These guides are aligned with the Common Core
State Standards and include chapter summaries, pre- and post-reading activities, writing prompts,
vocabulary, and discussion questions. We hope you will feel empowered to use what works for
you, knowing there is absolutely no requirement to use all materials. Some teachers will use all six
novels in the classrooms, others will supplement from their own reading lists.
What if I need featured curriculum novels for my classroom?
If your school or classroom needs any of the six novels featured on our curriculum, please contact
Meredith (, 617-373-7399). We work throughout the year to raise
funds for this express purpose, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
How can I learn more about the essay program?
Stay tuned! We will be sharing a separate document later this fall pertaining specifically to the
essay writing process, our non-traditional essay contest and what happens if one of your students’
essays is chosen for publication in The Courage of Children. If you have specific questions you
would like answered, please reach out to our office.
Please be advised that event dates are subject to change. As always, please do not hesitate to
contact Meredith (617-373-7399, with any questions you may have.
Registration and classroom volunteer forms due
Friday, October 2, 2015
It’s (almost) never too late to register, though!
Contact our office: (617) 373-7399.
Courage essays due to MWCC
Friday, February 5, 2016
2016 Max Warburg Fellows announced
Week of March 9, 2016 (or sooner)
The Courage of Children, Volume XXV delivered
to schools
Week of May 9, 2016