PTA-donation-form - Da Vinci Charter Academy

Emerson PTA 2013-14
Membership/Donation Form
The Emerson PTA invites you to join (or renew your membership in) the PTA and donate during
our Direct Donation Fundraiser. The PTA’s budget is funded primarily by DIRECT FINANCIAL
DONATIONS from YOU without need for the usual fundraisers.
ALL donated money is used for the school’s most urgent needs identified by Emerson faculty,
administrators, staff and parents. The PTA has helped fund initiatives for the Emerson campus,
serving both Emerson and Da Vinci students. Some examples are the library technology
upgrade, recycling centers, choir storage unit, P.E. equipment, teacher attendance at curriculum
enhancing conferences, diversity training for all 7th grade students, in addition to a variety of
classroom and teaching materials that support our teachers.
Please complete the form below to join the Emerson PTA and make your donation to the PTA’s
Direct Donation Fundraiser. At $15/person to be a member, you can’t beat it! Although it is
preferable that you join the PTA at the beginning of the school year, you may join (or donate to)
the PTA at any time. If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Hill (PTA Membership
Chair) at
Yes, I/we would like to join the Emerson PTA, @$15/person.
Please enter total dues here, and copy this amount to the tally sheet: $
Yes, I/we would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the
Emerson PTA Direct Donation Fundraiser. $
Please enter donation amount here, and copy this amount to the tally sheet:
Please clearly print each PTA members’ information below:
1. Last Name, First Name
E-mail Address:
2. Last Name, First Name
E-mail Address:
Emerson/DaVinci 1. Last
2. Last
3. Last
Student Name(s)
Thank you for supporting our school and our children!