and interaction around the world. Even though we live in a country

and interaction around the world. Even though we live in a country that does not use
English as a national language, but in this era of globalization which is almost of
every thing using English as a lingua franca, for example, English language is used
on technology, economic field, education, science, state, religion and as a global
language of the world, we need to master English language.
As Farzad Sharifian says on his book (2009:2) “EIL (English as an
international language) emphasizes that English, with its many varieties, is a language
of international, and therefore intercultural, communication.” So, that is enough to
answer why we should learn English language accurately. To follow the progress of
current globalization, English language has been taught for a long time in schools.
According to David Crystal (2003:5):
English is now the language most widely taught as a foreign language – in
over 100 countries, such as China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Egypt and Brazil
– and in most of these countries it is emerging as the chief foreign language to
be encountered in schools, often displacing another language in the process.
So that, also the schools in Indonesia applied the English language learning of
their classes to produce the smart and genius generation that ready to face the
challenges of the world.
Certainly, in communication that using English language, we need to interact
and understand each other by using the rules of English language. In an interaction,
we can not be separated with the vocabulary which are they content of many words
that represent every thing in the world. On the other hand, the skills of reading,
speaking, listening and writing also depends on the mastery of vocabulary or the
words. As according to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of current “Language
is the system of sounds and words used by humans to express their thought and
feelings”. As a matter of fact, we as human being that using language in our daily
communication have learned many thousands of word since childhood.
To know further, according to Jill and Charles Hadfield on their book
A vocabulary item, sometimes called a lexical item, can be:
1. A single word, for example, cat, table
2. Two or three words that go together to make one meaning, for example, a
noun like washing machine or a phrasal verb like pass out or come up with
3. A multi-word phrase or chunk of language like as a matter of fact, never
mind, by the way.
As we know, the basic English vocabulary has been taught to the students
since they at elementary school then to be continued until adult and because of the
mastery of vocabulary and their confidence surely, they are going to ready to speak
English fluently. Talk about vocabulary, Jill and Charles Hadfield (2006:45) still says
that learners need to know:
How to spelt
How it is pronounced
The meaning of the word
What part of speech it is
Which words it is often used with (collocation)
How the word is used: in what situations and contexts
The writer has an experience in teaching English on the seventh grade of
Islamic junior high school (MTs Tunas Cendikia), and the writer thinks that they have
the difficulties of learning English especially in vocabulary because of their limitation
in memorizing, pronouncing, understanding and using the vocabulary. So they need a
method or a game that useful in English learning, because sometimes students, they
are not really enough with opening the dictionary only. For many cases, mostly of
them forgetting the vocabulary just after knowing the meaning.
Today, many methods applied in English classroom, but some of them just
appropriate with certain situations, conditions and materials surely. The students need
the way to how to master the words (the vocabulary) that useful for any English
material. The writer tries to bring up an idea to make easy the students in learning
vocabulary by using Spelling Bee game. Spelling bee game in the English learning
classroom, practices the teacher as pronouncer and the students as speller with the
depth learning continuously. Spelling bee game in the classroom, not only ‘spell’, but
also using the rule of spelling such as the students have to recognize the definition of
word (English to English), the form of word, the example of word, the homonym or
antonym etc. Spelling bee game gives the aids to the student in memorizing and
understanding the vocabularies of any English material. For examples:
‘a person who serves
passengers on a
ship, plane, etc’
‘may I have the
‘es- ti- i – double
yu – e – ar – di –
i– double s’
Spelling bee game is a fun way learning to give the stimulation on the
children or students that study English is joyful. At the first, spelling bee is the
highest spelling competition that comes from United State, and usually the words are
taken form Merriam-Webster dictionary (downloaded from at
9.23 pm on April 1st 2012). But now, it can be a fun method or game that can be
applied in the classroom. And this study is aimed to find out whether Spelling Bee
Game could improve the vocabulary competence of the seventh grade of MTs Tunas
Based on the explanation above, the writer has the solution for the problem
that happened on students that how to increase the vocabulary competence. Some
students, has the difficulty in remembering and understanding the words, so that they
have a way to solve it. In order to make easy the process of teaching and learning, this
study is hoped to become a useful way for teacher and students, the study with
entitled in “The Influence of Application of Spelling Bee Game on The Students’
Vocabulary Competence at The Seventh Grade Students of MTs Tunas Cendikia
B. The Identification of The Problem
The problems of this research are divided into three categories, as follow:
1. The Research Field
The research field in writing this thesis is vocabulary. To help the students
more interested, and understand easily in vocabulary, so the writer applies spelling
bee game.
2. The Approach of the Research
The approach of this research is using quantitative approach and statistical
analysis. kinds of the problem in this research are students that have the difficulty
in memorizing, pronouncing, understanding and using the vocabularies of English
3. The Main Problem
The main problem of this thesis is the difficulty of the students in vocabulary.
The students have the difficulty in memorizing, pronouncing, understanding and
using the vocabulary.
C. The Limitation of The Problem
The limitation of the problem of this research consists of three kinds of
problem, they are the students vocabulary competence, the application of spelling bee
game, and the influence between both of them.
D. The Questions of The Research
The questions of the research are as follows:
1) How is the students’ competence in English vocabulary?
2) How is the students’ response of application of spelling bee game on students’
vocabulary competence?
3) Is there any positive and significant influence of application of spelling bee
game on the students’ vocabulary competence?
E. The Aims of The Research
Based on the questions of the research above, the writer has the aims of the
research as follows:
1) To find out know the data of the students’ competence in English vocabulary
2) To find out the data of the students’ response of application of spelling bee
game on students’ vocabulary competence
3) To find out the data of positive and significant influence of application of
spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence
F. The Use of The Research
The research is hoped to be able to show the improving the students
competence in memorizing, pronouncing, understanding and using the vocabulary of
any English material through spelling bee game. Beside that, with game or like a
competition can motivate the students in learning English.
G. The Frame of Thinking
In English learning, we know the four language skills that should be mastered
by students, they are reading, listening, writing and speaking skill. Those skills sure
will reach by the mastery of vocabulary. According to Oxford Advance Learner’s
Dictionary of current “Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language.”
On the other hand, the mastery of vocabulary is very important to increase
speaking skill on students, but the problem is how to help students to learning
vocabulary completely without make them bored. One of the useful method is
spelling bee game, which is the teacher as pronouncer and the students as speller.
As properly as competition (teacher can make the condition class like the
competition too), in spelling bee game students who are learning vocabulary relate
1. Learning vocabularies from English dictionary if they find the difficult
words of English material, e.g. spell “gorgeous”
2. Spelling one letter by one letter per-word “ji-o-ar’-ji-i-o-yu-es” it’s
3. They need to understand the meaning of word (English to English
language that can use oxford dictionary), for example:
Student: “may I have the definition sir?”
Teacher: “giving pleasure and satisfaction or wonderful”
4. The form of word (grammar) even up to homonym or antonym, for
Student: “may I know the form?”
Teacher: “it’s an adjective”
5. The example of word in sentence, for example:
Student: “may I have the sentence, please?”
Teacher: “I saw the gorgeous beach yesterday”
While, teacher who guides the students is suggested to:
1. Make sure the pronunciation of word
2. Repair the misspell
3. Give the definition
4. Give the form of grammar
5. Give the example of sentence
6. Give the exercise or test like the competition
7. Give the reward
According to Ernesto Aryo (2010) talk about spelling bee, he gives an opinion
on an article “The brave of forward, then the brave of speaking. Next public speaking.
It’s more useful in Indonesia”.
Even though spelling bee is the prestigious competition in United State
(Indonesia and other countries), but the writer tries to apply it into English learning
method and it is hoped can help students of seventh grade at MTs Tunas Cendikia
Cirebon in improving vocabulary that gives the positive influence for English
labguage skill.
H. The Hypothesis of The Research
a. Research hypothesis
There is a positive and significant influence of application of spelling bee
game on the students’ vocabulary competence.
b. Alternate hypothesis
There is no a positive and significant influence of application of spelling bee
game on the students’ vocabulary competence.
I. The Methodology of The Research
The steps of this research are:
1. The Objective of The Research
This research has a purpose to know the influence of application of spelling
bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence.
2. The Variables of The Research
There are two variables in this research:
a. X variable: application of spelling bee game
b. Y variable: the students’ vocabulary competence.
3. The Place and Time of The Research
To obtain these data, the writer will take from an observation at Tunas
Cendikia Cirebon. She will visit the school and interview the headmaster of school,
the teacher, and the students. She began to do the research on April 1st until June 30th
4. The Method of The Research
The research that is used in this research is empiric research and the method
that is used in this research is quantitative method.
5. The Population and Sample
a. Population
Accrording to Sugiyono (2011:80) “The population is the generalization area
that is composed of the object/subject that have certain qualities and characteristics
are determined by the researcher to learn and then drawn the conclusion”. The
population in this research are all of the students of seventh grade of MTs Tunas
Cendikia. The students who become population consist of 150 students.
b. Sample
Sugiyono (2011:81) still says on his book, “Sample is the part the number and
characteristics that is possessed by the population”. This research uses simple random
sampling, according to Earl R. Babbie (2010:211):
Simple random sampling (SRS) is the basic sampling method assumed in the
statistical computations of social research – simple random sampling (SRS) A
type of probability sampling in which in the units composing a population are
assigned numbers. A set of random numbers is then generated, and the units
having those numbers are included in the sample.
The students who become the respondent as sample (simple random sampling)
consists of 15 from 7 A class and 15 from 7 B class, so the total is 30 students.
6. The Technique of Collecting Data
There are three instruments that are used by the writer in this research, they
a. Observation
At the research place, to get the data of objective condition, the students and
the facilities of the school, the writer will use observation as one of the technique of
collecting data in this research.
b. Interview
Interview is a number of dialogues that is done by interviewer to get some
The writer does a number of dialogues that relate with the needed data. She
asks some of interview questions to the headmaster, English teacher and some
students. Also she asks to the sub administration to get the data about objective
condition and facilitates of the school as one of the form of collecting data.
c. Test
To know the students competence in improving the vocabularies of English
dictionary through spelling bee game, the writer has provided the test on vocabularies
to the students of 7A and 7B.
7. The Technique of Analysis Data
To find out the quantitative data, the writer analyzes the data based on the
results of the test of vocabulary that applied by spelling bee game. The technique of
analysis data for this research is using the formula of Product Moment by Pearson.
The formula for the Pearson r is:
rxy =
√(∑X2 )(∑Y2 )
= the score of product moment by Pearson
= the students’ vocabulary competence
= the students’ vocabulary competence that applied by spelling bee game
∑XY = the total (amount of XY variable)
But, to find out ∑XY, the writer should put the mean score by using the mean
formula as follows:
Mean for X variable is: MX =
And mean for Y variable is: MY =
= the mean score of X variable (the students’ vocabulary competence)
= the total (amount of X variable)
= the mean score of Y variable (the students’ vocabulary competence that
applied by spelling bee game)
= the total (amount of Y variable)
= the number of students
To know the research has significant correlation the writer uses the formula of
t and the formula for degree of freedom (dF) is N – 2
t0 =
√(1−r2 )
= t-observed
= the score of product moment by Pearson
And to know the research has significant influence or no significant influence
or how many percent of X variable gives contribution to the Y variable, the writer
uses the formula of DC (Determination Coefficient) is r 2 x 100%
DC = r 2 x 100%
From the result of computation, the values of t-observed (t 0 ) can determined
by consulting it to the value of t-table with significance 5% and the degrees of