Constitution 2015 - U of M Habitat for Humanity

Constitution of Habitat for Humanity at the University of
Minnesota Campus Chapter
Article 1 – General
Section 1: The official name of this student group shall be Habitat for Humanity at the
University of Minnesota Campus Chapter
Section 2: The student group shall operate as a chapter of the non-profit organization
Habitat for Humanity International.
Section 3: The student group shall abide by the applicable rules and policies set by
Student Unions and Activities office of the University of Minnesota defined in the
Student Group Policy Handbook.
Section 4: This student group shall exist for the following purposes:
a. To provide University of Minnesota students with volunteering opportunities
with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and other non-profit organizations in the
affordable housing sector.
b. To provide a forum for speakers within and outside the University community
concerning topics of affordable housing.
c. To provide general education, awareness and advocacy events and opportunities
to students, faculty and staff of the University of Minnesota concerning
affordable housing and homelessness.
d. To build and rehabilitate houses in partnership with Habitat affiliates and
e. To raise funds for Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and other Habitat for
Humanity affiliates.
Article II – Membership
Section 1: Voting membership shall be open to everyone in the group that has paid
membership dues. Dues will be determined by an executive board majority vote. Voting
membership status will give individuals priority on volunteering events including
build preference and early trip sign-up, a welcome letter, and a chapter t-shirt. Voting
Membership is only valid for one academic year, and would need to be renewed yearly.
Section 2: No more than 1/3 of the voting membership shall consist of non-students.
Section 3: General membership shall be open to everyone that has not attained Voting
Membership status.
Section 4: Membership is open to all people without regard to race, ethnicity, religion,
color, gender, age, disability, veteran status, political affiliation or sexual orientation.
Article III – Officers
Section 1: The officer positions of this student group will consist of President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Collegiate Challenge Coordinator, Marketing
Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Education and Advocacy Coordinator,
Fundraising Coordinator, Web Tech Officer, and Freshman Representative. Additional
officer positions may be temporarily added when needed by a ¾ vote of the current
executive officers. Any of these positions may be Co-Chaired if ran together during
elections or newly elected officer approves of partnership.
Section 2: All officers shall be enrolled at the University of Minnesota throughout their
time of service. They shall be enrolled in no fewer than 6 credits. Exceptions to this
requirement are permitted for graduate students upon receipt of a letter from the
Director of Graduate Studies of the student’s department certifying that the student is
actively pursuing a degree.
Section 3: Officers shall be elected through a majority vote comprised of the Voting
Membership present during spring election. When only one nominee is up for a
position, no majority vote is needed. In the event of no nominees for a position, the
position will be filled and voted on by current academic year executive board needing a
majority vote.
Section 4: Officer duties shall include:
a. President shall preside over and facilitate all meetings; serve as executive
officer member over all operations; supervise all activities; serve as the group
visionary; serve as liaison between U of M HFH and all other Habitat
affiliates, between U of M HFH and Habitat campus chapters, between U of
M Student Groups and advisors and U of M HFH; shall delegate
responsibilities to individual officers; shall be responsible for knowing or
discovering policies relating to Habitat; help plan yearly board retreat; shall
write and submit HFHI annual report, shall help prepare Student Services
Fees application, SAO group re-registration and coordinate the YLC
b. Vice President shall perform duties of the President if s/he is absent; help the
President perform his or her duties; handle all weekly mass e-mails; check
chapter e-mails on a regular basis; maintain membership roster; shall help
handle individual board member conflicts; shall help plan yearly board
c. Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of the proceedings of the board
and all members; files/sort/display chapter memorabilia, including chapter
photos, press articles, and archives; maintain contact with Alumni and
organize Alumni events and newsletter; recruit members and shall maintain
knowledge of all event documentation in preparation for the board transition.
d. Treasurer shall provide safekeeping of all funds; is responsible for
maintaining all financial records of the chapter; receive all money due and
payable to the chapter; deposit all money in the chapter account; distribute
funds authorized to be paid by the chapter; file a financial report the Twin
Cities affiliate once a month or when requested; check mailbox for new checks
that chapter may receive; prepare yearly budget with estimated incoming;
outgoing funds; prepare event budgets; shall seek additional funds/materials
in the form of grants and donations.
e. Collegiate Challenge Coordinator shall be responsible for reserving sites for
winter and/or spring Collegiate Challenge with CCYP department and
reserving 15 passenger vans or mini vans for trips; shall select and train trip
leaders; help leaders with the planning of trips; work with the treasurer and
fundraising coordinator to manage payments for trips; shall be responsible
for e-mail communication with people interested in trips; shall devise and
execute a marketing strategy for trips; plan a Global Village trip when
applicable; shall plan additional fundraising opportunities available for trip
f. Marketing Coordinator shall coordinate all public relations; provide resources
necessary to promote organization through flyers, posters, ads, newsletters,
business cards, etc.; shall be responsible for writing all press releases and
acting as the media contact; promote chapter events through volunteer fairs
and other events; maintain and update all social media sites; create and
organize Explore U materials; document events and meetings through
photography; work with Education Chair to raise awareness of Habitat on
campus and in the community.
g. Volunteer Coordinator shall manage and respond to email inquiries about
volunteering with TCCC; reserve spaces for volunteers on workdays with TC
Habitat for Humanity; recruit volunteers through sign-up sheets at meetings
or via email; arrange transportation and/or carpools to the build site; send
reminder emails/makes reminder phone calls to volunteers; keep record of
volunteers’ hours; shall plan and execute a fall and spring Mega Build, shall
execute at least one network build, shall investigate similar volunteer
opportunities for members outside of Habitat when necessary.
h. Education and Advocacy Coordinator shall educate members, campus, and
the community about Habitat and the need for affordable housing; direct the
annual Shantytown event in the fall; educate community about the mission of
HFHI and the U of M Habitat; plan educational activities on affordable
housing for members at the general body meetings; shall be responsible for
the planning and organization of Act! Speak! Build! Week; shall seek
additional funds/materials for educational events in the form of grants and
i. Fundraising Coordinator shall be responsible for seeking/creating new
fundraiser activities; responsible for the planning and the implementation of
all fundraisers; work with other board members and volunteers to help with
the fundraiser; shall be responsible for making all reservations relating to the
fundraiser; shall plan and oversee the Golden 5k and Muddy Sunday.
Web Tech Officer shall design, construct, and maintain the U of M Habitat
web page; post updates and Habitat information when needed; be
knowledgeable of the workings of how to create and update a web page;
maintain executive board web-based files.
k. Campus Outreach Coordinator shall develop partnerships and maintain
communication with organizations on campus; create or direct other student
groups to opportunities for direct involvement and partnerships; attend MSA
forums and report to board, strongly encouraged to join the grants committee
within MSA; stay informed of relevant on-campus events; continually work
toward developing a strong relationship with Twin Cities HFH and reaches
out to other chapters when applicable; plan and execute the Mystery Bus
l. Freshman Representative shall handle general meeting attendance and
update the master contact spreadsheet, shall prepare a summary newsletter
each semester; work, when applicable, with other board members to assist
and execute events; develop and provide a connection with Freshmen and
explore new opportunities for their involvement within the chapter; recruit
Freshmen members.
Article IV – Committees
Section 1: Committees may be established to carry out special assignments. All
members may sit on, attend, and contribute to all committees. Committees must be
overseen by an executive officer.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1: General Body Meetings shall take place biweekly on campus. Special general
body meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Executive Board. Meetings shall
take place regardless of the number of members present.
Section 2: Executive Board meetings shall be held biweekly opposite of General Body
meetings. All officers shall be in attendance for executive board meetings. Should any
officer have three (3) or more excused absences (as determined by the President) from
an executive board meeting, that officer shall meet with President and Vice President
about officer expectations. If felt that officer cannot meet these expectations, they will be
asked to resign. In the case that the officer does not resign, impeachment process would
be needed. Should any officer have two or more unexcused absences (as determined by
the President) from an executive board meeting, that officer shall forfeit their officer
Article VI – By-Laws
Section 1: By-Laws may be proposed by the membership and may be adopted by the
majority vote of those present at the meeting when a quorum is present. Quorum is
established as twenty-five percent of voting membership.
Section 2: Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any member of the
group. Such proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for a
first reading to the membership at a General Board meeting prior to the proposed
amendment being voted on.
Section 3: Duly proposed amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the voting
members provided a quorum is present. A majority plus one vote in favor shall be
required for adoption of such amendments.
Article VII – Dissolution
Section 1: Dissolution of the group may take place if a four fifths vote by the entire
board is in favor of dissolution. Proper documentation must include reasons for
dissolution, discussion notes, and full list of how board members voted on the matter.
Section 2: In the event that the group is to be dissolved all remaining funds will be
donated to Habitat for Humanity Twin Cities affiliate.
Constitution Ratified: September 10, 2014
Witnessed by: