
English Studies 2015
Text Production Study (Oral): Spoken Word Poetry
Due Date:
To provide you with the opportunity to:
 Demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between what authors
present in texts and the experiences, ideas, values and beliefs of
 Demonstrate and use language skills and techniques to create
personal, persuasive texts that address the meaning and intention of
the task.
Description of assessment
The aim of this task is to convey your thoughts on a topic of particular
personal interest; this can be a small or large topic. Words and stories have
the power to effect people and in a spoken work piece the speaker is
emotionally involved with their material and as a result their piece is presented
in a very personal and powerful way. Persuasive language aims to manipulate
the audience into accepting a particular point of view or prompt them to react
in a particular way; the approach to the subject is often subjective. Create and
present a Spoken Word Performance on a topic negotiated with me. A key
part of this piece will be how you present – the way you use your voice as
a tool.
You may support your oral with a multimedia presentation if you wish; this
could be PowerPoint, video, or some other form.
Assessment Conditions
An oral presentation up to a maximum of 6 minutes. Please hand up a
recording (audio or video), transcript of your presentation and the PowerPoint
thumbnails/Voicethreads etc. link if used.
Some guidelines
 Begin with an opening/introduction which grabs the reader, sets the
tone, or strongly conveys your point of view.
 Make use of voice, tone, pausing, pacing, emphasis, volume and
expression to enhance the meaning of your oral.
 Present a clear line of discussion and build to a strong conclusion.
 Use a range of language/literary devices to enhance your piece and
convey your ideas – like simile, metaphor, repetition etc.
 Use examples/anecdotes appropriately to support your claims.
 Demonstrate your personal engagement with the topic.
 Engage (and maybe inspire) the audience.
Assessment Design Criteria
Knowledge and Understanding
The specific features are as follows:
KU2 Knowledge and understanding of ideas, values, and beliefs in texts.
The specific features are as follows:
Ap1 Use of language skills and techniques to create coherent texts that address the
meaning and intention of the task.
Ap4 Use of textual, structural, and conventional features of selected text types and
forms of presentation to convey meaning.
The specific features are as follows:
C1 Accuracy, clarity, and fluency of expression.
C2 Appropriate form and register for audience and purpose.
Performance Standards
Knowledge and Understanding
KU2: Detailed knowledge and
understanding of the ideas,
values, and beliefs in familiar and
unfamiliar texts.
Ap1: Use of a wide range of language skills and
techniques to create sophisticated and coherent
texts that address the meaning and intention of
the task.
C1: Fluent and precise writing and
speaking, using appropriate style and
structure for a range of mainly unfamiliar
audiences and contexts.
Ap4: Skills in using the textual, structural, and
conventional features of text types for a range of
familiar and unfamiliar contexts, audiences, and
C2: Appropriate use of form and register to
convey mostly complex meaning in a range
of unfamiliar contexts.
Performance Standards
Knowledge and Understanding
KU2: Detailed knowledge and
understanding of the ideas, values,
and beliefs in familiar and unfamiliar
Ap1: Use of a wide range of language skills and
techniques to create sophisticated and coherent
texts that address the meaning and intention of the
C1: Fluent and precise writing and speaking,
using appropriate style and structure for a
range of mainly unfamiliar audiences and
Ap4: Skills in using the textual, structural, and
conventional features of text types for a range of
familiar and unfamiliar contexts, audiences, and
C2: Appropriate use of form and register to
convey mostly complex meaning in a range of
unfamiliar contexts.
Ap1: Use of a range of language skills and
techniques to create clear and coherent texts that
address the meaning and intention of the task.
C1: Mostly fluent and precise writing and
speaking, using appropriate style and structure
for a range of mostly familiar audiences and
KU2: Knowledge and understanding
of some ideas, values, and beliefs in
familiar, and some unfamiliar, texts.
Ap4: Skills in using some of the textual, structural,
and conventional features of text types for a range
of mainly familiar, and some unfamiliar, contexts,
audiences, and purposes.
KU2: Knowledge and understanding
of some ideas, values, and beliefs in
mainly familiar texts.
KU2: Knowledge and understanding
of some familiar ideas, values, and
beliefs in familiar texts.
Ap1: Use of language skills and techniques to
create texts that address the meaning and intention
of the task.
C1: Generally fluent and functional writing and
speaking, using appropriate style and structure
for familiar audiences and contexts.
Ap4: Skills in using some of the textual, structural,
and conventional features of some text types for
familiar contexts, audiences, and purposes.
C2: Appropriate use of form and register to
convey simple meaning in a narrow range of
familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Ap1: Use of some language skills and techniques
to create texts that partly address the meaning and
intention of the task.
C1: Achievement of a level of fluency in writing
and speaking, in a mainly appropriate style.
Ap4: Skills in using some of the textual, structural,
or conventional features of a text type for a familiar
context, audience, or purpose.
KU2: Identification of an idea, a
value, or a belief in familiar texts.
C2: Appropriate use of form and register to
convey complex and simple meaning in a
range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Ap1: Attempted use of a restricted range of
language skills and/or techniques to create a text or
texts that attempt to address the meaning or
intention of the task.
Ap4: Skills in using the textual, structural, or
conventional features of a text type for a highly
familiar context, audience, or purpose.
C2: Occasionally appropriate use of form
and/or register to convey simple meaning in
familiar contexts.
C1: Emerging development of fluency in an
occasionally appropriate style.
C2: Occasionally appropriate use of form and
register to convey literal meaning in highly
familiar contexts.