CID - CTE input needed

CI-D seeks faculty input in the following CTE disciplines
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Transportation Technology
Fire Technology
C-ID: Faculty Invitation to Attend Discipline Input Group (DIG) Meetings for Career Technical Education
Disciplines - December Date
Krystinne Mica [krystinne@ASCCC.ORG]
You forwarded this message on 11/5/2015 11:21 AM.
Thursday, November 05, 2015 10:15 AM
Greetings Senate Presidents and Curriculum Chairs!
We need your immediate assistance to 1) inform discipline faculty and 2) help to encourage your faculty
to participate.
WHAT: Convening Faculty to Consider the Development of C-ID Descriptors and Model Curricula in
Career Technical Education (CTE) Disciplines
WHY: This is the third phase in an effort to develop C-ID course descriptors to support local AS degrees
and certificates, specific to CTE disciplines. These efforts are not focused on the development of
Transfer Model Curricula; rather, the focus is on local "terminal" degrees and certificates that can
benefit from statewide curriculum discussions.
These meetings are “come one, come all” to encourage wide participation and perspectives. Later,
faculty will be identified to serve on each Faculty Discipline Review Group (FDRG).
WHO: We need faculty who teach in the disciplines below to attend:
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Transportation Technology
Fire Technology
WHEN: Friday, December 4, 2015
WHERE: Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel
Step 1: Register for the listserv specific to your discipline by visiting
Step 2: Register for the CTE DIG event by visiting:
COST: Free! (light breakfast and lunch provided) however travel to the event will not be reimbursed by
the Academic Senate for CCC.
Please forward this email to any community college faculty that teaches in the fields identified above.
Feel free to push this email to professional organizations affiliated with your field and please encourage
all faculty to register for the listserv for their discipline.
Please email if you have any questions. Thank you.
-Kind Regards,
Krystinne Mica, M.Ed.
Course Identification Numbering (C-ID) System
Program Manager
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
One Capitol Mall, Suite 340
Sacramento | CA | 95814
PH: 916 445 4753 x 108