„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a

„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a kutatói hivatásig”
Guidelines for authors
for the Challenges in economic and technological development conference
held 15/16 October, 2015 in Lillafüred/Miskolc
The main goal of the PhD session is to promote scientific communication among the higher
education institutions, including the development of personal contacts and research
collaboration. The conference provides a framework for discussion and provides publication
possibilities. Accepted paper will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected high
quality papers will also be published in the journal Theory, Methodology, Practice - Club of
Economics in Miskolc (see: http://tmp.gtk.uni-miskolc.hu).
Conditions of application and deadlines
PhD session is open for PhD students and young researchers. Application is available with an
abstract and an application form.
Application can be made online: http://gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/doktoriiskola/registration
Conditions of the participation and publication are an oral presentation and a written paper.
Papers will be reviewed by experts and plagiarism-checker. Please, strictly follow the
formatting requirement in this guide. Not suitable submissions will be rejected.
Application with co-author(s) is not allowed.
Registration & abstract submission: June 29, 2015
Notification on the acceptance of application: July 13, 2015
Payment of registration fee: July 30, 2015
Paper submission: September 14, 2015
Notification on the result of the paper review: October 5, 2015
Conference date: October 15, 2015
Submission of the reviewed paper: October 30, 2015
Publishing the papers in the conference proceedings: November 30, 2015
Hunguest Hotel Palota, Lillafüred, Hungary
Formatting the abstract
The abstract is a maximum one-page extract of the planned paper and presentation that allows
the editorial board to decide on the conformity to the conference goals. The abstract shall
include the motivation of the research, presumptions, research methods and expected results.
Do not add any references to the abstract.
Formatting the paper
The paper shall be 7-15 pages, written in British English. It shall include a literature review, the
paper should present the research methodology, the main findings and a conclusion (relation of
own findings to the ones in the literature, application possibilities and suggestions for further
research). Citations and reference list shall follow the APA 6th style.
Papers shall be written in Word (doc/docx) format with the following requirements:
„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a kutatói hivatásig”
Times New Roman, 12 pt font
Line spacing: single (1.0)
Margins: 2.5 cm (each)
Text alignment is justified
Alignment of title and the author’s name on the top is centered
No additional feedings or indents are allowed in the paper
No headings, ‘normal’ style for the entire paper
Bullets and Numbering with the default settings
Chapters, sub-chapters and the list of references shall be numbered (automatic
numbering can be used)
Figures and tables shall be numbered and also referred in the text!
Alignment of figures and tables is centered.
A sample format is attached to the end of the guidelines. Please, read it carefully, further
guidelines in the text of the sample!
The file name of the paper shall be: Paper_Name of applicant_Title of paper.doc(x).
Preparing the oral presentation
The time limit of the oral presentations is 15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion. Scheduling and
sequence of the presentations will be in the conference program.
Projector (VGA) and computer (Windows) is available in the session. Ppt/pptx presentation is
preferred, in case of using other presentation formats (e.g prezi.com) the proper preparation of
off-line use is highly recommended!
Anna Vízkeleti, vizkeletianna@gmail.com
„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a kutatói hivatásig”
Sample format of the abstract
Tile of the planned paper
Surname, First name
The abstract is important, because it will be reviewed by the editorial board before making a
decision, whether the topic is suitable for the conference or not. The requirement above
describes the expected content. Of course, the abstract can be customized based on the research
topic and the progress of the research topic.
Please, do not use blank lines between each paragraph of the abstract.
Nevertheless, in case of a new content element a blank line is useful. The abstract does not
allow figures, tables and citations.
„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a kutatói hivatásig”
Sample format of the paper
Tile of the paper
Surname, First name
The introduction gives a short summary about the content of the paper, including the goals, the
used methods and the structure of the paper. There is a maximum 4,000 character limit of the
1. Chapter title
1.1 Sub-chapter title
The structure of the paper must be prepared in harmony with the topic and the level of results.
3-5 chapters are recommended (considering the page limit of the paper). Please, do not put each
paragraph into a new chapter-or subchapter.
1.2 Listing
Before and after the titles use blank lines. As you see, titles are highlighted by using bold font.
In text italic font is allowed (but not necessary) for highlighting keywords.
Using bullets or numbered lists is useful. Papers will be edited later, using the default settings
of the Word may prevent misunderstanding:
- first element,
- second element,
- …
- last element.
In case of a numbered list:
1. first element,
2. second element,
3. …
4. last element.
1.3 Citation
Consider, that footnotes and end notes are not allowed. Each citation shall be included,
formatting like:
- …weakly correlated with performance (Khurana, 2009),
- “… in case of literal citation” (Kiss, 2010:25),
- Klein (2004) points out…,
- is becoming increasingly important (Vink et al., 1998),
- ensuring customer satisfaction (Aft, 1998; Tenner & DeToro, 1992).
Cited works shall be in the list of references, and list of references shall only include cited
1.4 Figures and tables
„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a kutatói hivatásig”
Figures (Figure 1.) and tables (Table 1.) shall be integrative parts of the paper, with reference
in the text as in this sentence. Title and source is to sign as the samples show below. Source of
own figures and tables can be “own work”. The titles go below figures and above tables.
Figure 1. Bad sitting postures
source: own work
Table 1. Features of body parts loaded during office work
source: Wilson (2006:103)
Body part
pain, Not appropriate height of the
torpidness, radiant pain in limbs desk or chair. Bad positioning of
keyboard and mouse.
Bad body posture.
Neck pain, which may radiate The monitor is set in a wrong
back to neck and shoulder. The angle. Not appropriate height of
hard muscle tone can lead to the chair and table. Bad body
narrowing of the movement. . posture and sitting posture.
Head ache and tiredness can be
The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the research and the limitations. It also give
an outlook for the further challenges.
1. Becker, Gy., & Kaucsek, Gy. (1998). Termékergonómia és termékpszichológia
(Product Ergonomics and Product Psychology). Budapest: Tölgyfa Kiadó.
2. Chim, J. (2013). The FITS model office ergonomics program: A model for best practice.
Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation 48(4), 495-501.
3. Wilson, J. (1986). The ergonomics of working postures. London: Taylor & Francis.
„ÚTON a tudomány felé – tehetséggondozás az iskolapadtól a kutatói hivatásig”
(Formatting the list of references the APA 6th style is expected. See e.g.:
Contact information:
University, faculty
Mailing address of the research institute