Math 7 - Integer Operations Tic Tac Toe

Name:______________________ Block:_________
Integer Operations and PEMDAS
Rewrite the “Hokey Pokey” song
to teach the order of operations
to your classmates. Be ready to
get up and have the class dance
with you as you complete a
problem of your choice.
Your goal number is 36. Create
a collage of different calculations
that would equal your target
number. You must have 15
calculations that involve positive
and negative integers and you
must have all four operations
(addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division).
Create a short class lesson that
teaches students some different
ways to remember the order of
operations. You must include a
warm-up, mini lesson, practice
time, and of course an exit ticket.
Write, direct and record an
instructional video that teaches
kids all of the rules for adding,
subtracting, multiplying and
dividing integers.
Free Choice
Write a proposal and submit for
Must involve integers and/or the
order of operations.
Using a newspaper, locate at least
three stories that can be used to
create integer word problems.
Create a collage or scrapbook
that shows the stories, the word
problems and the solutions. Be
sure to include addition,
subtraction, multiplication and
division as well as positive and
negative numbers.
Your birth date is the goal
number. Create Three Truths
and a Lie for that target number
using the order of operations.
The statements must include all
of the operations in PEMDAS.
Example of a Truth
13  (32  6)  5  2  (16  2)
Create a children’s book or comic
strip that explains the rules for
adding, subtracting, multiplying
and dividing integers in a way
that is fun, understandable, and
relevant to real life.
Create a board game that involves
adding and subtracting integers
(positive and negative) to move
around the board.
Mark the boxes you plan to complete. They should form a tic-tac-toe across, down or diagonal.
All products are due by: _______________________________________