Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Collaboration Service Description

Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email, Communication & Collaboration Service
Cobweb Message Archiver - Service Description
Cobweb Managed Enterprise BlackBerry (BES 5) - Service Description
Cobweb Customer Directory Integration (CDI & IDSync) - Service
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Communication Service Description
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Collaboration Service Description
Domains and Mail Relay
Virus Protection
Spam Protection
22 Email Content and Image Control
Data Replication
Access Methods
Data Ownership
Guaranteed Service Level
Enterprise Disaster Recovery Service Level
Administrator Support
Support Hours
Spam Administration
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Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email, Communication & Collaboration
Service Description
Public Sector suite of services including Microsoft Exchange 2013, Lync 2013 and SharePoint.
Designed to offer secure, scalable and automated cloud services from one of Europe largest
suppliers of Hosted Exchange. Services operated exclusively from UK datacentres, with 24/7 UK
based support. Lync 2013 offers full voice/video collaboration and conferencing using both voip
and public telephone network calling.
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email is based on Microsoft Exchange 2013 Enterprise edition and,
combined with Microsoft Office Outlook, the service offers mobile, remote and desktop email
access with state-of-the-art productivity, security and privacy.
Delivered as a fully managed solution with 24/7 support, you will never have to worry about the
security, integrity or delivery of your email again. With a guaranteed service level and predictable
monthly costs, you can experience significantly lower Total Cost of Ownership for your messaging
and collaboration needs.
The Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email service has three mailbox types that can be used within a
single organisation. By providing the correct level of functionality to each user within the
organisation, this will ensure your optimum cost of ownership.
For you:
 Secure system delivered from ISO 27001-accredited, Tier 3+ UK data centres
 Predictable monthly OpEx costs that scale with your company growth
 ‘Just in Time’ scale for capacity, storage and incremental user growth, allowing you to
maximise the utilisation of the service without upfront CapEx investment
 Product updates, efficiency improvements and financially guaranteed performance
For your users:
Email access anywhere, anytime
Collaboration with shared contacts, calendar, tasks and notes
Industry-leading antispam and antivirus protection from
24/7 expert support from qualified individuals, available to both administrators and
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Mailbox size
Unlimited GB
POP3 only
Customer Directory Integration (CDI)
Advanced Directory Integration (IDSync)
Multiple data centres with replica copies
Fully secure MAPI access via SSL using
Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTPs)
Outlook Web App 2013 (OWA) via SSL
Support for multiple domains and multiple
mailbox aliases, full collaborative features
Access to Global Address List (GAL)
Full offline working with Cached Exchange
Mode, Online and Offline Address Book
Offline OWA (new in Exchange 2013)
Mobile email access via ActiveSync –
iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile
Antispam and Antivirus protection from Email Content and Image
Control service
Secure POP3, IMAP4 and SMTP access
using 2048-bit TLS/SSL encryption
Latest version of Microsoft Office Outlook
2013 Licence or Microsoft Outlook 2011 for
Mac Licence
Personal Calendars, Contacts, Folders and
Shared Calendars, Contacts, Folders and
Group scheduling and meeting planning
Modern Public Folders – 1GB included,
maximum 25GB (additional space on
Administrator support
User support, included in most service
plans (Outlook client only)
Migration and set-up services
Disclaimer – activated through the ‘Cobweb
Control Panel’ by an administrator
(applicable per company)
Personal archive mailbox unlimited size
Resource mailbox
Integration with Cobweb Hosted Lync 2013
√ (No
√ (No
√ (Offline
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Unlimited personal archive space with
advanced mailbox retention policies and inplace hold
Advanced mobile device management
Exchange Unified Messaging (Voice Mail
for Lync 2013)
*(Additional service fees)
2. Mailbox Administration
Mailbox administration is provided through the web-based ‘Cobweb Control Panel’ self-care
administration portal. Functionality available to customer administrators through the ‘Cobweb
Control Panel’ includes:
Add new users | edit existing users | reset user passwords
Create distribution groups and external contacts within the Global Address List
Import users, distributions groups and external contacts from .CSV files
Manage user mailbox sizes | order additional services
Manage ActiveSync and devices
Manage Public Folders | Manage company disclaimers | Manage domains
3. Service add-On Options
The following chargeable service add-ons are available for the Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email
Disclaimers (chargeable)
Company disclaimers are statements that are appended to sent emails. These statements are
usually of a legal nature but can also be used for marketing purposes. You can create three
different disclaimer types intended for:
Internal recipients (recipients inside this organisation)
External recipients (recipients outside this organisation)
Or both types
Resource Mailboxes
Resource mailboxes are mailboxes that represent conference rooms or shared equipment.
Resource mailboxes can be included as resources in meeting requests, providing a simple and
efficient way to utilize resources for an organization. There are two types of resource mailboxes in
Microsoft Exchange 2010 hosting edition:
Room mailboxes are assigned to a meeting location, such as a conference room,
auditorium, or training room.
Equipment mailboxes are assigned to a resource that is not location specific, such as a
portable computer projector, microphone, or company car.
Unlimited Personal Archive space with advanced mailbox retention policies
and In-Place Hold (Chargeable)
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Unlimited personal archives helps you regain control of your organisations messaging data by
eliminating the need for personal store (.pst) files and allows users to store messages in an archive
mailbox accessible in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Web App. Advanced mailbox
retention policies lets you apply a common set of retention policies or security settings to a user or
group of users. Litigation hold enables the preservation of electronically stored information. Within
Microsoft Exchange 2013 in-place hold enables the following:
Enables users to be placed on hold and keep mailbox items in an unaltered state
Preserve mailbox items that may have been deleted or edited by users
Preserve mailbox items automatically deleted by MRM (Messaging Records Management)
Keep the in-place hold transparent from the user by not having to suspend the MRM
Enable discovery searches of items placed in hold.
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Cobweb Message Archiver - Service Description
Email has both revolutionised and imprisoned the business world, and is now the most prevalent
form of business communication: accounting for 65% of all correspondence. Both message
volumes and average message size have grown year on year by circa 40% and 20% a year
We all know that email is simple to create, handy to use, and easy to send; however, by relying
solely on today’s backup procedures (or worse, no procedures), data and financial loss are
Conventional backups made for disaster recovery are not a substitute for message archiving;
furthermore it is expensive and time-consuming to recover data from a tape backup. Email that is
accidentally or intentionally deleted may well be unrecoverable.
Complimenting Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email by adding Cobweb Message Archiver solution*,
powered by Global Relay, provides businesses with an enterprise-class message archiving,
monitoring and discovery solution. The Message Archiver solution secures your business
information via Global Relays Canadian east/west coast data centres.
*Cobweb Message Archiver can only be used with Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email Service
Benefits of Message Archiver
Your company will never lose messages again. It’s a fool-proof backup and automated
disaster recovery tool, alleviating the heavy burden on your IT personnel.
Easily add the Message Archiver solution to your Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email service.
You will eliminate expenses related to growing message storage. No software, hardware or
programming is required.
No need to depend on disparate backup and storage systems, or the discretionary storage
practices of employees to retain messages in their personal folders or create PST files.
The Message Archiver keeps your business organised, boosts efficiency and collaboration
by automating recordkeeping. Using ‘best practice’ procedures and safeguards, it helps
enforce internal supervisory controls against inadequate data management practices.
The Message Archiver has advanced search and retrieval system that provides rapid
recovery of all email, attachments, indexes and audit trails, even if the original has been
All users may rapidly view, retrieve, organise, reply to, forward, print or download any of their
current or historical messages anytime/anywhere through any secure web browser.
By preserving a permanent copy of every incoming, internal and outgoing email and any
attachments, the Message Archiver provides an indisputable chronological time and date
stamped record to help safeguard you in the event of customer, supplier or employee issues,
errors or allegations. Customer message information has secure end-to-end multi-level
encryption to ensure that privacy, confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations are upheld.
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Security and Data Protection
The archiving process has secure end-to-end dual encryption using highest level Advance
Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) dual encryption, and a
simultaneous secondary Digital ID via an RSA bit key for highest encryption. Global Relay has
provided Message Archiver solutions since 1999 without a single incident of data loss.
The Message Archiver is specifically engineered to provide a total regulatory and legal compliance
solution for companies subject to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, the Financial
Services Authority and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for public sector organisations for
Proven reliability since 1999
Off-site, mirrored storage in dual east/west coast Canadian data centres with optional nonrewritable, non-erasable dedicated WORM media with off-site backup
Dedicated professional Global Relay compliance team with the highest synergy of business,
technical and legal expertise
Global Relay services provide your business with a superior balance of technology, service,
support, training and affordability: to efficiently help your business meet regulatory, audit,
corporate governance, discovery requests and other business needs
Message Archiver
The Message Archiver solution; powered by true search engine technology will retrieve any
message in seconds regardless of volume or age. The solution offers unlimited online storage for
the long-term preservation, management and retrieval of email and attachments.
With secure web-based personal message management tools, users may view, reply to, forward
and download all their current and historical messages, and even create new mail. You will never
lose email again!
Service add-on options
The following two chargeable service add-ons are available for the Cobweb Message Archiver
5.1 Compliance Reviewer
A multi-tier, turn-key supervisory system with one-click compliance, one-second review
and categorisation by flags, priorities, folders and labels. Email policies for proper usage,
corporate governance and compliance are easily enforced and monitored. Rogue
messages are identified by keyword filtering, specific query or random sampling.
5.2 Storage Robot
A secondary near-online storage (NOS) solution using dedicated, tamperproof WORM
(Write Once, Read Many) drives with write verification (used in addition to primary online
SAN storage), to provide an authentic, evidentiary quality copy of every message.
Service Availability
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Global Relay will make commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Services to be available to its
Customers at all times, excluding Scheduled Down Time (down time resulting from normal
scheduled maintenance, Major Upgrades or critical fixes, which will be scheduled outside normal
Business Hours, to the extent possible). Global Relay reserves the right to immediately implement
critical security patches, critical fixes or software/hardware modifications/updates that repair or
prevent a Service impacting situation.
Standard Support
The service is supported 24/7 via Email and Online Support Form for all severities and in
addition by telephone for Severity 1 incidents
Severity 1 incidents, as defined by the Service Level Agreement, will be progressed 24/7
Severity 2,3 and 4 incidents will be progress during Core Hours of business
Access to customer support is for named customer administrators only
Support Hours
Core Hours: 08:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs GMT time zone, excluding weekends and UK Public
The Message Archiver solution is delivered as a fully managed solution with 24*7 technical
support. With predictable monthly costs, you can experience significantly lower total cost of
ownership and receive an archiving solution that meets your needs.
Messaging Compliance
It is critical for certain companies to ensure that business records must now be protected at all
junctures to prevent document tampering and destruction. Regulatory compliance serves to
promote corporate accountability; especially when a company is involved in audits, investigations,
litigation or other formal proceedings. Message Archiver and Compliance Reviewer from Cobweb
provide your business with the right tools to help adhere to corporate governance and good
business practise.
10. Data Retention
The data retention is unlimited whilst taking this service and a Hosted Exchange service from
Cobweb. Upon termination of the Message Archiver Services, the Customer may request by
Notification the pickup by courier of its dedicated WORM drive(s), or request by Notification, the
return of a copy of Data stored by the Customer on Global Relay's Systems for a reasonable fee,
determined by Global Relay based on the digital media and format requested and amount of Data
to be returned.
Alternatively, the Customer may instruct Global Relay to delete all Customer Data upon written
Direction & Release to Global Relay's legal department. In the event that Global Relay does not
receive Notification from the Customer requesting return of the dedicated WORM drive(s) and/or a
copy of such Data prior to, or at the time, of cancellation or termination, then the Customer is
hereby put on notice that Global Relay may, without liability to the Customer, delete all such
Customer's Data after 120 days from the date of termination. Global Relay will provide 30 day's
Notification before any such deletion.
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11. Data Retention
11.1 Ownership of Customer Data
Global Relay acknowledges that all Customer Data it receives from the Customer is
proprietary to and exclusively owned by the Customer. Nothing in this Agreement grants
Global Relay any right, title or interest in or to any Customer Data. For Customers that
have purchased and engaged Global Relay's Message Archiver compliance services,
where a copy of all Customer Data is written to dedicated WORM (Write Once, Read
Many) media, such dedicated WORM drive(s) are deemed to be the sole property of the
Customer and as such, the Customer may request by Notification the courier pickup of
such dedicated WORM drive(s), within a reasonable time, at no extra fee, other than the
cost of delivery.
11.2 Production & Delivery of Customer Data
Every Customer using the Message Archiver Services has immediate online access via
any secure web browser to all its Data for the full Services Period (including all
employees if enabled). The Customer also has the option to request by Notification, a
partial or full copy of its Data stored by the Customer on Global Relay's Systems, for a
reasonable fee *determined by Global Relay based on the format requested by Customer
(and agreed upon by Global Relay in consultation with the Customer) and the amount of
Data to be produced and delivered.
11.3 Archive Data Capture
Customers using the Message Archiver understand and acknowledge that it is a serverbased system engineered to capture and archive incoming, internal, outgoing electronic
communications of the Customer. Accordingly, the Customer expressly agrees that it is
the sole responsibility of the Customer to ensure that all electronic records required to be
archived are properly forwarded to the Message Archiver. The Customer must notify
Global Relay of all email domains and other types of electronic communications required
by the Customer to be archived. Global Relay shall not be liable to the Customer for any
records that are not technically able to be captured by the Message Archiver for reasons
beyond the control of Global Relay.
11.4 Control of Customer Data
The Customer understands and acknowledges that the Customer Data being stored in
Global Relay's Systems is managed and controlled via the actions of the Customer and
the Customer's Users. Notwithstanding that Global Relay is committed to making every
commercially reasonable effort to ensure a high level of Data security and redundancy,
the Customer acknowledges that neither the Services Terms & Conditions, nor the use of
Global Relay's Services shall relieve the Customer of any responsibilities or liabilities
associated with the Data it stores on Global Relay's Systems and that duplicate copies of
the Customer's Data should also be maintained by the Customer.
11.5 Compliance with Regulation
To the extent applicable to the Customer Data which is within Global Relay's control, the
Customer understands and acknowledges that any related compliance requirements that
the Customer may need to satisfy requires the proper, authorized and timely use of
Global Relay's services by the Customer.
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11.6 Monitoring
The customer understands and acknowledges that the Customer is solely responsible to
monitor the delivery of messages to the Message Archiver and should notify Global Relay
of any delivery failures or outages. For instance, if Journaling is disabled for an upgrade,
patch, or maintenance, the Customer must ensure that no messages are transmitted
through the email server until Journaling is enabled again.
12. Administration
Administration is provided through the web-based “Control Panel” Self Care Administration Portal.
Functionality available to Customer Administrators through the Control Panel includes:
Add New Users
Edit Existing Users
Disable User Accounts
Order additional services
13. Service Details
Message Archiver
√ minimum 10 users
Compliance Reviewer
Storage Robot
Dual Encryption
Web-Based Message Management
Standard Support
Data Retention
Upgrades & Downgrades
Data Copy
Migration Service
The data retention is unlimited whilst taking this service
and a Hosted Exchange service from Cobweb
Customers are able to switch between one, three, five and
seven year terms but most contact Cobweb Solution in
writing for authorisation and switch management.*
Upon termination the customer may request the return of a
copy of Data stored on Global Relay's Systems for a
reasonable fee.*
Contact Sales to discuss individual needs*
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Cobweb Managed Enterprise BlackBerry (BES 5) - Service Description
BlackBerry is the one-stop, no-compromise, wireless email solution that allows users to stay
connected with access to email, phone, web and organiser features on the go.
1. Introduction
The Managed Enterprise BlackBerry service, based on RIM’s BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5
provides users of the Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email Hosted service with the following
Wireless over-the-air device configuration
Complete, two-way wireless synchronisation of email, calendar, address book, task and memo
Remote control of email settings allows wireless configuration of out of office replies, email
filters, and auto-signatures directly from BlackBerry devices.
2. Access Methods
BlackBerry Enterprise devices connect to the Hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server over any
mobile network that supports Mobile Data and BlackBerry Enterprise devices
BlackBerry Enterprise devices can only be configured to access a single Cobweb Hosted
Exchange Enterprise Mailbox.
3. Service Term
The Managed Enterprise BlackBerry service has a minimum term of 12 month from the date
the service is first activated.
4. Platform
The service is delivered on a one-to-many shared model based upon a BlackBerry Enterprise
Server connected to the Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email service platform
The BlackBerry Enterprise Servers are monitored using Microsoft System Centre Operations
Manager and HP Systems Insight Manager.
5. Service Level Target
The Managed Enterprise BlackBerry service is provided with a Service Level Target of 99.5%
No service credits are payable for failure to meet this target
Service availability explicitly excludes mobile network availability, device configuration and any
device connectivity issues.
6. Administration
Administration of the service is managed by our engineers within the Service Desk. All requests
regarding the service must be made through the Service Desk. Tasks that can be completed by
customers in the Customer Control Panel include:
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Purchase additional Managed Enterprise BlackBerry service licenses
Reassign Managed Enterprise BlackBerry service licenses
Reset Activation Passwords
Remote locking of BlackBerry Enterprise devices
Remote reset of BlackBerry Enterprise devices.
Cobweb Customer Directory Integration (CDI & IDSync) - Service
1. Introduction
The Cobweb Customer Directory Integration (CDI) Service enables synchronisation of the
customer’s user account details with the “Cobweb Control Panel”. If you are using Microsoft Active
Directory to manage users, you can simplify user management with our Customer Directory
Integration service.
CDI enables Active Directory user account information to be extracted and then synchronised with
your “Control Panel”. The CDI service can be used to synchronise user details, contacts, password
synchronisation and allows for bulk user creation.
Cobweb Customer Directory Integration (CDI) service provides one-way synchronisation from a
customer’s local / on-premise Active Directory to the “Cobweb Control Panel”.
 Simple user management for administrators
 Optional automatic service assignment for easy provisioning of services
 Internal and Cobweb Hosted Services user details regularly synchronised
Optional password synchronisation allowing unified password sign-in experience.
2. CDI Administration & Management
Administration is provided through the web-based “Cobweb Control Panel” self-care
administration portal.
Functionality available to customer administrators through the “Cobweb Control Panel”
Add New Users
Edit Existing Users
Bulk User Creation
Disable User Accounts
Order Additional Services.
Customer Directory Integration Service Features
User Accounts Synchronisation
Relevant user account changes in the customers internal Active Directory are
securely synchronised with the equivalent users details within the “Cobweb
Control Panel”.
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User Password Synchronisation
The “Password Filter” and “Password Change Listener” functions automatically
secure and deliver the password changes to the “Cobweb Control Panel” to
ensure a unified password sign-in experience.
Selective Attribute synchronisation
Customers can limit the set of attributes to be synchronised.
Customers can choose which properties on a user’s account will be synchronised
and remove properties (like Office or Department) that do not require
synchronisation into the “Cobweb Control Panel”.
Failed Synchronisation report attempts
Customers can view failed synchronisation session logs in the “Cobweb Control
CDI Supported Install
The Synchronisation Agent will need to be installed on a server that is joined to
the domain that you wish to synchronise to the “Cobweb Control Panel”.
If password synchronisation is required the “Password Filter” and “Password
Change Listener” agent are required to be installed on all domain controllers.
Instant Users Provisioning
Newly created users can be instantly provisioned in the “Cobweb Control Panel”
without manual intervention. The tool can configure different domain names for
different users if required.
The Deleted User Policy
This policy defines how to handle objects deleted from the external Active
Directory. Administrators can choose to delete them from the “Cobweb Control
Panel”, disable them or leave them in the current state.
Instant Services Provisioning
The Customer Administrator can configure the tool to set-up the Cobweb Hosted
Services that should be automatically assigned to the new internal users and
these will automatically be synchronised into the “Cobweb Control Panel”.
Instant Provisioning is available for the following Cobweb Hosted Services.
Exchange 2007 Mailboxes
 Outlook Web Access, Outlook Access, ActiveSync, IMAP4, POP3
 Initial Mailbox Size
 Secondary Address Pattern
 Windows SharePoint Services v3
 Site Access Rights: Reader, Contributor, Web Designer, Administrator
 Office Communications Server 2007 R2, User Account.
Advanced Directory integration (IDSync) available as an optional extra
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3. Platforms Supported:
Cobweb Customer Directory Integration (CDI) Service is available and fully supported on the
following platforms:
There are 32bit and 64bit versions available that are supported to run on operating systems:
 Windows Server 2003 sp2
 Windows Server 2008
 Windows Server 2008 r2
Service delivered from a Tier 4 ISO27001 accredited data centres, which includes multiple
internet feeds with automatic BGP redundancy, interpretable power supplies, fire suppression
systems and 24/7 manned security.
The architecture is optimised for performance, non-disruptive maintenance and service
reliability providing the highest availability and maximum data security.
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Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Communication Service Description
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Communication Service is based on the Microsoft Lync 2013 and
brings the future of communication to your business. Connecting employees, partners, and
customers wherever they are, and helping you to reduce cost while increasing productivity and
responsiveness to customers.
Lync delivers an end-to-end unified communications solution, while giving staff a consistent
experience for presence, IM, HD voice, and HD video across PCs, Macs, phones, and tablets. By
converging communications with Lync, you’ll reduce the costs of traditional phone calls and
eliminate the expense of conferencing services. There’ll also be less business travel thanks to HD
video conferencing and you’ll no longer need to have all your staff working in the office.
Benefits for you:
A familiar Lync interface across a wide variety of devices so people are able to use the
software effectively in hours
Eliminate charges for third-party conferencing services and charges for the traditional
telephone network
Lync works seamlessly with a variety of device specific applications, so most existing
hardware will already be able to run the software
Businesses retain their most talented personnel by giving them the option to work wherever
suits them best.
Simple and easy cloud-based administration through the Cobweb Control Panel
Benefits for your users:
Employees can communicate with colleagues and customers in real-time from virtually
Work securely from anywhere without needing a VPN connection
Connect to Lync through a range of devices, including PC, laptop, phone and tablet
More people can work remotely, without compromising on productivity
Presence information tells you a colleague’s status in real time and the best way to contact
Functionality and Features
Instant messaging ‘IM’
IM via a Lync 2013 client (Multi IM upto 10
people, Lync Professional Conferencing has
a higher Multi IM limit)
Professional Professional
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Peer-to-peer Audio and Video
User-to-user audio and video calls via a
Lync 2013 client
Multi Person HD Video Conferencing
depends on Lync client and device
Live Presence Awareness
Individual availability updates, can be set
manually or synced with Cobweb Exchange
for automatic availability updates based on
Lync 2013 or Lync 2011 for Mac
Desktop client for connecting to the Cobweb
Lync 2013 Mobility Clients (Mobile Apps)
HD Voice/HD Video Calls can be made over
data networks 3G/4G or WiFi.
Exchange 2013 Integration
Seamless integration with Exchange 2013;
use Lync for messaging and presence in
OWA without a local client installed.
Exchange UM (voicemail) when used with
Advanced mailbox.
Outlook Integration
Get ‘1-click’ Lync interaction into Outlook,
IM, share or even call directly from within
N.B: Outlook 2013 recommended (Minimum
Outlook 2010), Lync 2013 client must also
be installed on the machine.
Office 2013 Integration
Get ‘1-click’ Lync interaction into Office
2013, IM, share or even call directly from
within Outlook.
N.B: Office 2010 or above - Office 2013
recommended (Minimum Office 2010), Lync
2013 client must also be installed on the
SharePoint Integration
Get ‘1-click’ Lync interaction into
SharePoint, IM, share or even call directly
from within Cobweb SharePoint 2010.
N.B: Minimum SharePoint 2010 required,
Lync 2013 client must also be installed on
the machine.
Transfer files through Lync
Send files to colleagues directly through the
Lync client.
N.B: We strongly advise an up-to-date
antivirus application is installed and used to
scan files when using this feature, Cobweb
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are not responsible for the content sent or
received through the system.
IM filtering
Standard file type filtering to stop executable
files being sent through Lync
Persistent Group Chat
Chat history preserved from group chat
once all members have left the
conversation. Potentially available in a
future update.
Professional Professional
Host a multi-attendee Instant
Message ‘IM’ conversation
Limit 10
Limit 10
Hold multi-way IM conversation with
several other colleagues all present in
one conversation window.
Schedule & Host multi-attendee HD
audio / HD video conference
Attendees can be either internal or
external and do not require a Lync
subscription to join the session.
Scalable video/audio codec will adjust
quality if bandwidth restricted or high
Content Sharing
Share entire desktop, specific program
or PowerPoint presentation with
audience through Lync client
Attend a multi-attendee IM
Attend a multi-attendee audio
Attend a multi-attendee video
N.B: all conferencing packages are limited to 250 concurrent attendees at one time.
Lync Voice
Public Phone Network (PSTN)
calling via a softphone
Both inbound and outbound calls – a
softphone is any ‘Optimised for
Microsoft Lync’ approved device
connected to a computer via USB or
Dynamic Call Control
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Place calls on hold, transfer and
forward calls
Simultaneous Ring
Make all your configured telephone
devices ring when someone calls your
Lync number.
Team Call
Select other people in your team who
can receive your calls if you are busy
or unavailable to take the call
Call Delegation
Allow a delegated member of staff to
manage your calls such as a secretary
Optional Features – These features are
available but may incur additional setup
and recurring costs
Response Groups
Pre-recorded message to intelligently route
inbound callers based on their selection
Call Park
A facility to hold calls rather than using a
direct call transfer
Caller ID manipulation
Change the visible outbound caller ID, ideal if
you want a standard inbound number
displaying rather than direct dials
Public Federation with Skype
Integration with the public Skype network
through the Lync client.
Partner Federation & Office 365
Cobweb Control Panel for Lync
Professional Professional
Professional Professional
Secure connectivity with 2048-bit
User management from within the Cobweb
Control Panel
In-contract upgrade of users across tiers
N.B: it is possible to upgrade users but not
Phone number pre-allocation and
Port existing numbers into the control
Chargeable Chargeable
Please note: Cobweb does not guarantee all Microsoft Lync 2013 functionality will be available or
configurable by the end user. For particular feature compatibility or availability, please speak to one
of our technical specialist.
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The delivery of the Cobweb Hosted Lync service is controlled by our ISO 27001 Information
Security Management policies and procedures:
The multi-tenanted segmentation features of Cobweb Lync 2013 ensure that customer
accounts are secured with permissions and groups for their organisation only. No other
customer has permissions or can see or access any other customer’s data
Access Methods
Connection to the Cobweb Hosted Lync service is made over the internet so users can access the
service regardless of time or location. The supported access methods are:
Desktop Apps
Microsoft Lync 2013 for PC (one licence per registered user – download available via
Cobweb Control Panel)
Microsoft Lync 2011 for Mac (one licence per registered user – download available via
Cobweb Control Panel)
Lync Web Access – available via Cobweb Exchange 2013 Outlook Web App (OWA), no
software to download and install (IM & Presence only)
Lync Web App is also available, but only to join meetings when you have an invite and
don’t have the Lync client installed locally, this supports full audio and video.
Mobile Apps:
Lync 2013 for Windows Phone
Lync 2013 for Android
Lync 2013 for iPhone and iPad
Please note: The mobile applications are downloadable directly from the respective App Stores,
Cobweb makes no guarantees to either the availability or respective functionality changes of any
mobile apps. Cobweb can only offer support for connecting to Hosted Lync and basic usability and
troubleshooting for mobile apps.
User Administration
Lync administration is controlled through the ‘Cobweb Control Panel’, administration will be able to:
Add new users, including SIP address, edit existing user details and reset user passwords
Add number pools and assign numbers to users
In-contract upgrades of users between service profiles
Download the Lync software for PC and Mac
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Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Collaboration Service Description
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Collaboration Service is based on Microsoft SharePoint a web-based
document collaboration tool that helps you maximise productivity in a truly flexible, reliable and
cost effective way.
1. Introduction
Cobweb Hosted SharePoint Foundation 2010 lets businesses store and securely access company
information and documents online. Offering easy integration with Microsoft Office, the service
provides mobile, remote web and office desktop access combining state-of-the-art security with
ease of use.
Delivered as a fully managed solution with 24/7 support and a guaranteed service level, you can
benefit from all of the advantages Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 offers without the costs,
risks and hassle associated with implementing and managing the solution yourself.
The Cobweb Hosted SharePoint Foundation 2010 Service makes it easier to manage documents
and increases employee productivity by providing structured, searchable libraries of version
controlled documents. Business process efficiency is improved with task management, alerts,
notifications and automated process workflows.
2. Service Features
Cobweb Hosted SharePoint Foundation 2010 includes:
Access for 10 users with 10GB content storage.
Additional user and storage options are available in the increments of 1 user and 1GB - some
service plans may have different initial user and content capacities, please see plan
Licences for Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2010 included
The service is supported 24/7 via our UK based support desk with telephone, email and online
support form
Secure access supplied as standard using GeoTrust Rapid SSL Certificate with up to 256-bit
encryption via standard web browser, so there is no need for VPN access
Support for unauthenticated SharePoint Foundation 2010 sites
Mobile access – BlackBerry, Apple iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile devices can access
Hosted SharePoint Foundation 2010 with an internet browser
Supports Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 file formats, PDF, Visio and most common
image and file types
Self-service flexible user and group management
Unified password sign-in experience across Cobweb Hosted Services; Hosted SharePoint
Foundation 2010, Hosted Exchange 2010 and Office Communications Server.
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The Cobweb service platform is based upon Microsoft’s Exchange 2013 prescribed architecture
and is designed to support hundreds of thousands of mailboxes. The platform contains no single
point of failure and consists of clustered Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft Exchange
Server 2013 software. The service is hosted on HP ProLiant Gen8 and Cisco UCS servers,
accessing data from resilient EMC and HP storage systems.
This model offers the following advantages:
24/7 proactive server and application management with sophisticated monitoring tools
including Microsoft System Centre and HP Systems Insight Manager
Capacity Management processes and systems ensure robust, reliable and consistent
service performance
Service delivered from multiple Tier 3+ ISO27001-accredited data centres, which includes
multiple internet feeds with automatic BGP redundancy, uninterruptable power supplies,
fire suppression systems and 24/7 manned security
The architecture is optimised for performance, non-disruptive maintenance and service
reliability, providing the highest availability and maximum data security
The delivery of the Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email service is controlled by our ISO 27001
Information Security Management policies and procedures:
The multi-tenanted segmentation features of Cobweb Exchange 2013 ensure that
customer mailboxes are secured with permissions and groups for their organisation only.
No other customer has permissions or can see or access any other customer’s data
The network security at the data centres is fronted by multiple resilient firewalls. Security
procedures involve advanced monitoring of network traffic, router loading and application
Our state-of-the-art data centres are managed on a 24/7 basis by a dedicated security
team to ensure maximum reliability, system redundancy and high fault tolerance
Customer definable, strong password policies can be configured within the web-based
‘Cobweb Control Panel’
All MAPI, POP3 and IMAP4 connections use 2048-bit SSL with SMTP transmitted using
TLS for maximum security
Domains and Mail Relay
Unlimited inbound domains are allowed
A 50MB message size limit is enforced on all inbound and outbound email to and from the
A 50MB message size limit is enforced on all internal (same organisation) email
A limit of 500 external recipients per email is enforced
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Virus Protection
100% virus protection guarantee from known and unknown viruses via the Symantec
Email service
All inbound email is scanned by Symantec Email service
All inbound, outbound and internal email is scanned for viruses by Symantec Mail Security
for Microsoft Exchange
Spam Protection
All incoming email is scanned to detect if it is spam by the Symantec Email service
Any email positively identified as spam is not delivered to the end user’s mailbox and is
deleted by
If it is uncertain that an email is spam, it is moved to a ‘per mailbox’ quarantine area
(individual for each mailbox) and a Spam Manager notification email is sent to the
intended recipient
The Spam Manager online application allows users to selectively deliver or delete emails
identified as potentially being spam Email Content and Image Control (Chargeable Option)
The Email Content and Image Control service provided by identifies and controls
confidential, malicious or inappropriate email content and images from entering or leaving your
organisation. It supports the goal of Data Loss Prevention and PCI Compliance.
Easy to set up and maintain, this cost-effective, hosted service helps to reduce the risk of data loss
and enables you to establish and enforce an Acceptable Use Policy, reducing compliance and
legal risks, and safeguarding corporate reputation. This service requires the use of Symantec
Email and Symantec Email
Full administrator control and configuration via the ClientNet control panel
Scanning within email header subject, text body and images, as well as supported
Microsoft® Office™, PDF attachments and compressed file types
Multi layered image control service, providing a high level of detection for offensive and
inappropriate images
Administrators set up rules and determine sensitivity levels in keeping with their
Acceptable Use Policy, with the ability to specify individual senders and recipients who
can bypass the service if required
Email which triggers a rule is subjected to a range of actions including: block/delete,
redirect to administrator, copy to administrator, tag header, tag subject line, log only, and
compress attachment
Word list thresholds – enables administrators to determine how often keywords or phrases
must occur before a rule is triggered
Customisable lists of approved senders and recipients and local image signature
Dashboard, summary, detailed and scheduled reporting
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Data Replication
The data within the Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email 2013 service is replicated to a secondary
data centre for the purpose of disaster recovery only; the Deleted Item Cache is configured to
retain data for 90 days to allow users to recover deleted items themselves. Deleted mailboxes are
retained in the Exchange database for 31 days; recovery of mailboxes is a chargeable service.
Please note: For customers requiring deleted data to be preserved past 90 days, Cobweb do not
retain, and cannot restore this data under any circumstance. Customers who require historic data
to be preserved beyond 90 days are strongly advised to also purchase one of our hosted archival
Access Methods
Connection to each mailbox is made over the internet, allowing users to gain access regardless of
time or location. The supported access methods are:
Microsoft Office Outlook 2013: The industry-leading email client helps you simplify
email communication, streamline group planning and scheduling, and access the
information you need – all in one place. The method of connection is Outlook Anywhere
(RPC over HTTPS), ensuring all data is encrypted and avoiding the need for VPN. See
below for minimum version requirements.
Outlook Web App: SSL secured access through a Web browser to email, calendar,
group scheduling and tasks. Outlook Web App is an effective solution for users who
require roaming or remote access to their mailbox via a web browser
ActiveSync-compatible mobile devices: ActiveSync is only available on our
Professional or Advanced plans; it is not available on our Web plan
Exchange 2013 supports the following minimum versions of Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft
Outlook for Mac:
Outlook 2013 - recommended
Outlook 2010 SP1 (with April 2012 Cumulative Update)
Outlook 2007 SP3 (with July 2012 Cumulative Update)
Note: Outlook 2003 is not supported and will not work
Outlook for Mac 2011 - recommended
Entourage 2008 for Mac, Web Services Edition
Note: Older versions of Entourage are not supported and will not work
Please note, using ‘online mode’ is not currently supported in any version of Outlook - you will
need to ensure that ‘cached exchange mode’ is enabled.
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Data Ownership
At all times the data stored within the Cobweb Public Sector Cloud service is the property of the
customer. In the case of service termination, the data can be provided to the customer on DVD or
other portable digital media, subject to a Professional Service charge.
Guaranteed Service Level
All service level guarantees are based on service monitoring data collected over whole calendar
months. Cobweb shall use reasonable care and skill when providing services but does not
guarantee that the services shall be continually available to the customer. There may be occasions
when services are disrupted through an error or act of the customer or another third party or,
circumstances outside the reasonable control of Cobweb (‘Service Disruption’). In the event of
unavailability of services to the customer, other than in the case of service disruption, Cobweb
shall reimburse the customer (‘Service Credit’) as follows:
Service Credit (% of
Monthly Charge)
Service Availability
99.0% to 99.5% inclusive
95.0% to 98.9% inclusive
Less than 95%
The service availability calculation excludes standard scheduled and emergency
The service includes a 100% no-virus guarantee
Enterprise Disaster Recovery Service Level
Cobweb Public Sector Cloud Email is hosted in (enterprise-level) colocation data centres that are
designed to operate highly available cloud services. The Email service based on Exchange 2013
offers service continuity management, a process for managing risks to ensure that the Exchange
2013 infrastructure is capable of providing continuing services if unexpected events occur.
To evaluate disaster recovery solutions, Cobweb uses standard metrics as follows:
Recovery Time Objective (RTO): Measures the time between a system disaster and the
time when the system is operational again
Recovery Point Objective (RPO): A time representation of the possible data loss that
may have occurred as a result of the recovery from the unexpected event
Cobweb Exchange 2013 Enterprise Disaster Recovery Service Level Guarantee for RTO and RPO
is as follows:
Nearly instantaneous RPO: Cobweb protects your Email data and makes a nearly
instantaneous copy in the remote Datacentre, loss of inflight data is theoretically possible
but unlikely.
1-hour RTO Target: Organisations will be able to resume service within 60 minutes after
a Datacentre is declared as incapacitated and a recovery is invoked.
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The following conditions apply to service continuity management:
Client access after recovery from a service disruption typically does not require
reconfiguration on the part of Exchange 2013 users
To achieve the stated recovery times, customer networking infrastructure must honour the
DNS record ‘Time to Live’ of five minutes. Customers that have customised their client
DNS settings and set a longer ‘Time to Live’, may experience longer recovery times
After RPO and RTO objectives are met, there is a period of time before full data centre
redundancy is restored for the service
For example, Data Centre 1 fails but services are restored by resources in Data Centre 2. There
may be a period of time until services in Data Centre 2 have service continuity support either by
restored resources in Data Centre 1 or new resources in Data Centre 3. Service Level
Agreements apply during this time:
RTO Credit (% of
Monthly Charge)
Service Availability
>1 hour but <3 hours
>3 hours but <7 hours
>7 hours
Administrator Support
The service is supported 24/7 via the Email and Online Support Form for all severities
and, in addition, by telephone for Severity 1 incidents
Severity 1 incidents, as defined by the Service Level Agreement, will be progressed 24/7
Severity 2,3 and 4 incidents will be progressed during core hours of business – including
service set-up/configuration with ‘Cobweb Control Panel’ and billing support by telephone
Access to administrator support is for two named company administrators per customer
Advanced Exchange feature management
Full mailbox permissions and send as permissions
User Support (Included in Most Service Plans)
User support comprises of the following:
Telephone, email and online support for all named users, covering Office Outlook
2010/2013 ‘how to’ help plus configuration and connectivity diagnostics
24/7 telephone support for Severity 1 and 2 incidents
Severity 3 and 4 incidents will be progressed during core hours of business only
Access to user support is for named users only
Support Hours
Core Hours: 08:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs GMT time zone, excluding weekends and UK public
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Extended Hours: 08:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs GMT time zone, excluding weekends and UK
public holidays
Spam Administration
Administration of spam settings within the Symantec Email service is available
through the service desk. The settings, which can be configured, are:
Custom whitelist and blacklist domains
Specify maximum email size (if less than 50MB is required)
Configure Spam Notification Settings
Configuration options include:
Specify action on suspect spam emails
Quarantine the email
Append a header and deliver to user
Deliver notifications to individual users
Append a header and deliver to bulk email
Deliver to a centralised bulk email address
Block and delete the email
Tag the subject line and deliver to user
Specify suspect email subject tag, default =
Set default Spam Manager language
Configure Virus Notifications Settings
Configuration options include:
Set default Spam Manager language to
specify central virus alert email address
Set default Spam Manager language alert
to individual users if they send a virus
Set default Spam Manager language alert to
individual users if someone attempts to
send them a virus
A Professional Service charge may be applicable for certain configuration changes.
v: 1.1 d: 16092013