Steger-South Chicago Heights Public Library Board of Trustees

Steger-South Chicago Heights Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of the Regular March 20, 2014 Meeting
President Thurmond called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Present: Fiorenzo, Herrman, Holecek-Sherman, Joyce, Luering, Stroube, Thurmond
Also Present: Lisa Korajczyk, Library Director
Trustee Holecek-Sherman made a motion and Trustee Stroube seconded that the Board approve the
January 23, 2014 regular meeting. Upon a voice vote the motion passed with Trustees Fiorenzo, Herrman
and Joyce abstaining.
Trustee Luering made a motion and Trustee Herrman seconded that the Board approve the November 21,
2013 minutes from the Policy meeting. Upon a voice vote the motion passed.
Trustee Herrman made a motion and Trsutee Stroube seconded that the Board approve the minutes from
the February 20, 2014 as amended (Vice-President Luering called the meeting to order). Upon a voice
vote the motion passed with Trustees Holecek-Sherman and Thurmond abstaining.
The Board read the newsletter sent out by Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins.
Trustee Holecek-Sherman made a motion and Trustee Herrman seconded that the board approve
the March Claims list for $11,525.95 the credit card for $635.21 the petty cash for $289.68, and
the February 2014 IMRF for $2,080.75. The library portion for IMRF is $1,625.99 and the
employee portion is $454.76. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed.
Ayes Fiorenzo, Herrman, Holecek-Sherman, Joyce, Luering, Stroube, Thurmond
Nays: 0
The tech consultant performed the monthly maintenance, and went on vacation for a week. The Library
was still covered for its IT needs with Joe Kearns. The tech consultant asked the Director to purchase a
back external hard drive for the server as the current item is very old and needed to be replaced. Mr.
Martinez is currently looking for new desktops for the Youth Services department. Mr. Ayala and I also
wrote a DCEO Digital Divide Grant for $10,000.00 This grant would allow us to teach computer classes
at the Library in Spanish, take laptops to the South Chicago Hts. Village Hall and teach classes, and offer
one-on-one tutoring sessions at the Lou Sherman Community Center.
Elmer and Sons had to come out and repair a cabinet lock and more snow this month. Quotes are still
coming in for the HVAC contract, and I will inform the Board when they are ready for inspection. In the
spring or early summer, I would like to have a contractor come in and take a look at the crack in the staff
work room. Then we will probably need to have the room painted.
We have a new circulation clerk, and her name is Donna Dukes. Her training has gone very well, and we
are happy to have her as part of the team. Ms. Gaz attended Best of the Best downtown, and Mr. Ayala
went to a Programming meeting. The Director attended an ATLAS Board meeting and an ATLAS
Director’s meeting.
The patrons seem to like the Book-A-Librarian program. We have at least one participant a week. The
new patron rewards card is also a hit with new library cardholders. The Oscar Raffle was popular as were
the candy counting and I love My Library program. All the statistics are still down due to the weather,
but hopefully the end is near and people will start to come in again.
Vice-President Luering told the Board that the Safety Committee has almost completed its work. The
following steps will be needed before the work is finished; review manual for grammar, ask the police to
review the document and finally send it to a printer.
The Library lost the referendum. The results for Will County were 70% no and 30% yes and in Cook
County 60% no to 40% yes. The Board wants to have a mini retreat to create plan to move the Library
forward. The Board went into Closed Session for the Director’s annual review.
Trustee Holecek-Sherman made a motion and Trustee Joyce seconded that the Board go into Closed
Session due to Illinois Statute 2(c)(1) for the Director’s annual review at 7:20 pm. Upon a voice vote the
motion passed. Trustee Herrman left the meeting at 7:25 pm. Trustee Stroube made a motion and Trustee
Holecek-Sherman seconded that the Board leave the Closed Session at 8:02 pm. Trustee Joyce made a
motion and Trustee Luering seconded that the Board return to the regular Board meeting. Upon a voice
vote the motion passed. The Board returned to the regular session at 8:04 pm.
The Director informed the Board that ATLAS will be hosting a Trustee Workshop on May 3, 2014 at the
New Lenox Public Library and to let her know who would be interested in attending.
The Director thanked the Board for letting her attend PLA and gave a report on the sessions that she
attended. The trustees asked the Director to write a procedure concerning an emergency closing procedure
for the Library.
The Board discussed the NICOR bill and the Director explained the increase in the bill was due to the
extreme cold and an increase in price due to demand. The Board decided to move to the budget billing.
Trustee Joyce made a motion and Trustee Holecek-Sherman seconded that the Board return the April
Board meeting date to Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Trustee Stroube made a motion and Trustee Joyce seconded that the Board adjourn the meeting. Upon a
voice vote the motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 pm.