Electromagnetic Waves - Coronado High School

Energy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Energy and Light
Classical View Of the Universe
The Nature of Light – Wave Nature
 _________ is has to have mass and
 _________ is a form of electromagnetic
 ________ is not composed of particles.
 Electromagnetic radiation is made of
 Energy can only travel in __________.
waves called ________; traveling at “c”
 Electromagnetic radiation moves
through ______ like waves move across
the surface of a pond
Electromagnetic Waves
 Every wave has four characteristics that determine its properties:
 ______ _________, v
 height (______________),
 __________,
 number of wave peaks that pass in a given time.
 All electromagnetic waves move through space at the same, constant speed.
 _______________ meters per second in a vacuum = The speed of light, c.
Characterizing Waves
 The _________ is the height of the wave.
The distance from ______ to _______.
The amplitude is a measure of how __________ the light is—the _______ the
amplitude, the __________ the light.
 The _____________ (λ) is a measure of the distance covered by the wave.
The distance from one _______ to the next.
It is actually one full cycle, ____
Usually measured in ___________.
 1 nm = 1 x 10 m
Energy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
 The ______________ (ƒ) is the number of waves that pass a point in a given
period of time.
 The number of waves = number of _________.
 Units are ________ (___), or cycles/s = s .
 1 ___ = 1 s
 The total _______ is proportional to the amplitude and frequency of the waves.
The________ the wave amplitude, the _______ force it has.
The more ___________ the waves strike, the _______ total force there is.
C, frequency and wavelength
 Wave speed, frequency and wavelength have _____________ _____________.
Using __ = ___________ or ______________ can be found.
Example what is the wavelength of a wave of light if it has a frequency of
3.2 x 10 hertz?
Energy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Light Particles and Planck’s constant
Particles of Light
Planck’s Constant
 Scientists in the early _____ century
 Planck ’s constant is a physical constant
showed that electromagnetic radiation
reflecting the sizes of energy ________
was composed of particles we call
(_________) in quantum mechanics.
 It is named after ____ ________,
 __________ and Albert Einstein.
one of the founders of quantum
 ________ are particles of light
theory, who discovered it in
 ____ wavelength of light has _______
with that amount of energy.
 The equation is _________ where E =
________, h = _________________
(______________), and f = frequency.
Using Planck’s equation, E = h x ƒ
What is the energy (Joules) of Violet light with a frequency = 7.50 x
14 -1
10 s ?
Find the energy of light, wavelength is 4.06 x 10
Energy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
 The electromagnetic spectrum is the _________ of all possible frequencies of
_______________ ____________ .
 The color of the light is determined by its wavelength.
 The electromagnetic spectrum extends from _____ frequencies used for ________ ________
communication to _________ radiation at the short-wavelength (____-____________) end.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Photon Energy
 Short wavelength light have photons with _________________ = __________________
 Radio wave photons have the _____________ energy.
 Gamma ray photons have the _____________ energy.
 ______-energy electromagnetic radiation can potentially damage biological molecules.
 Ionizing radiation
 The waves fit between atom-atom bonds, and ________________ the atoms loose
 Order the Following Types of Electromagnetic Radiation:
Microwaves, Gamma Rays, Green Light, Red Light, Ultraviolet Light,
 By wavelength (short to long).
 By frequency (low to high).
 By energy (least to most).