Appendix B – Select Comments from Student Survey If EWU`s

Appendix B – Select Comments from Student Survey
1. If EWU's instructors only selected from ebooks or only used text books available via ereaders I
would buy the ereader and the texts through the student store if possible to further support the
change. As it is now I will no longer be purchasing books through EWU bookstore. I realize the
store doesn't make a lot of money on new text books so my refusal to buy new from the store is
to protest the outrageous costs (finacially and enviromentally) of text book manufacturers.
2. Use books for longer periods. I hate not being able to sell a book back because the new version
changed two words, make a 3 yr minimum or something for teachers.
3. I buy international and previous editions whenever possible, and I generally save anywhere from
60-90% when compared to the EWU bookstore.
4. I hate it when I pay big bucks for a book that the prof never has us use! That's just wrong.
5. If we were to switch to eBooks we would save over 50% of the money we spend on textbooks
not only in a year, but over our entire college career.
6. The most disappointing thing about textbooks is that you get back a VERY small percentage of
what you paid, so the bookstore can make money off the next student.
7. e-Texts on Kindle please!
8. Boycott the publishing companies by not changing editions every two years!!!
9. I have professors who requested the older (and cheaper) version, but the bookstore ordered the
newer version. It is inconvenient in class because page numbers don't match up, and THE NEW
VERSIONS COST MORE! It makes me angry that I spent EXTRA money on the newer version
when the professor requested the older, more inexpensive version for the class.
10. Textbooks are outrageously priced and half the time they are sitting around my apt unused all
quarter. Then you go to sell them back and you either get $5 for every $50 you spend or the
book is no longer used. The system needs serious fixing and perhaps it is easier for students if
teachers only used articles and posted them on blackboard rather than use small portions of a
500 pg textbook.
11. Right now, I normally buy used old editions of text books online because there is no way I could
afford new or even used books at the Eagle Bookstore. I don't like doing this because I rarely get
my texts in the mail in time and always have old editions, which sometimes aren't as useful as
the edition being used in class. I also still have the problem of having to lug around all my books
all the time. I plan on saving up for an Ipad and if more texts were available electronically and
were cheaper, this savings would pay for the Ipad itself. This would also be incredibly more
convenient, to have all my texts one one platform, and would solve all of my problems, even if I
end up paying more for e-versions than for old edition used versions. Please push for more and
cheaper electronic books!!!!!!!!
12. With the cost of tuition raised and the overall cost to attend the university, books should be
available at a cheaper price for students to buy.
13. As a history major, my books do not cost that much per book, but we are required to buy a LOT
of books for each class. It cost adds up fast. Also, each history class is usually offered only once
each year so the bookstores pay practically nothing to buy them back.
14. EWU should eliminate textbooks where possible and offer to rent textbooks for all other classes.
The wealth of information on the Internet can easily replace textbooks for many classes. And,
there is absolutely no reason to always insist on the latest edition of a textbook. The time has
come to eliminate the bloodthirsty monopoly of the publishers which is fueled by faculty selfinterest and unscrupulously defended as Academic Freedom.
15. Often, textbooks were not available for the start of a quarter, or the wrong books were ordered.
More than once this resulted in additional expenditures on textbooks.
16. It seems slightly unfair that teachers will change editions of a text book so some of us have to
buy it new.
17. I had a teacher that worked for a text book company, we are getting ripped off!!!!!
18. Bring the rental program to eastern. What are you guys waiting for? It will only make things
easier for the students.
19. I would be interested in e-books or renting books only for GECR classes. For my major classes I
like to keep my books for reference later. Most e-books expire.
20. I think renting or e-books would be ok for general courses but for certain programs, like the
dental hygiene program, I think it is necissary to purchase those books. So i think there should
be an option in what ever you decide to do.
21. The cost of textbooks is outrageous and often a newer edition has so few changes that it isn't
necessary. The bookstore should act as an advocate for the student and keep faculty informed
of the cost and the impact to students, especially when serving students with the socioeconomic status EWU recruits.
22. Books shouldn't be so expensive when we only read 3 chapters at the most.
23. I rarely ever look at my textbooks. The information is pretty valuable, but nearly everything I
learn are from the professors, not normally from the textbooks.
24. Books online don't work with all laptops and computers so its not for me.
25. Sometimes I'm required to get more than one book, however, one is only used once or twice.
Then I feel like I've just paid 50-150$ for nothing. If the teachers could obtain copies of those
chapters (or students could just get those chapters) It would be eaisier. Even better, the
professor could just revisit their lesson plan. Make it more affordable for us.
26. I would like to see more library and reserve copies of texts available. I am sick of buying books
from the bookstore one quarter but then being unable to sell them back the next.
27. It would be nice to buy a book and it come with a digital copy like movies do now.
28. Most of the books end up feeling like a money-grab rather than an actual educational tool.
29. Forcing people to buy two textbooks in one bundle that are not for the same class should never
ever ever happen.
30. I rented all my textbooks for the current qtr and will be returning them all ASAP.
31. Give professors guidelines for books (price, etc.). If they're deserving of having the job and being
a professor, they should be able to teach the class with any book and supplement it accordingly.
32. The shift to e books will happen, and I applaud the change but it's not a magic bullet and the
cost will still probably be very high.
33. Text book prices seem a bit out of control, and the buy back really isn't worth it most of the
time. Honestly, you're better off looking online and selling them to friends. Also, I know a lot of
students just don't buy text books for some of their courses. I have to admit there are times I've
been tempted to do the same, and other times when I wish I had done it. This quarter being an
example of a time when I rather wish I hadn't bought one of my books, because I just didn't
need to read it and ended up only reading about half of the assigned chapters. And I get 3.5s
(and above) in my classes. If I would settle for 3.0s I could buy half as many books!
34. If e-books were considerably cheaper and downloadable, I would consider purchasing them.
35. I would LOVE it if EWU selected texts that were available on Kindle. Half my battle is fighting a
50 pound backpack on wheels on campus and on the bus 8 hours a day! If I could have all my
texts on a 2.5 pound netbook, not only would my wallet be happier, but so would my stress