Checklist - Executive Coordination Centre

Executive Coordination Centre
Pre event considerations
Updated contact list – from Regions, ERT, shadow team etc.
Check mobile phones and surface pro’s – working and in good order.
Update school closure approvers and contributors in website admin.
Regular test of OCA by using test event – send test SITREP and Intelligence report
internal to J.Griffith, M.Maas, C.Kuskopf, J.Spee, A.Evans.
Issue OCA operating power point to ECC team, check access and half day refresher
training on UAT.
Identify secondary ECC location: Recommend North lakes (North Coast Regional office).
Test phone conference connectivity through OCA
Conduct refresher training bi-annually
Test ECC equipment and connectivity to all Regions
Check dongles and mobile phones. Ensure data active.
Start- Up
Send “Imminent Event” email from OCA (has School closure website PPT and
CEO directive already attached) to affected regional staff.
Consider prepositioning additional resources ‘Deployable Response Team’ nearby prior
to impact so they are on the ground and ready to assist Regional Staff ASAP if required.
Create event in OCA if activated.
Organise cab charges for DET SDCC staff.
Prepare SDCC and ECC roster ready. Contact SDCC, provide DET LO
ERC to recommend ERT formation and ECC activation and remind ERT of roles and
Define roles and responsibilities ECC structure.
Organise 24 hour parking for central office.
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Organise SAT Phones for Response team if applicable.
Teleconference with possibly affected regions to assess preparedness.
Ensure 24 hour access to Education House level 4
Finance - Event cost centre?
Organise and co-ordinate any ECC travel requirements. Ensure REEESHM staff
member available with Corporate Credit card available should travel need to be
organised quickly.
Review cyclone shelters and places of safer refuge that may be activated in potential
affected location(s).
Contact Catholic, non-state schools and ECEC on reporting requirements.
Contact BAS and confirm damage assessments, reporting timeframes and single contact
point of truth. Do they enough resources in affected areas.
Shift documentation log (sign on/sign off)
Overtime directive approval
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