Thursday, February 25, 2010 - Heartland Community College

Thursday, February 25, 2010
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
CCB 2012
Present: Kathleen Collins, Sarah Diel-Hunt, Dan Hagberg, Bethany Kriegsman, Catherine Miller, Allan Saaf,
Bob Shaw, Doug Minter, Val Crawford, Suresh Kumar, Cecelia Olivares, Marsha Heustis
Discussion Items
1. Textbook Submission Deadlines Cont. (Val, Suresh, Doug, Cecelia) – Peoplesoft can store textbook
information. More information is needed. IT will get more information and return to CIA in 4-6
weeks. A book link on the course listing online should link to Follett.
2. Outstanding Faculty Award (Allan) – CIA will meet next Thursday at 10:00 to review nominations.
3. Residency of On-line Instructors (Allan) – It is acceptable to teach online from a remote location if the
instructor has successfully completed the required HCC certification.
4. ECH and Service (Allan) – A memo will be shared with faculty that clarifies ECH and service-worthy
5. AQIP; Campus Conversation March 19 (Allan) – Broad participation across the campus is encouraged.
6. Preparing for a New President (Allan)
 Reports from departments on strengths, challenges
 Connect with divisional mission, goals, vision, etc.
Allan would like each member of CIA to prepare a status report that he will share with the new
president. The brief statement (approximately one half page) should include some challenges
and successes of each division. Allan will assemble the final document. Discuss your ideas in
next week’s meetings with Allan.
7. Summer Schedule (Kathleen) – Kathleen had questions about the scheduling of some of the 4-week
classes. Communications regarding exceptions to the regular schedule should go through her.
8. Classroom Scheduling (Allan) – Please include Kim Barman and Jill Blair when meeting to discuss
classroom scheduling. Marsha will call IT and ask for Kim, Jill, Mary Beth, and Allan to be given
access to S:\roomcharts.
Portfolios (Allan) – Faculty promotion portfolios are due Monday. Extend due date to March 5.