October 13 -16 Time Zones in Canada Review the map you labelled

October 13 -16
Time Zones in Canada
Review the map you labelled in class, the questions on page 23 and the time zones quiz.
The time difference between all of the times zones except NLD is one hour. Moving from east to west,
go back in time or subtract one hour for every zone you pass through. Moving from west to east add one
hour for every time zone you pass through.
NFLD: Is one half hour later, not one hour. NFLD is an exception.
The time zones are:
NFLD Standard Time
Atlantic Standard Time: NB, NS, PEI, most of Labrador
Eastern Standard Time: Que. Ont. Most of Nunavut
Central Standard Time: Man, some of Ont. most of Sas. Some of NWT
Mountain Standard Time: Alberta, NWT
Pacific Standard Time: BC. Yu.
Review figure 2.2 on page 19
Answer questions 1, 2 a) & b), 3 on pages 24, 25
Questions from the board
1. Define mountain.
A mass of land that has an elevation of at least 600 meters.
2. In NS, what is the highest mountain?
Cape Breton Highlands, 532m
3. Describe the landforms of PEI.
The highest land is found in the hills of the central region, while gently rolling hills are
found in the east and west.
4. Where are the long range mountains?
Western NFLD
5. What is an upland area?
An area with an elevation of 100 – 400 m. Can be generally flat but raised above the
surrounding landscape.
6. List 3 facts about the Appalachian Mountains.
Extend across NS, NB and into the US
Were formed by folding, a bending of the earth’s crust
Once were high and jagged but 300 million years of erosion and reduced them to
low mountains and rolling hills.
7. What is the Canadian Shield and what parts of Atlantic Canada lie within it?
A vast area of rock covered by thin soil, not really suitable for agriculture: Labrador
8. Define fiord.
A long narrow inlet of the sea bordered by steep mountain slopes. See page 25
9. Explain how fiords were formed.
Once river valleys, fiord were formed during the last ice age as glaciers filled them
making them deeper and the sides steeper.
10. Which Atlantic province has fiords? NFLD Lab