Small Animal Syllabus

Small Animal Management
Agricultural Science Department
Instructor: Miss Valerie Hirsch
Contact Information: , Room 2722
Phone: (281) 641-6968
Course Description: To be prepared for career in the field of animal science, students need to
enhance academic knowledge and skills, acquire knowledge and skill related to animal systems,
and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and
industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce,
apply and transfer knowledge and skill in a variety of settings. Suggested small animals which
may include in the course of study, but are not limited to, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles,
avian, dogs and cats.
Tutorial Times: I am available for tutorial purposes and make up work during lunch. If more
time is needed then we can schedule tutorial time accordingly.
Course Outline: We will study various careers, and terms related to the Small Animal field.
Students will experience and brief snap shot of what the entire Small animal field can offer
them, by the end of the class they should have a basic knowledge of small animal care primarily
focusing on dogs and cats and other small mammals.
Late Work Policy: Late work will only be accepted in accordance with the Kingwood High School
policy, as stated in the student handbook.
Determination of Course Grades: Test and Projects will count no more than 40% of each nine
week grade. The student’s daily grades, quizzes, and record books will count 60%.
Necessary Supplies: Each student will need the following: Notebook paper and pencils and ink
pens. Students must bring a pen, pencil and their notebook paper to class every time the class
meets. Failure to do so will result in poor grades and disciplinary action.
A binder will be required with dividers labeled as the following: Warm Up, Notes, Handouts,
and Quizzes/Tests. A notebook grade will be taken each nine weeks.
The following information is needed for my records. Please take a few minutes to
complete this form. This is your first assignment! Due no later than August 31st.
Welcome to Small Animal Management
Classroom Student/ Teacher Agreement:
I__________________________ understand the policy and procedures of Miss Hirsch’s Small
Animal Management Class and agree to follow them and be prepared for class, ready to learn in
my assigned seat at the specific time class begins.
I __________________________ understand Miss Hirsch’s classrooms procedures and
expectation that are posted in the classroom. I understand that if the procedures and
expectations are not followed the consequences are as followed:
-Verbal warning
– Stay after class/ talk with Miss Hirsch
–Phone call to parent
– Office Referral
I___________________________ understand that in taking any agricultural science class I am
required to keep a record book that will count as a daily grade each nine weeks.
Print your name here:
Sign your name here: