SNO Constitution

Article I. Texas State Student Nursing Organization
The organization is henceforward to be known as the Texas State Student Nursing
Article II. A detailed declaration of purpose of the proposed organization
The purpose of the Student Nursing Organization will be to contribute to nursing
education in order to provide the highest quality of health care in the future. The
nursing students at Texas State University will actively participate in community health
education through charitable, professional, and social events. The organization shall
provide information, act as a liaison between students and faculty at the School of
Nursing, attend charitable events, and assist members in developing leadership skills.
The organization will further aid in the development of the student nurse as a whole
person, his/her responsibility for the health care of people in all walks of life, and
his/her professional role.
Article III. A statement of affiliation with an external organization, national, regional and/or
local (if appropriate)
The Student Nursing Organization at Texas State University is affiliated with the National
Student Nurses Association.
Article IV. The criteria for selecting membership
Members must be currently enrolled in the School of Nursing at Texas State University.
Article V. The criteria for voting membership (only Texas State students, faculty and staff
qualify as voting members, three-fourths of the voting membership must be students)
Voters must be members of the Student Nursing Organization and must have paid dues
and fees.
Article VI. The duties and privileges of membership
Members may be elected to office and may participate in all Student Nursing
Organization functions.
Article VII. The establishment of officers, their duties, and authority
President: The President shall be elected by majority vote. The President shall preside at
all meetings of the Student Nursing Organization, shall be a signer for checks written,
and shall be a representative for the Student Nursing Organization.
Vice President: The Vice President shall be elected by majority vote. The Vice President
shall assist the President at meetings of the Student Nursing Organization, shall be a
signer for checks written, and shall be a representative for the Student Nursing
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote. The Treasurer shall keep all
money accounted, shall be a signer for checks written, and shall be a representative for
the Student Nursing Organization.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be elected by majority vote. The Secretary shall keep
minutes for all meetings, and shall be a representative for the Student Nursing
Historian: The Historian shall be elected by majority vote. The Historian shall maintain
pictures of events throughout the year and create a scrapbook, and shall be a
representative for the Student Nursing Organization.
Events Coordinator: The Events Coordinator shall be elected by majority vote. The
Events Coordinator shall coordinate assist in the planning of suggest events for the
organization, and shall be a representative for the Student Nursing Organization.
Article VIII. The procedures for selection and removal of officers (All officers must be current,
regularly enrolled students in good standing at Texas State; President, VP and Treasurer must
have a 2.25 Texas State GPA)
All officers shall be elected by majority vote. Should any officers fall out of good
standing with Texas State University or with the School of Nursing, they shall be asked
to step down. Once an officer steps down, a vote will be held to elect a new officer.
Article IX. The frequency of meetings
Meetings shall be held once a month. Officer meetings shall be scheduled by the
President and shall depend on the availability of all the officers.
Article X. Dues of the organization, including how they will be collected and a provision
stating that the policies, activities and finances of the organization are subject to the
control of the majority of its voting membership (organizational dues are strongly
Dues shall be collected at the beginning of the student’s Junior year which will
cover 2 years of membership. Prorated rates are available for those who join at a
later date. Policies, activities, and finances of the organization are subject to the
control of the majority of its voting membership.
Article XI. The procedures for decision-making (i.e., the use of parliamentary procedures
and the process of voting) in the name of the organization (must include the definition
of a quorum)
For a vote to pass, two-thirds of the members must be present, and a majority of
non-officer members must be present. All officers must be present.
Article XII. Establishment of committees, if applicable
Any committees will be established by the officers and presented to the non-officer
members for a vote.
Article XIII. Provision for the selection and replacement of faculty/staff advisor
Faculty advisor shall volunteer for the position. Should the faculty advisor decide to step
down, another faculty/staff advisor must volunteer.
Article XIV. Provision of disbursal of organization assets, should the organization
become defunct. Money can only go to program, activity or charity. An amount of $75
may be spent at the discretion of the officers if spent towards the benefit of members at
a meeting or sponsored event. Any amount greater than $75 must be approved by
majority vote of members. Any amount that is to be spent outside of the organization
(e.g. charities, etc.) must be approved by majority vote of members.
Should the organization become defunct, all assets and money shall be
contributed back to the School of Nursing at Texas State University.
Article XV. A process to consider and approve amendments to the constitution and/or
to add By-Laws and additional rules
Amendments to the constitution and by-laws may be made by majority vote at a
Amendment I. To remain an active member of the organization, and to be eligible to wear
organization cords at graduation, the member must attend the monthly meetings. A total of 2
meetings per school year may be missed and the member remain in good standing.
Amendment II. If more than 2 meetings are missed, the member has the option of regaining
the lost meeting hours by volunteering at one of the organization’s sponsored events. One
volunteer event will regain lost hours for one missed meeting. However, a maximum of 2
missed meetings may be made up by volunteering at an organization sponsored event within a
one year period. Failure to attend an event that one has signed up for without a week’s notice
will be equivalent to a missed meeting. The member must provide documentation of the
service completed.
Amendment III. For students that meet the following criteria, the organization will assist
students to attend TNSA and NSNA annual Convention:
Incoming President and Vice President
Members who will be presenting a podium or poster presentation at the convention
All attending members must receive approval from didactic faculty to miss class
Must be an active member of NSNA
Article XVI. Statement of Ratification for this document
This document was ratified by a majority vote of the registered members of the Texas
State Nursing Student Organization on July 17th, 2015.