Syllabus with Grading Policy

BIOLOGY is the scientific study of living things. The term biology is derived from the Greek
word bios, "life" and the suffix -logia, "study of”. Biologists use scientific methodology to direct their
study of living things. In this class, you will be studying various aspects of living things along with the
“way of knowing” that we call science.
This course is designed for the student who is planning to continue their education at the
college level. Students should be prepared to devote a great deal of effort to complete this course.
There will be frequent homework assignments, as well as labs and extended time projects. My role is
to guide your journey so that you can achieve your highest potential; this is a partnership. Enjoy the
journey. The road will be filled with curves and twists, including some steep hills, but I promise you it
can be an absolutely WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE!
WHAT topics will we study this year?
This year we plan to study the following units (subject to change):
Unit 1 – Chemical Basis of Life
Characteristics of Life, Basic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Unit 2 – Ecology and Human Impact
Unit 3 – Cell Biology
Origins of Life, Cell Membrane and Transport, Cell Structure and Function
Unit 4 – Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
DNA Structure and Replication, Mitosis and Asexual Reproduction, Gene Expression,
Meiosis, and Sexual Reproduction, Biotechnology
Unit 5 – Genetics and Evolution
Unit 6 – Human Body Systems
Note: One goal of this class is to properly prepare students for the state mandated NJ Biology
Competency Test which will be administered on May 25 and 26, 2016. However, be aware that this
class does not teach to the level required by the SAT II Biology Subject tests given in the spring.
HOW will we learn all of the material?
Bring required supplies to every class (needed ASAP!)
1. One 3 ringed binder
2. One 2 Pocket folder to hold handouts
3. #2 pencils, pens (blue/black ONLY)
4. Colored pencils, highlighters
5. Academic planner
Get to know and use your Textbook
You will be given an access code for internet access to your online textbook in addition to a traditional
hard copy of the book. You can usually leave your textbook at home or in your locker – you do not
have to bring it to class each day unless requested.
Visit the Class Webpage often:
 Each of my classes has a webpage that is updated regularly. Check there for general
information, including your specific class calendar and specific class information.
 You must be signed in to the LHS Website to access my “Biology Student Resources” page
where you will find files of handouts, worksheets, helpful websites, etc. Log in using the same
username and password that you use in school.
Be a Responsible Student:
 Arrive to class PREPARED and ON TIME every day. Refer to your Student Handbook for
tardy and absence guidelines.
 In case of an ABSENCE, you are responsible for finding out what you missed. As stated
above, webpages are updated regularly so check the class webpage first. You may also see
me before or after school. Missed work must be completed within a reasonable period of time.
Again, refer to your Student Handbook for guidelines.
 Credit will be deducted for work which is handed in after the due date. In case of
absence, you are responsible for making up the work within a reasonable period of time.
If you are absent for an extended period of time, contact me to schedule new due dates.
Remember, I update our class website regularly, so check there so that you do not get
too far behind.
 You will have homework most nights. Always assume it will be checked! If not
complete when checked, it receives a grade of ZERO (HW cannot be turned in late).
 When assignments are late, except in the case of an absence, grading will be
adjusted as follows:
 Late assignments will be penalized 20% the first day
 And an additional 10% per day for the next two days.
 After the 3rd day, the assignment receives a grade of ZERO.
Assignments are not accepted via e-mail, unless otherwise instructed. If your printer is
broken, email the completed assignment to yourself and print the assignment in the
Media Center.
 Do not ask for help with any assignment on the day it is due. You will have ample time
to complete all work – come in BEFORE the due date for extra help. DO NOT
Keep your notebook organized, complete, and up-to-date. Once we finish with a unit, put
those materials into an “archive” binder or folder to save to study for Marking Period
Tests/Final Exams.
Be honest and put forth your best effort.
 You are required to earn your own grade. Cheating is defined as:
 Use of notes, books, or notebooks during a test or quiz.
 Speaking with anyone other than the teacher during a test/quiz.
 Copying or stealing homework, labs or any other assignments.
 Sharing test content with students in other class periods
 Study groups are most definitely encouraged in this class, BUT cheating or direct
copying of another student’s work will not be tolerated. Essay answers may be similar
in content, but must be written in your own words. If issues arise, ALL offending parties
will be given a grade of ZERO. Do not plagiarize.
 Although you will be working in a lab group, the lab reports must be written
individually. You may discuss the data with group members but the writing must be
your own. DO NOT turn in the same lab report for each individual in a group unless
otherwise instructed.
Be respectful to all, follow our classroom procedures, and observe safety guidelines at all
 Students are expected to show respect for other students, teachers and substitute
teachers. This will be a safe learning environment in which students can express
opinions and ask questions without concern. Misbehavior on the part of any student will
be dealt with strictly, according to the circumstance.
 Students who display unacceptable conduct during labs will be removed from the
class and appropriate consequences will be imposed (this may include a loss of credit
on the lab).
 Cell phones not being used for instructional purposes will be confiscated if seen
or heard. After the first offense, the cell phone may be reclaimed at the end of the
class. Following the second offense, the cell phone will be placed in the main office for
parent pick-up and student will serve one (1) Saturday detention.
 Bathroom privileges: You must sign out and return to class quickly and without
disruption. Only one student at a time may leave for the bathroom. Cell phones are not
to be used during bathroom breaks; therefore, they must remain in the classroom in the
cell phone station.
HOW will my grade be determined?
 Assignments will vary in nature – formative assessments, summative assessments,
quizzes, lab reports, etc. Note that not all assignments be graded – some are
formative. Per the LPS District guidelines, no extra credit assignments will be
 Your grade during Marking Periods 1,2 and 4 will be determined using the following
weighted percent system with four categories. The four categories and their percent
weights are:
1) Assessments – 50%, 2) Marking Period Test– 10%, 3) Labs, Activities and Classwork
– 30%, and 4) Homework – 10%. You will earn points towards each category based
upon the value of each assignment. Your Marking Period Letter Grade is determined by
the Total of the Points Earned Ratio multiplied by the Category Weight for all four
categories as in the following example:
Points Earned
Points Earned Ratio
Points Earned/Total Points
3 Tests
85, 91, and 80 out of
300 possible points
82 out of 100
possible points
12 out of 15 possible
45 out of 50 possible
1 MP
1 Lab
10 HWs
256/300 = 0.853
Category Weight Points Toward
Marking Period
82/100 = 0.82
12/15 = 0.800
45/50 = 0.900
Total Points
(MP Grade = B)
Your grade during Marking Period 3 will be determined using a similar weighted
percent system with three categories. The three categories and their percent weights
1) Assessments – 60%, 2) Labs, Activities and Classwork – 30%, and 3) Homework –
YOU are responsible for EARNING the grade you want! You will be able to keep track of your
progress continuously on the GENESIS portal.
Return of assessments: (Refer to the Grading and Reporting Manual for more information)
 Assessments will be returned within 7 school days and may be taken home and stored
in your archive binder after we review them in class.
 If you have grading issues or questions, you must bring those to our attention BEFORE
you take the test home. Return the assessment to me and make an appointment to
discuss the issue. Once an assessment leaves the classroom, the grade will NOT be
changed for any reason!
Extra Help: Please see me if you feel that you are having any difficulty in class and need additional
o Email:
o Office: Mrs. Kaspriskie – S22A (Prep room between S22 and S24)
o Online Teacher Page:
Email address: _____________________________
In order to help me get to know you better, please answer the following questions:
1. What is your favorite thing to do after school or on weekends?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?
3. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
4. What TV shows do you like?
5. Tell me about some of your interests or hobbies (for example music, sports, collections,
6. Please visit Mrs. Kaspriskie’s webpage and answer the question on “Student Resources