Latest Newsletter - Adderley Green Surgery


Repeat Prescriptions

Please remember that the practice requires 48

hours notice is for the issuing of repeat prescriptions. It has been highlighted recently that patients have been calling to collect prescriptions within less than 24 hours of ordering and are then disappointed when the prescription has not been available. Due to recent changes within our practice team it is not always possible to guarantee prescriptions are issued and signed on the same day. However, if your request is urgent, please make this known to the receptionist on duty who will endeavour to make sure this is ready for you.

Your co-operation with this request would be appreciated.

Friends & Family Test

Please continue to give your feedback. Don’t forget that we are still collecting this for the Friends &

Family Test on an ongoing basis. The forms are available in reception and the post box is located in reception for you to post your forms.

Failed Appointments

As in our previous newsletters we have been reporting the number of failed appointments each month:

During August 34 appointments were wasted by patients failing to attend. This amounts to 8 hours of wasted clinical time this month. This is a big improvement in comparison to previous months, so than you to all of those patients who remembered to cancel unwanted appointments.

Please don’t forget if you can’t attend please call the practice on 01782 311266 so that we may offer your appointment to someone else.

You may also cancel on line if you have registered to use this service.

Weekend & Evening Doctors

CALL 111

Don’t forget to call NHS 111 if you need assistance when the practice is closed and it is not a life threatening emergency.

Your call will be triaged and you will be signposted to the appropriate care pathway for you.

Adderley Green Surgery

Patient Newsletter

September 2015

Adderley Green Surgery likes to keep our patients updated with the latest News.......

CQC Visit

The practice has been notified that we will be receiving a visit from the Care Quality Commission on Tuesday 22 nd September 2015.

The purpose of the visit is to ensure that we are delivering quality, safe and effective care to all of our patients.

The CQC would like to collect comments from patients prior to the inspection, for which cards will be made available in the reception area.

We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete a card and post into the secure box provided.

Thank you for your assistance.

National Eye Health Week

21st – 27 th September

The sixth annual National Eye Health week will take place during this week to promote the importance of eye health and the need to have a regular sight test for all age groups

There are 1.8 million people in the UK who are living with sight loss. For 53% of these, a simple sight test and new spectacles could help.

A sight test can detect early signs of conditions such as glaucoma, which can be treated if found soon enough.

During a sight test, other health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure may be detected.

Eye sight is very previous, make sure you look after your sight and attend for your check up at regular intervals.

If you are a diabetic it is important that you attend for your annual diabetic retinopathy screening. If you have not attended for more than year, ensure that you speak to your optician and arrange a review.

If you are experiencing any other problems with your sight, please arrange an appointment to see your GP.

Influenza Vaccination

We will be starting our annual flu vaccination campaign in early October. As in previous years we will be holding walk in clinics at various times to accommodate patients who go to work or who have to rely on a relative to bring them to the surgery.

Please keep an eye out in reception for clinics times or ask at reception for further information.

You are eligible for a flu vaccination if you are:

Aged over 65

Have Chronic respiratory disease, asthma or COPD

Have Chronic heart, liver or kidney disease

Have Diabetes

Have a weakened immune system, e.g. cancer, no spleen or HIV

Caring for an elderly or disabled persons


We will also be delivering the Childhood Influenza vaccination programme for children aged 2, 3 and four. Older children will continue to be vaccinated in school.

Shingles Vaccination

Please also note that if you are aged 70, 78 and 79 you are eligible to receive Shingles vaccination.

Ask at reception if further information is required.

Patient Participation Group Update

Our group has now been running for a few years, but we have recently had a quiet period with very few members and members being unable to attend meetings.

We are pleased to report that we now have a few new members in our group, of which a couple attended our last meeting in August.

We discussed the recent changes to our practice, as we have recently had some movement within our clinical teams. We also discussed our previous efforts in trying to secure new practice premises and our more recent applications for an improvement grant to make internal alterations within the practice, which unfortunately have not been successful at this time.

This is something that the group would like to pick up on again and a plan to increase the practice list size was discussed.

The full minutes of the meeting can be viewed on the practice website, NHS Choices Website and in paper format in the reception area.

If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation

Group or have any ideas that you would like the group to discuss, please get in touch, we would really like to hear from you.

Bev Heath – Practice Manager
