Booking Form

CMA Digital Breakfast
User Centred Design and Content
Wednesday 05 June, IAB, Holborn
Creating high quality cross-platform content throws up new creative challenges for publishers. How do you
ensure that the user experience is consistent across multiple touch points? And what can you do to optimize
content for brand and audience, whatever the channel?
We’ll be looking at cutting edge examples of digital content from some of the UK’s most successful publishers.
Our speakers will be discussing how they approach user-focused content creation and delivery, in a fragmented
landscape and amid fast-growing mobile consumption.
Speakers and panellists
Jonny Kaldor, Co-Founder at Kaldor Product Development Group
Jonny has been responsible for driving digital content projects for the country’s leading publishers, including
Bauer, Haymarket, IPC Media and News Corp. He will show that the way you use technology, and how you run
the project, are vital elements for success. He will be looking at the relative pros and cons of various different
approaches to digital content, and the advantages of creating ‘structured content’ for managing multiple
Andy Budd, Founder and Managing Director, Clearleft
Dennis Publishing topped the App Store charts with their iPad app of The Week, which recouped its
development costs in its first week of distribution. Andy will be telling the story of how Clearleft made this
highly successful app, sharing the design and research process that revealed what users were looking for, and
how their content consumption behaviour changes when using digital devices.
Alex Watson, Director of Product, Tablet and Apps, Dennis Publishing
Alex runs the in-house app development team at Dennis, and is in the process of rolling out a 'Create Once,
Publish Everywhere' strategy for publishing content to the widest possible range of phones and tablets. He will
discuss how Dennis has approached its latest digital launch, and the challenge of delivering a consistent
content experience across 5 different platforms, including iPad, iPhone and Android, without sacrificing
Panel Questions
The panel will discuss the following topics, as well as taking questions from the audience, and from our
online audience who are watching live:
1. What kind of processes can be put in place to ensure that we focus on users’ needs when developing digital
2. Do you have any advice for how to develop and maintain a user-centred culture within our teams?
3. Is there any danger that by listening to users we stop
Who should come?
Senior Managers, Account Directors/Managers, senior management, editorial, developers, designers,
marketers, and any agency staff with an interest in digital publishing.
Weds 05 June- 9am to approx.
Breakfast is served from 08.45am
CMA members: £60 + VAT
Non-member: £150 + VAT
Clients: We invite CMA members to bring their clients for free
IAB, 14 Macklin Street, London, WC2B 5NF (nearest tube Covent Garden/Holborn) Map >>
View on demand
*New* Each event will now be broadcast online, so those based outside of the London M25 or overseas get to
watch the event either live or to view on demand for 7 days afterwards. Once registered viewers watching live
can interact on social media with the event, and post questions to the panel on Wavecasts® platform.
Cost: CMA members @ £150 + VAT per agency Non-members @ £180 + VAT per agency
You must be based outside of the London M25 or overseas to register
Max 5 login email names per booking (we encourage you to watch as a group)
Exact details on how to view content will be emailed once you are registered
How to book your place
Please fill in the booking form below and either email or fax back to Gemma Rainer: or 0207 4044167
Booking Form
CMA Digital Breakfast
Weds 05 June – User centred design
Name, job title and email address of all delegates:
Booking contact name:
Contact number:
CMA Members @ £60 + VAT / Non-members @ £150 + VAT, per person inclusive of breakfast
View on demand: CMA members @ £150 + VAT / Non-members @ £250 + VAT per agency
NB You must be based outside of the London M25 or overseas to register
Max 5 login email names per booking (we encourage you to watch as a group)
Exact details on how to view content will be emailed once you are registered
Payment by Credit Card
Please debit my credit card for the total amount due of: £_____________
Mastercard / Visa* (please delete as applicable).
Card number:
3 digit security number:
Card Holder name:
Card expiry date:_____ /_____
Card Holder address:
Card holder contact number:
Payment by invoice to (members only):
Please return to Gemma Rainer:
020 7404 4167 Email:
Post: CMA Ltd, Queens House, 3rd floor, 55-56 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LJ