here - Creative Future

Subject: Barriers to arts access research - Creative Future needs your help!
Creative Future have been granted funding from the Arts Council to research the barriers
marginalised and disabled artists face when accessing arts opportunities. They are
conducting in-depth interviews, focus groups and consulting stakeholders. However, for this
research to have real impact and provide hard evidence they would like as many people as
possible to complete a short e-survey (with a possibility of winning £60).
This research will be compiled into a report, available from their website in November 2015.
They intend to distribute the findings widely in the hope of enabling arts organisations to
engage with hard to reach groups more successfully.
Their logo can be found here in case an image is required to go with the text below.
Copy for newsletter & Facebook:
Want to win £60? Are you a marginalised or disabled artist, writer, maker or engaging in arts
activity? Creative Future is researching the barriers that marginalised and disabled artists face
when accessing arts opportunities. If you complete this survey before the 11th September 2015
( ) you’re in with a chance to win £60.
The survey has 24 questions (mostly tick boxes and can be completed in around 15 minutes).
The research will help organisations engage more people who are marginalised and disabled.
Copy for Twitter:
Want £60? Complete before 11th Sept @CreativeF_uture survey researching barriers to #arts for
marginalised #artists
If you have any questions for Creative Future regarding this research, or would like to request
a copy of the report findings, you can get in touch on 01273 234780 or email