4 The Meadows, Meadow Lane
St Ives PE27 4LG
Phone: 01480 499043
pinpoint Cambridgeshire is a Registered Charity, No: 1156920
Update for June 2015 Network Meetings
March 15 Network Meetings – SEND reforms and the Local Offer.
 Feedback from parents was given direct to the County Council and gathered for reporting to
the SEND Project Board
 Have also submitted a bullet point list of the key concerns parents have raised around SEND
Reforms to Director of Strategy and Commissioning at the County Council
 Our survey and feedback showed parents came away with more knowledge on the SEND
reforms than they had previously had.
 Further workshops were run at the end of March and April (ASD) with the County Council to
capture views on implementing the SEND Commissioning Strategy.
 Still looking for more parent involvement in the Local Offer working group
 Planning to do an online survey this summer to capture more views
Previous Network Meetings
 Activities – Oct 14
 Working with Living Sport and SCIP regularly on the actions from these network
 An activity passport has been developed by Joan Adamson from SCIP from our
healthcare passport. The first draft is available for feedback and will held by the Local
Authority for parents to update and take to all activities as a help for their child.
 Pilot to use facilities of special schools underway starting at the Castle School
Cambridge. Empowering parents to organise a group/club to be able to fund family
sessions of activities and spread this out to other schools around the county. Also
approaching the County Council for help to make this happen.
 Bullying – June 14
 A new Anti-bullying Strategy Group has been formed at the County Council with the
first meeting on 23rd June.
Residential, short breaks, long term and shared care tender.
 This has been ongoing since December. A member of the pinpoint staff and a parent
representative have been part of the panel deciding which organisation received the contract
to run all three residential care homes for disabled young people in Cambridgeshire. They
contacted parents and used parent views to influence the questions asked of providers and
where continually part of the decision making process alongside the County Council.
Preparing for Adulthood – Support Group
 We have had two well attended meetings and parents have reported coming away feeling
more informed and supported.
 The next date is July 17th. We are meeting at Bar Hill Tesco and the theme is Sexual Health.
Liz Mackenzie from Dhiverse will be coming along to tell parents about the ABC programme.
This free course has been designed to support people with a learning difficulty or disability
around relationships and sexual health. Tony Lacey from the County Council will also be
there to ask your views on what Sexual Health resources should be made available to
pinpoint receives funding from:
4 The Meadows, Meadow Lane
St Ives PE27 4LG
Phone: 01480 499043
pinpoint Cambridgeshire is a Registered Charity, No: 1156920
parents and carers of Young People with SEND. A future meeting in Sept/ Oct will focus on
the Care Act.
Wheelchair Service
 Met with parents, the provider and the commissioner (CCG) to identify both contract related
and operational issues. Provide (the provider) has had external support to improve its
internal processes. We will review its service in the autumn to see if it has improved.
Continence Service
 The children’s continence service from 1st April 2015 has been given a separate budget from
adult services and is being run by Cambridgeshire Community Services. A new leaflet for
the service can be found our website. This has been brought about directly due to the
Continence Action Group involving parents and health services.
CAMHS Waiting List Closure
 When the waiting list for diagnosing children with potential ADHD and Autism closed without
any information on support available for families, pinpoint requested that more information
be made available and stepped in to support and signpost families. With Family Voice
Peterborough, we are working with the CCG, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Foundation Trust and the County Council to develop an early intervention service and
provide more information to parents.
Parent Representative Training
 Pinpoint staff and two parents have been trained to deliver training for parent
representatives. The first course will run in the autumn.
Self-Harm Parenting Programme
 Due to run a pilot session for parents at Hunts Forum in Huntingdon on 8th July 10-12. This
will be aimed at supporting parents and giving them tools and tips to help them cope and
support their child.
 Have applied for funding to run a regular monthly parenting group. This may be in different
areas of the county. We will continue to look for funding so we can cover support over a
wider area.
Children’s Rights Seminars
 Will run two seminars with solicitors Irwin Mitchell in March (17 July) and Cambridge (23
 Format is 45 minute talk with one hour Q&A.
 Working with Welcome 2 Our World in Wisbech to set up the March seminar.
Short Breaks Service Ratings Pilot
 Finishes in July and uptake will be reviewed
 If you use any Short Break service, please rate the service on our website – just like Trip
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