
Chapter 6 Review
6.1 Integers
Key Terms:
Positive numbers – numbers greater than zero
Negative numbers – numbers less than zero
Opposites – two numbers the same distance from zero on a number line but on
opposite sides of zero
Integers – the set of whole numbers and their opposites
Writing positive and negative integers
A hiker climbs 900 feet up a mountain: 900
A student loses 5 points for being late to class: -5
Graphing integers
Solving problems with integers
You must go down 5 floors to return to ground level: -5
6.2 Comparing and Ordering Integers
Comparing Integers
Ordering Integers
Reasoning with integers
6.3 Fractions and Decimals on the Number Line
Graphing negative fractions and decimals
Use a scale that makes sense – if fractions, you can make the scale using fractions.
If decimals, you can make the scale using decimals.
You can always make the number and its opposite the first tic marks on either side of zero, then
double them to make your next tic marks.
Comparing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
With fractions, you may need a common denominator to compare accurately.
If comparing two negative fractions, you can graph them as positive first, then graph their
opposites and compare.
You do not need zero on the number line – make your scale between the two closest
Comparing Decimals
With similar decimals, remember to compare tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, etc. to
plot correctly.
If comparing two negative decimals, you can graph them as positive first, then graph their
opposites and compare.
You do not need zero on the number line – make your scale between the two closest
6.4 Absolute Value
Absolute value – the distance between a number and 0 on the number line. It is always
Absolute value of a:
|a| = a
|-a| = a
Comparing values
Which animal is the deepest: shrimp, -65
Which animal is closest to sea level: shark, |-4| = 4
6.5 Integers and the Coordinate Plane
Coordinate plane – a horizontal number line and a vertical number line that intersect at the
origin, forming 4 quadrants
Identifying an ordered pair
The correct answer is (3,-3).
Plotting ordered pairs
Finding distances in the coordinate plane