A&P I Tutorial 2015 Exam 2a Name 1) Which one of the following is

A&P I Tutorial 2015 Exam 2a Name _____________________________________
1) Which one of the following is not one of the four main tissue categories?
A) muscle tissue
B) neural tissue
C) osseous tissue
D) connective tissue
E) epithelial tissue
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
2) Characteristics of epithelia include all of the following except
A) attachment.
B) avascularity.
C) regeneration.
D) polarity.
E) extracellular matrix.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 4-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
3) A type of intercellular junction that stops materials from crossing an epithelium
between cells is called a(n)
A) tight junction.
B) gap junction.
C) intermediate junction.
D) desmosome.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 4-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
4) Transitional epithelium is found
A) lining the urinary bladder.
B) lining the ducts that drain sweat glands.
C) lining kidney tubules.
D) lining the stomach.
E) at the surface of the skin.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 4-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
5) Mesothelium is to the body cavities as endothelium is to the
A) kidneys.
B) heart and blood vessels.
C) urinary bladder.
D) mouth.
E) large intestine.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
6) Which cell produces the protein fibers in areolar connective tissue?
A) squamous cell
B) adipocyte
C) fibroblast
D) chondroblast
E) chondrocyte
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
7) The framework or stroma of organs such as the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes is made
up of ________ tissue.
A) loose connective
B) regular dense connective
C) irregular dense connective
D) reticular connective
E) adipose
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 4-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
8) Osseous tissue is also called
A) cartilage.
B) fat.
C) cellulite.
D) bone.
E) ligament.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 4-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
9) The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is the
A) pleura.
B) peritoneum.
C) pericardium.
D) periosteum.
E) perichondrium.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-6
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
10) Which of the following refers to the dense connective tissue that surrounds a muscle
and blends with the tendon?
A) superficial fascia
B) hypodermis
C) deep fascia
D) subserous fascia
E) subcutaneous layer
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
11) The muscle tissue that shows no striations is ________ muscle.
A) skeletal
B) cardiac
C) smooth
D) voluntary
E) multinucleated
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-8
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
12) Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue.
A) connective
B) neural
C) areolar
D) osseous
E) epithelial
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-9
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
13) The permanent replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue is called
A) inflammation.
B) apoptosis.
C) fibrosis.
D) cystosis.
E) necrosis.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 4-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
14) Each of the following is a function of the integumentary system except
A) protection of underlying tissue.
B) excretion of salts and wastes.
C) maintenance of body temperature.
D) synthesis of vitamin C.
E) detection of sensations.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
15) The type of cells that form the strata in the epidermis are
A) adipocytes.
B) keratinocytes.
C) fibroblasts.
D) melanocytes.
E) dendritic cells.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
16) Cyanosis signifies that a patient has
A) had too much sun.
B) been kept out of the sun.
C) an allergic reaction.
D) oxygen-starved skin.
E) been exposed to cyanide.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
17) Which of the following is not an effect of ultraviolet radiation?
A) increased activity by melanocytes
B) production of cholecalciferol within epidermal cells
C) reduced amounts of elastic fibers in the dermis
D) chromosomal damage in germinative cells or melanocytes
E) loss in skin pigmentation as seen in vitiligo
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
18) Epidermal growth factor exerts which of these effects on the epidermis?
A) promotes cell division
B) stimulates keratin synthesis
C) accelerates tissue repair
D) speeds up glandular function
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
19) The protein that permits stretching and recoiling of the skin is
A) collagen.
B) melanin.
C) keratin.
D) elastin.
E) carotene.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
20) A surgical incision parallel to the lines of cleavage
A) closes and heals with relatively little scarring.
B) has a tendency to reopen.
C) heals slower than incisions made perpendicular to the lines of cleavage.
D) does not affect the healing process.
E) requires no sutures.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
21) If the papilla of a hair follicle is destroyed,
A) the hair produced by the follicle will change from terminal to vellus.
B) the color of the hair will become lighter.
C) the texture of the hair will become coarser.
D) the hair matrix will lose its blood supply.
E) hair production will not be affected.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Figure 5-1 The Components of the Integumentary System
Use Figure 5-1 to answer the following questions:
22) From what structure does sensible perspiration occur?
A) 6
B) 7
C) 8
D) 9
E) 10
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
23) Which layer is the primary barrier against environmental hazards?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
24) Which layer contains most of the accessory structures?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 5-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
25) Adipose tissue is a major component of the region labeled
A) 1.
B) 2.
C) 3.
D) 4.
E) 5.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
26) Which tissue is located in the region labeled "2"?
A) stratified squamous epithelium
B) areolar connective tissue
C) adipose tissue
D) cartilage and blood
E) reticular connective tissues
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 5-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
27) Which of the following statements concerning hair is false?
A) The medulla is the soft core of the hair.
B) The cortex of the hair is composed of hard keratin.
C) Terminal hairs are heavy and more darkly pigmented than other types of hair.
D) Club hair is hair that has ceased growing.
E) Scalp hairs grow constantly throughout life.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 5-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
28) Glands that discharge an oily secretion into hair follicles are ________ glands.
A) ceruminous
B) apocrine sweat
C) merocrine sweat
D) sebaceous
E) mammary
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-8
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
29) Earwax is produced by ________ glands.
A) sebaceous
B) apocrine sweat
C) merocrine sweat
D) ceruminous
E) eccrine sweat
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 5-8
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
30) Which of following is a function of the skeletal system?
A) body support
B) calcium homeostasis
C) protection of internal organs
D) blood cell production
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
31) Which of the following are not components of the skeletal system?
A) tendons
B) bones
C) ligaments
D) cartilage
E) other tissues that connect bones
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
32) The proximal and distal ends of a long bone are called the
A) epiphyses.
B) diaphyses.
C) epiphyseal plates.
D) metaphyses.
E) periphyses.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
33) The carpal bones are examples of ________ bones.
A) long
B) short
C) flat
D) irregular
E) sesamoid
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 6-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
34) The humerus is an example of a(n) ________ bone.
A) long
B) short
C) flat
D) irregular
E) sesamoid
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
35) Bone is composed of ________ percent cells.
A) 25
B) 10
C) 2
D) 15
E) 50
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 6-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
36) ________ are squamous stem cells that develop into osteoblasts.
A) Osteoclasts
B) Osteocytes
C) Osteomedullary cells
D) Osteoprogenitor cells
E) Osteoid cells
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 6-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
37) ________ account(s) for almost two-thirds of the weight of bone.
A) Water
B) Calcium carbonate
C) Collagen fibers
D) Fluoride
E) Calcium phosphate
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
38) The central canal of an osteon contains
A) bone marrow.
B) osteocytes.
C) concentric lamellae.
D) blood vessels.
E) lacunae.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
39) The structural units of mature compact bone are called
A) trabeculae.
B) osteocytes.
C) osteons.
D) canaliculi.
E) lamellae.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
40) The lining of the medullary cavity is called the
A) endosteum.
B) periosteum.
C) epiosteum.
D) mediosteum.
E) paraosteum.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Figure 6-1 The Structure of Compact Bone
Use Figure 6-1 to answer the following questions:
41) Which structure is called an osteon?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
42) Which structure is characteristic of spongy bone?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
43) The structure labeled "3" is the result of which process?
A) bone cells adding matrix between existing osteons
B) surface growth of bone
C) remodeling of compact bone
D) remodeling of spongy bone
E) osteoporosis
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
44) Identify the structures labeled "4."
A) concentric lamellae
B) circumferential lamellae
C) interstitial lamellae
D) trabeculae
E) periosteum
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
45) What lines the structure labeled "7"?
A) the endosteum
B) blood vessels
C) the central canal
D) spongy bone
E) trabeculae
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
46) Which of the following is formed by intramembranous ossification?
A) roof of the skull
B) carpal bones
C) femur
D) clavicle
E) the roof of the skull and the clavicle
Answer: E
Learning Outcome: 6-5
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
47) When stress is applied to a bone,
A) the minerals in the bone produce a weak electrical field that attracts osteoblasts.
B) osteoclast activity increases and osteoblast activity decreases.
C) the bone becomes thin and brittle and ultimately fractures.
D) the bone compensates by becoming thinner in the region of stress.
E) blood supply through the nutrient artery diminishes and thus remodeling proceeds at a
much slower rate.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-7
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Use the two skull illustrations above to match the following structures/bones
48. occipital bone 24
49. sphenoid bone 30
50, ethmoid bone 3
51. mastoid process 19
52. maxilla 20
53. Vomer 36
Use the illustration above to match the correct bone/structure
54. acromion A
55. Spine H
Use the illustration above to match the correct bone/structure
56. Head of the radius F
57. Head of the ulna G
58. Coronoid Process B
Use the illustration above to match the following bones/structures
59. Iliac Crest C
60. Pubic Symphysis H
Extra Credit
1) The body's first tissue response to any injury is
A) fever.
B) inflammation.
C) bleeding.
D) shivering.
E) All the above.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 4-10
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
2) Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity as a result of liver or kidney disease,
malnutrition, or heart failure is known as
A) edema.
B) ischemia.
C) inflammation.
D) ascites.
E) infarction.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: 4-6
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
3) An albino individual lacks the ability to produce
A) melanin.
B) keratin.
C) carotene.
D) perspiration.
E) eleidin.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 5-2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
4) Which of the following is a characteristic of bone?
A) The bone matrix is very dense and contains deposits of calcium salts.
B) The matrix of the bone contains osteoclasts and chondroblasts.
C) Narrow channels pass through the matrix to allow for muscle attachment.
D) The matrix of bone is mostly collagen with very little calcium.
E) For strength, compact bone is organized into a meshwork of matrix called trabeculae.
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: 6-4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
5) In normal adult bones,
A) there is no turnover of minerals.
B) a portion of the protein and mineral content is replaced each year.
C) osteoblast activity exceeds osteoclast activity, once bone has been formed.
D) osteoclasts continue to be active long after osteoblast activity ceases.
E) exercise will have no effect on bone remodeling.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: 6-6
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension