AP Psychology Unit IV Exam: Biopsychology & Neuroscience Free

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AP Psychology Unit IV Exam: Biopsychology & Neuroscience
Free Response Question: Form B
Randy has been experiencing several disturbing symptoms over the last
year, including muscle weakness, slowed reaction time, visual
perception issues, weight gain, a general sense of pain and
visual/auditory hallucinations. Explain why his doctors might be
concerned with each of these in making their diagnosis:
a. Hypothalamus – weight gain
 Part of the limbic system
 Serves as blood-testing laboratory
 Detects changes in body tem, fluid levels and nutrients
 Regulates appetite, thirst, body temp, motivation
 Links nervous system with endocrine system
b. Myelin sheath – slowed reaction time, muscle weakness
 Fatty insulation around axons
 Protects the cell
 Speeds up communication along the axon
 Damage to myelin sheath can cause motor issues and slowed reaction time.
c. Occipital lobe – visual hallucinations, visual perception problems
 Located at back of brain
 Contain the visual cortex
d. Temporal lobe – auditory hallucinations
 Located above ears
 Contains auditory cortex
 Plays a role in memory and processing speech
e. Parietal lobe – general sense of pain
 Located along top of brain
 Contain somatosensory cortex
 Processes the senses (pain) and creates a mental map of the body
f. Neurotransmitters – slowed reaction time, muscle weakness
 Chemical messengers that relay neural messages across the synapse
 Endorphins control pain; norepinephrine controls appetite, dopamine influences