5.9 / 5.10 Latin American Revolutions

5.9 / 5.10 Latin American Revolutions
Introduction Activity: See map on overhead… “5.9 / 5.10 visual resource”
1. What two (2) European countries had the largest colonial empires (controlled the most area or land) in
Latin America in 1800?
2. Compare the two (2) maps. List at least 3 newly independent countries that had won their independence
by 1830:
b. ____________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________
Background Info: At first, people welcomed the French (Napoleon) as their liberators. However, they quickly
felt abused by a foreign conqueror and soon turned against their oppressors (people who controlled them). In
Spain, Portugal, the German Empire, and elsewhere, nationalism became a powerful weapon against Napoleon.
Define (explain) nationalism: __________________________________________________________
2. Did nationalism play a role in the American Revolution? _________
a. How could nationalism be used as a “weapon”? ____________________________________________
More Background Info: During the early 19th century, 16 of today’s Latin American nations gained their
independence. Many (if not, all) Latin American nations were inspired by Enlightenment ideas and were filled
with frustration from foreign rule. They were electrified by news of the American and French Revolutions.
The ideas of democracy, liberty and equality helped inspire many Latin Americans (and African slaves) to rise
up against their French, Spanish, and Portugese rulers (or masters).
Read “Revolution in Haiti” and answer all questions or complete ALL blanks:
3. What was the first Latin American territory to free itself from European rule?
4. This territory is now known as ____________________________. (name of country now)
5. Complete the blanks: “Nearly 500,000 enslaved Africans---the ___________________________________
of Saint Domingue’s population---lived at the ________________________ of the social system. Most
slaves worked on ____________________________________, and they outnumbered their masters
dramatically. White masters thus used _________________________________________________ to
terrorize slaves and __________________________________________________________.”
6. In August, 1791, the slaves showed that they were not powerless. What did an estimated 100,000 slaves do?
7. Why is Toussaint L’Ouverture important in Latin American history (What did he do? What was his
“position” in life)? _______________________________________________________________________
8. What eventually happened to Toussaint L’Ouverture? (hint: after he was accused of planning another
revolt) _________________________________________________________________________________
9. Jean-Jacques Dessalines took up the fight for freedom where Toussaint had left off.
a. What did he do on January 1, 1804?
b. This is important because it was the ______ __________________ ____________________ to free itself
from ________________________________________ control.
Read “Events in Europe Trigger Latin American Revolutions” and complete the chart:
SUMMARY OF CAUSES (hint: 1 main cause)
Revolutions break out in several parts of Latin
Read “The Libertadores End Spanish Rule” and answer questions or complete ALL blanks:
10. There were two (2) famous liberators that ended Spanish rule in South America. List their names and one
important fact about them.
a. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Fact: __________________________________________________________________________________
Extra Credit Fact (2pts): __________________________________________________________________
b. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Fact: __________________________________________________________________________________
Extra Credit Fact (2pts.): __________________________________________________________________
11. Were these various independence movements in Latin America considered bloody battles or peaceful
handshakes? _________________________________________________________________________
More Important Info: Brazil’s quest for independence was unique in two ways. First, there were no violent
riots or bloody battles. Second, a member of the Portugese royal family actually played an important role in
winning their independence from Portugal. In 1807, Napoleon’s armies invaded both Spain and Portugal. His
goal was to close the ports of these countries to British shipping (Britain was his “enemy”). When Napoleon
invaded Portugal, the royal family boarded a ship and fled to Brazil (Portugal’s largest colony). Brazil became
the epicenter of the Portugese empire and had developed their own culture. By 1822, Brazilians demanded their
independence from Portugal. 8000 Brazilians signed a petition asking Dom Pedro (King’s son) to be their ruler.
He agreed and declared Brazil’s independence on September 7, 1822.
1. Who did Brazil win their independence from? _______________________________________
2. Why was Brazil’s independence unique (why was it different from other revolutions)?
Read “Independence Brings Disunity” and answer questions or complete ALL blanks:
3. “Throughout Latin America, independence actually brought ________________________________
_______________________________________. The wars had _____________________________
_________________ and devastated cities and countryside.”
4. Why would “devastated cities and countryside” be an issue/problem? (what would be needed to re-build,
how would this impact the economy?)___________________________________ _____________________
5. “After all the destruction, the dream of a _____________________________ Latin America quickly fell
6. In early 1830, Bolivar’s united “Gran Colombia” was divided into: __________________________,
_____________________________, and __________________________________________.
7. By 1841, the “United Provinces of Central America” had split into: __________________________,
___________________________, __________________________, _________________________, and
8. So, in conclusion, did the various revolutions bring unity or disunity (separation) to Latin America?