Knights of Saint Columba

Knights of Saint Columba
Accrington Council 188
Synopsis of Minutes of meeting held on 17th January 2014
Opening: The GK opened the meeting according to the new ritual for small councils.
Apologies Rev Fr. Stamp
Minutes of last meeting Were read and approved.
Matters arising. None
Correspondence. The GK had received an email to say the House of Lords had rejected the
Discrimination Bill. Neither Bros Cain nor Toman had received the Columba
Magazine since they were being sent direct from the printers. It was agreed that the
Secretary was to send their address to Supreme for forwarding to the printer.
Secretary’s report. John McManus had contacted Mt Carmel to say that Bros Holden, McManus and
Moxham would be attending the opening of the new Chapel.
Chancellor’s report. None
Treasurer’s report Brian Heap reported that the income for December. £55 had been spent on Christmas
gifts for our widows and sick brothers, and £13-01 on refreshments for the Knighthood Ceremony. All
subs had now been paid. He said he would not pay the subs next year until he had received a proper
invoice from Head Office, they had not acknowledged receipt of this year’s subs.
Action convenor’s report. Easter: The GK is to write to all the local Christian churches inviting them to
take part, P Moxham is to write to the Mt Carmel & St Christopher’s and the Police. School Quiz: P
Moxham the quiz be held as a fixed event on a Wednesday in June every second year. As Mr Bowers
meets regularly with the school heads it is suggested that he discusses the event with them. We will try to
meet Mr Bowers to put this to him together with some background information. There could be 10
schools eligible to take part although two are not in the catchment area. Pat Maloney advised that the
Sacred Heart had no Head or senior administrator, it was agreed that they should still be invited.
Hyndburn News Letter. P Moxham had contacted Colin Yates to check on progress but had not received
a reply at the time of the meeting. (NB since then Colin has sent a letter to all the local clergy asking
them for their views and suggesting that they nominate a representative who would send information to
Deputy GK’s None
GK's Reports. After 14 years Bro Bernard said he was taking a sabbatical year out. He urged Bros to
support the new GK and to keep up the initiatives and momentum. It was important to make contact with
the Parish Priests to find out if any of our Action Plan was already being carried out there, such as Mary’s
Meals, SUPC, RTL etc. We would not then be duplicating our efforts. We must be more active within
Province where pilgrimages etc may be arranged. It was important to recruit new members: Province
could help with this. Bro Brady said he would contact them. Contact with the local schools was equally
important to foster links and support young people. Finally Bernard said it was important to write to the
press about subjects of Christian values which were being undermined such as abortion and the up and
coming euthanasia issues.
Nominations for 2014/5 Officials. Grand Knight – P Moxham, Deputy GK – C Brady, Chancellor – P Toman (with assistance
from the other Brothers), Treasurer - B Heap, Secretary – J McManus, Action Convenor – J Gregory.
Discussion. ACTION PLAN IV. 1a, SPUC/RTL groups existed in two parishes. St Anne’s had given out
White Flowers and had collected £600 for SPUC. 1b. Andrew Szlaz said two ladies in Gt Harwood were
giving out flowers but were not being given any information. 2. John McManus said members of the
Children of Mary recited the rosary every weekday before Mass at St Mary’s Clayton.(See also aob).
3. Stations of the Cross. St Anne’s had this every evening throughout Lent, other churches may have
similar arrangements. 4. Funeral Arrangements. Fr McCartney has an original copy of the leaflet and
would consider it. He visits Old People’s Homes frequently but usually it is too late for them to make
personal arrangements for their funerals. 5. Web Site> David Richards said our own Web Site is more
detailed than HQ or Province. Ours has a link to both. 6. Remembrance Day Wreath. Jed Gregory and
Brian Heap were already in contact with the Borough Council. 7. Days of Recollection & Retreats. Fr
Stamp had agreed to arrange one for St Anne’s. The PGK Ray Williamson expressed an interest in
organising a weekend retreat & invite all the other Councils. 8. Due acknowledgment was given to the
achievements of this Council. A. The Knighthood Ceremony at St Anne’s had been very impressive, it
reminded the parish of the existence of the KSC. B. There had been good uptake of the Christmas Posters
and Christmas Boxes the calendars had been well received.
Any other business. With reference to the Daily Rosary at churches in our area Bernard said he would
like to see the Rosary being said in three different churches stressing Peace in the World, Peace in our
Country & Peace in our families. Paul Cain asked if were possible for Kevin, who is in a wheel chair, to
attend one of our meetings. We are to ask Fr Stamp if he could enter by the back door as there are no
steps to negotiate.
Close of meeting. The meeting closed in accordance with the normal ritual. Prayers were said for our
deceased Brothers.
Date of Next Meeting . Friday 21st February 2014.