june_2014_newsletter - BEA core facility

BEA is now a SciLifeLab Regional Facility
New Protocols from Affymetrix
BEA, the Core Facility for Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis
(www.bea.ki.se/), a SciLifeLab regional facility of national interest,
supporting research for genomic analysis with microarrays and
sequencing methods.
BEA has during 2014 introduced the Sensation Plus FFPE Amplification and
WT Labeling protocols. This complete solution for FFPE extracted RNA allows
amplification and labeling from as little as 20 ng of total RNA. For other
problematic or small samples we continue to offer the Nugen Ovation Pico
amplifications for WT and IVT arrays which allows expression profiling
starting with as little as 500 pg total RNA.
New Arrays from Affymetrix
Traditional microarray analysis methods offer fast, economical and
comprehensible solutions. New products releases from Affymetrix include
the new transcriptome arrays for mice (MTA available Q3 2014) and rats
(RTA available Q4 2014).
The already available Human Trancriptome array (HTA) maximizes the
amount of unique and valuable information with a high-resolution array
design which contains >6.0 million probes covering coding transcripts and
non-coding transcripts covering exons for coding transcripts and exon-exon
splice junctions and non-coding transcripts.
The most economical
and high
throughput solutions are the updated
whole transcript Human Gene 2.1 ST
Array plate (3400 Skr/sample) that
include probes for many non-coding RNA
transcripts and the miRNA 4.1 Array
plate (2000 Skr/sample) array.
Sequencing at BEA
If you are interested in performing a sequencing project at BEA we are
offering complete genomic solutions with the Illumina Miseq and Hiseq
platforms in Huddinge. The service can be adapted for your needs and
we provide different library construction and sequencing methods.
Please inquire for details about different library protocols and
sequencing pricing. Illumina Sequence platform
Summer Vacation
BEA will be partly closed week 30-31 (July 21 - August 1). The core
facility staff will be reduced during the rest of the summer, and we
strongly recommend visitors to contact the core facility before visiting.
New Software from Affymetrix
Affymetrix has also released a new version of the Transcriptome Analysis
Software, TAC 2.0, allowing analysis of Interaction Network between miRNA
and mRNA arrays and analysis of splicing event estimate to classify splicing
analysis result from the Affymetrix transcriptome and exon arrays.
We Wish You All a Very Nice Summer!
Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis core facility (BEA)
Fredrik Fagerström-Billai
Marika Rönnholm
Malin Liljebäck
Susann Fält
Patrick Müller
David Brodin
Group Leader
Research Engineer
Research Engineer
Research Engineer
Research Engineer
Visiting Address
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition at NOVUM,
Karolinska Institutet,
SE-141 57 Huddinge, SWEDEN
Homepage: www.bea.ki.se