Minutes - Mid-Michigan Library League

Mid-Michigan Library League
Advisory Council Minutes
Regular Meeting of: May 9, 2013. Meeting was held at the Traverse Area District Library.
I. Call to Order at: 10:05 AM by Chair Metta Lansdale. The meeting was attended by representatives
from 18 libraries.
II. Communications and Approval of Agenda: Agenda was approved as prepared
III. Old Business
A. Changes in the OCLC Interlibrary Loan procedures for MMLL members were discussed.
Implementation has begun. The $3.00 per search fee is causing much confusion among the members.
The sense of the council is that the fee should be waived for at least one year to give the new system a
try and see if it saves money. The online ILL request form will have to be altered to eliminate the fee.
General consensus was to add an instruction paragraph to the top of the online form giving
guidelines for what can be requested and the indentifying information needed for the search. Members
will either be able to continue to have Jack search their OCLC requests or they will be able to enter their
own searches—training will be provided to those libraries wishing to enter their own searches.
B. Changes in the Personal Property Tax laws were discussed. J. Lawrence handed out a
summary of personal property tax legislation that was passed last fall. The summary was prepared by
the law firm Clark Hill. Some sections of the new laws(s) will need clarification. The Michigan Library
Association is monitoring this closely as many details will need to be worked out.
C. Library Service Contracts: This topic was brought to the group by several libraries that are
having problems with library service contracts with nearby townships. The Director of Reed City talked
about how Lakeland Cooperative requires its entire member contracts to have 3/10ths of mil equivalent
financing minimums. MMLL’s agreements says that member libraries will have 3/10th of a mil financing,
but does not say all contracts must have 3/10ths of a mil. Reed City is writing 2-year contracts. Shelby
has the same issue with townships not wanting to pay more than penal fines. And, some townships do
not want a contract for services, saying that their citizens can buy a library card for service. Or, they
threaten to go to another area library for services that is willing to take less money.
I V. New Business
A. Chair Lansdale proposed a Workshop for library trustees and friend’s group’s board
members. An attorney that specializes in Library Law would do a 2 hour session at Traverse Area
District Library. Date is set for June 27th. This proposal was well received and is going forward.
B. State Aid for 2013/14 –Status Update: J. Lawrence reported that the Governor’s Budget
proposal was released in February. The Governor has proposed the same amount as was appropriated
during the current fiscal year. This marks the first time in several years that no cuts to library funding
were proposed by the Governor. The senate has approved a substantial increase in state aid. The state
budget should be done in June.
C. Renaissance Zone reimbursements have been proposed to be increased in the new fiscal
year. See Senate bill 196.
D. RIDES delivery service renewals are due now for the coming service year of July 1, to June
30 . The cost is increasing by 3%. A copy of renewal instructions and costs were handed out.
E. Summer Reading programs and activities were discussed by members.
V. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at about 11:30 AM and was followed by a presentation on the
Automation system at the Traverse Area District Library.
Minutes prepared by
James Lawrence