ultrasonography radiographic


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Radiographic Finding and Surgical Removal of

Partial Intestinal Obstruction Causing by a Large

Plastic Bottle Cap in a Dog

Chalermkwan Nonthakotr 1* , Piyasak Wipoosak 1 , Naruepon Kampa 2


Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University.


Department of Surgery any Gynecology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University,

Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

* Corresponding author Email: kwanvet60_kku@hotmail.con


Case Description An eight-year-old male American Pit Bull Terrier weighting 19.3 kg was presented at Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Khon Kaen University with a three-week history of periodic vomiting, lethargy, emaciation and non responsive to medical interventions.

Clinical Findings Radiographic finding: Lateral and ventrodorsal plain abdominal radiographs were obtained. The radiographs showed markedly dilated loops of small intestine with gas and heterogeneous soft tissue and small mineral opaque materials in the lumen, the largest diameter measuring was 0.8 cm. This finding likely indicated the obstruction of small intestine. However, no evidence of radiopaque foreign (FB) body was seen. The barium contrast study and ultrasonography were performed. The delay transit time of contrast study was noticed and there was suspicious of nonradiopaque material from the filling defect pattern. The FB cannot be found by ultrasonography. The blood samples were collected for hematology and clinical biochemical parameters at Veterinary

Diagnostic Laboratory prior to surgery. All blood results were within normal range. Intestinal partial obstruction was suspected based on clinical parameters .

Treatment and Outcome Exploratory laparotomy was performed in order to assess the abnormality of gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Severe inflammation with thickening of jejunum and a foreign body were noted. A large plastic cap was removed surgically. Antimicrobials and supportive treatment were given postoperatively for two weeks. The dog recovered with no sign of vomiting and abdominal cramp, postoperatively.

Clinical Relevant GI obstruction is commonly found in dog which can be classified as partial or complete. Plain radiograph can be used as a useful tool to help the diagnosis of GI obstruction. The ileus sign (dilated of small intestine) is recognized as one of criteria of GI obstruction. The foreign body may not be found by ultrasonography if there is gas filled in GI tract. The exploration is recommended to confirm the finding in the suspected cases. In conclusion, suspected partial gastrointestinal tract obstruction, proper medical intervention prior to surgery is necessary. Surgical intervention should be considered very soon after successfully medical stabilization to attain an excellent outcome.

Keywords: Foreign bodies , Gastrointestinal tract, Periodic vomiting, Dog
