Directions: Read pages 163-173 answer the following questions in

Directions: Read pages 163-173 answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Chapter 6:2 NOTES
1. What is the name of the richest fossil deposits in the world?
2. Define Fossil
3. What kind of rock are most fossils found? Give examples. Name and describe the 4 types of
fossils on page 164.
4. Define fossil record.
5. What are the two ways of dating fossils?
6. Is the fossil record complete? Yes or No Explain
7. What are the clues that scientist used to try prove evolution? See page 167-169
8. Give examples of vestigial structures.
Chapter 6:3 NOTES
What 3 things do all primates have?
What does having opposable thumbs let you do?
What does binocular vision do for primates?
What does flexible shoulders and rotating forearms do for primates?
What are the two groups are primates? In which are humans found?
What is the complete name for fossil named Lucy?
What does Homo habilis mean?
Why do scientists think Homo habilis and Homo erectus are thought to be descendents of
9. What was the difference between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon humans? Which are humans
most likely to have evolved from?
10. Page 173 # 6 fill in the following Concept Map with the sequence of hominids appeared
Chapter 6:2 NOTES
1. What is the name of the richest fossil deposits in the world? Green River Formation
2. Define Fossil remains an imprint or a trace of prehistoric organism
3. What kind of rock are most fossils found? Give examples. Sedimentary rock-limestone,
sandstone and shale
4. Name and describe the 4 types of fossils on page 164. Imprint, mineralized, frozen, and amber
5. Define fossil record. Provides evidence that living things have evolved
6. What are the two ways of dating fossils? Relative and radiometric dating
7. Is the fossil record complete? Yes or No Explain No it is incomplete or has gaps
8. What are the clues that scientist used to try prove evolution? See page 167-169 Embryology,
homologous structures, vestigial structures, and DNA
9. Give examples of vestigial structures. Muscles around the human ear, appendix
Chapter 6:3 NOTES
1. What 3 things do all primates have? Opposable thumbs, binocular vision, flexible shoulders
2. What does having opposable thumbs let you do? Means thumb can cross over your palm and
touch your fingers, you can grasp and hold things
3. What does binocular vision do for primates? Depth or distance perception
4. What does flexible shoulders and rotating forearms do for primates? Range of motion increased
5. What are the two groups are primates? In which are humans found? Stepsirhines and
haplorhines –humans
6. What is the complete name for fossil named Lucy? Australopithecus
7. What does Homo habilis mean? Handy man
8. Why do scientists think Homo habilis and Homo erectus are thought to be descendents of
humans? Larger brains and more human like features than Australopithecus
9. What was the difference between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon humans? Which are humans
most likely to have evolved from? Neanderthals- heavy bodies, small chins, heavy brow ridges,
lived in caves, and hunted large animals Cro-Magnon: lived in caves, made stone carvings, and
buried their dead, Cro-Magnon are thought to be direct ancestors of early humans
10. Page 173 #6 Concept map
1st Australopithecus
2nd Homo habilis
3rd Neaderthals
4th Cro-Magnon
5th Homo sapiens
6th Homo sapiens sapiens