Background - University of Otago

Interprofessional Education (IPE) support
innovation fund 2015
The Division of Health Sciences has a one-off fund available to support the set-up of interprofessional student
learning activities across established health professional degree programmes that are innovative, and intentionally
interprofessional. This grant-in-aid fund will support the growth of activities for “occasions when two or more
professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and quality of care.” (The Centre for
the Advancement of IPE, 2002).
The planned learning activities can be single sessions or constitute a learning ‘package’ that extends over time, and
involves appropriate numbers of students and teachers of different disciplines for the planned activity. For the
purposes of the activity and the application, staff will need to form an IPE teaching team. The application might
include development of a specific, appropriate resource that would be part of/integral to a new learning activity.
Ideally, the IPE activity would be ongoing, and this grant-in-aid would be used to kick-start the innovation. The
learning activity needs to be pitched at an appropriate level of complexity for the level of learning the students are
at. Both topic and process must be considered. The IPE strategy and the IPE website
( provide further information and should be consulted before completing the
application form. The IPE Project Manager is also available for advice by e-mailing
Grants are available up to a maximum of $7,000.00 each, and can be applied for using the IPE Innovation Fund
Application Form. Although preference will be initially given for grants-in-aid to be distributed across each of the
Champion Network groups, the quality of the application(s) will be the key to successful grants being awarded.
There are two application periods with applications closing Thursday 26th November and Thursday 26th May each
year until the fund is exhausted.
1. Students from at least two pre-registration health-related disciplines are to be involved in the activity,
preferably three.
2. The activity must be either led, or sponsored by an IPE Champion Network (Dunedin, Christchurch or
Wellington – see contact details below).
3. The grant will be hosted by one cost centre or department, with joint governance across the relevant degree
4. The activity will need to clearly demonstrate intention to meet interprofessional objectives in ways that are
integral to and enhance existing health professional degree programmes.
5. Funds can be spent on administration/co-ordination assistance, but might also include resource
development/consumables. Academic time is not expected to be funded given the amounts available.
6. The application needs to articulate how interprofessional learning will be fostered and what the intended
learning outcomes will be. Intended interprofessional learning outcomes for the students need to be specified.
In the process, staff may well also learn with, from and about each other, but the prime objective is for the
students’ learning to be enhanced.
IPE support innovation fund/application/14 October 2015
Complete the accompanying IPE Innovation Fund Application Form.
Submit to the IPE Project Manager by e-mail on
Applications will be considered by a subcommittee of DIPEGG and notified within a month
The IPE teaching team will be required to report back to the appropriate Champion Networks. Networks will be
expected to report progress on all grants in aid at each of the DIPEGG meetings (3-4 a year) – informal brief
written report
5. The IPE teaching team will be required to submit a formal report to the appropriate Champion Network eight
weeks after the first time the activity has been completed, including details of the activity, intended learning
outcomes met or not met, any changes that had to be made, highlights and lessons learned, evaluation results,
plans for continuation. All members of the IPE teaching team will be expected to contribute to the report.
Key contacts
IPE Project Manager:; 03 479 5381
Associate Professor Sue Pullon:; 04 918 6762
Dr Margot Skinner:; 03 479 7466
Christine Wilson:; 04 806 1539, extension 4539
IPE webpage:
IPE support innovation fund/application/14 October 2015
IPE Innovation Fund Grant-in-aid Application Form
1. Title and leader of the IPE initiative: (e.g. Smoking cessation for pharmacy, dental and medical students,
programme lead Dr Jane Smith, Pharmacy)
2. Brief outline of the initiative (600 words max):
Explain the scope and nature of the intended learning activity, why this is appropriate as an Interprofessional
learning activity, and what this will add to student understanding of the topic area. Describe teacher
engagement in planning and preparation for the activity. Explain how students will be enrolled. How many
students are anticipated to participate in total and how many from each discipline? What are the intended
learning outcomes (both Interprofessional learning outcomes and other learning outcomes)? What assessment
is planned and how will this be credited to the student’s health degree programme?
3. Which health professional programmes will be involved?
The activity must include at least two of the HP programmes within the Division of Health Sciences, which may include programmes
across the Networks; can also include programmes, in other University of Otago Divisions, and/or from other institutions if necessary and
HP programmes
e.g. Pharmacy
e.g. Dentistry
e.g. Medicine
Year of programme
Course curriculum component
Health promotion
Community practice
Health care in the community
4. IPE teaching team
Please specify the leader of the teaching team, along with the members of the potential teaching team (must have at least one person
from each discipline to be involved)
5. IPE Champion Network Sponsor: choose one of the following:
Foundation years Dunedin
Advanced years Dunedin
University of Otago Christchurch
IPE support innovation fund/application/14 October 2015
University of Otago Wellington
6. Operational details
Proposed date for the IPE learning activity to commence (please specify):____________________
Date by which the activity will be expected to conclude for the first time (please specify):____________
Estimated lead in time (please specify): ________________________________________________
Proposed type of IPE activity – choose one of the following:
7. How will the new activity be evaluated?
Please specify
IPE support innovation fund/application/14 October 2015
8. Budget
Supply an indicative budget, detailing intended staff costs and consumables. If other funding is also being sought or
is granted, specify how this grant in aid will contribute to the overall project budget.
Costs may include administration time, depending on need, but this time must be clearly identifiable as dedicated
time and used judiciously. Academic time is not expected to be funded given the amounts available.
Consumables can include supplies that can be identified as over and above normal teaching operating costs.
Consumables/other costs
9. Signatures
Programme lead______________________________________________________________
Head of Department (or intended cost centre)______________________________________
IPE support innovation fund/application/14 October 2015