October 25, 2015 - First Baptist Church

1109 E. Columbus St.; Martinsville, IN 46151
Church Office, e-mail - fbcmart@sbcglobal.net; 765-342-3616
October 18, 2015
Manna for Meditation
“But seek His kingdom, and these things will be
given to you as well.” Luke 12: 31
“I have lived long enough to learn how much there
is I can really do without…He is nearest to God
who needs the fewest things.” --------Socrates
My best friend came to school in a new pair of
shoes. When I returned home, I told my dad I
needed a new pair of shoes like my best friend.
My dad said to me, “Larry, you can only wear one
pair of shoes at a time. So why would you need a
second pair?”
In His Service
October 25, 2015
Jerime James and Tom Williams
10:30 AM-Chuck Richardson/John Sweany
DEACON – Jim Abshire
NURSERY–Jeni Alexander–Helper-Mary A.
Linda Brown
Betty Maxwell
Previous week’s attendance and financial status)
Although I was disappointed, my dad had a
valid point. Today I have shoes in my closet
which I never wear. How many pairs of shoes do
you have in your closet? Most of us probably
have many more pairs than we actually need.
New styles means new shoes.
If the truth be told, most of the things we have
are things that we do not need. To have things
we do not need seems to me to be wasteful. But
for some reason, we are not satisfied with the
simple essentials.
More does mean better. More does not bring
lasting joy. More does not bring the peace that
passes all understanding. More does not fill the
emptiness of the soul. In other words, if the shoes
don’t fit, don’t buy them.
“Simply! Simply! Simplify!” Good words to
live by!
Pastor Larry
First Baptist Welcomes You This Morning
We are happy that you are here to worship
with us this morning. In order to
acknowledge your attendance with us
today, we would appreciate you signing
the attendance pads at the ends
of each pew.
Thank you.
8:30 Worship-16 10:30 Worship-70
Oct. 4
Oct. 11
Worship Service
Sunday school
$25-Craft Fair, $33-Deacon’s Fund, $102.05-Community
Band, $10.75-B’day & Anniversary offering, $50-World
Missions-Witmers, $21-Love Gift-ABW,
$50-Bereavement Meals
Operating Fund
Total Receipts (October)
Weekly need: $2,845.00
A Parable of Two Olive Planters
There is a parable that tells of two godly old men who
planted olive trees so that someday they could have
olives to eat and have a supply of oil. As the first one
planted his tree, he prayed: "Lord, it needs rain that its
tender roots may drink and swell. Please send gentle
showers." And the Lord sent gentle showers. "Lord,"
he prayed again, "my tree needs warmth; please send
sunshine." And the Lord sent sunshine." "Now send
frost, Lord, to make its fibers tough." And, behold, the
little tree stood sparkling with frost.
But one evening it died. The next day he went to see
his friend and found his tree growing well.
"I prayed for rain and sun and frost," he said, "and
my tree died."
Then his friend said, "I entrusted my tree to God.
God made it, He knows better than I what it needs. So I
make no conditions, but simply pray, "Lord, send what
it needs. Storm or sunshine, wind, rain, or frost, as
Thou knowest what is best'; and behold, it grows well!"
So whatever God permits to come into your life,
easy experiences or hard ones, joy or sorrow,
you can be sure that God is permitting it so you can
grow up in favor with God and with man.
By Eric B. Hare
Dates to remember
Nov. 7th- Craft Fair 8:00-2:00 PM
Nov 19th – Chopping for Cheese Balls
Nove 20th- Making Cheese Balls
Nov 22nd-Thanksgiving Dinner
Dec 17th- Chopping for Cheese balls
Dec 18th- Making of Cheese balls
There is a donation box in the Narthex to collect
individually wrapped candy for the youth goody
bags for their fall celebration. For more info,
contact: Judy Thompson.
Craft Fair
The Annual Craft Fair is just around the corner.
Start thinking of the crafts, baked goods and
Christmas decorations you can donate or sell
during this time. Booths are still available. See
Judy Thompson.
Remember, October is Pastor
Appreciation Month.
We Need Your Help!
We will be putting together a new 2016
Church Directory and would like everyone’s
up-to-date address, current telephone
number, E-mail address, (If you want it
listed), Birthdays and Anniversaries. If we
don’t have your information, please submit it.
You can leave it in the tray outside the office
door or call the office @ 342-3616.
Thank you.
Camp News
The latest edition of “The Observer”, the
American Baptist IN/KY quarterly magazine just
came out. In the issue it gave a list of all of the
churches that sent campers to camp this year.
Martinsville Baptist sent the most campers of
any other church in the state this year.
Many thanks goes to everyone that helped
support our kids going to camp. Thank you!
We have 5 cheese pizzas for people to take
home and bake. The pizzas are $5.00. There
is also 3 pizza crusts for $1.00 each.
See Ken McVey, if you would like one or
Daylight Savings time ends, Nov. 1st.
A HUGE Thank-you goes to all of the
people that helped with the Awana float for
The Fall Foliage Parade this year. Special
thanks go to Chuck Richardson for doing the
decorations, Catherine & Bob Etter for the
use of their trailer and Bob and Dianne
Jennings for the use of their truck and driving
the parade.
Church Family:
Dee Dee Kaufman, Jack Clark, Mary Clements,
Millie Clark, Josh Owen, Evelyn Denney,
Lawana Cleaver, David & Braydon Etchison.
Community: Our community, the economic
leaders, our school boards, youth and teachers
during the school year, children and families
facing crisis in our country, the local election
and those in need in our community.
Military Personnel: Clint Plake, Daniel Hill,
Tony Bradley, Jasen Sumner and Ryan Olech…all
military personnel serving at home and abroad.
Country: Relatives and friends of the victims of the
recent shootings, situations abroad, the President,
all political leaders, our nation, police and firemen
throughout the country, the US economy, those
unemployed, those in tornadoes, fires, earthquakes,
floods, droughts and other disasters.
World: Peace, Middle Eastern conflict, global
financial situation, and those serving in the mission