Transition Strategies Provided by Attendees_Graybill

A few great books about classroom transitions:
Easy Songs for Smooth Transitions in the Classroom by Nina Araujo & Carol Aghayan
Transition Tips and Tricks for Teachers: Attention-Grabbing, Creative Activities That Are Sure to Become
Classroom Favorites by Jean Feldman
Transition Time: Let’s Do Something Different! By Jean Feldman & Rebecca Jones
Transition Strategies Provided by Attendees
1. Dancing to the next activity through conga line
2. Picture of a child in coat/outerwear on tongue depressor that is used by teacher to give to 4 or 5
children at a time to signal that it is time to get coat on when it is time to go outdoors
3. Song that incorporates the transition that I am trying to get them to do. If kids are too loud, I
begin to sing, “If you can hear me, clap once.”
4. Sing favorite fingerplays
5. “Check your schedules” Use a timer with an individualize visual schedule for them to check
when it is time to transition
6. “Tidy-up” song for centers/table activities
7. Pick an action (tiptoe, march, waddle) to move to next activity
8. Have children copy hand motions
9. Ask what your favorite animal is and then pretend to be that animal as you’re going over to the
next center or going to wash hands
10. Use color of shirt to stagger transitions – “If you are wearing the color of red, then go… (wash
hands, put on coat).”
11. Walk like a “____” to get in line
12. Use movement to signal transition and participate in movement until all children catch up
13. When going from class to music class, we use our “bug rope” to make a line and sing a song
about going to music or whatever we’re about to do
14. From centers, we provide a 10-minute, 5-minute, and 2-minute warning to clean up.
15. I use a clean-up song to cue during worktime. When the song ends, they are expected to be on
their square ready to start. If needed, I start a short, quiet, “If you can hear me” moment to gain
class attention.
16. Some students are prompted to take a book to their seat while others finish cleaning up.
17. After coming back from lunch or other out-of-the-room activity, we will do the thumb song.
18. “Bear hugs” – large pieces of paper posted inside classroom for children to “write” to their
family at arrival time, other parts of the day. Post children’s family photos on paper for children
to see through the day.
19. When excusing kids from the carpet, I may say “If you’re wearing stripes, you can wash your
hands,” and continue naming things until everyone is up.
20. “First-Then” visual cards
21. Dance – quick “wiggles out” activity. Slow down/breathe/close eyes.
22. Hands up, hands down. Clap one time, clap two times, hands behind your back, not a sound
23. Simon Says – Shawn Brown transition CD
24. Classroom helper walks to each center with a sign (5) to show how much time is left before
clean up
25. Exercise – like get on your knees, elbows, sit, stand back up.
26. Mousercise on a record player